Josh Gattis (before its deleted)

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Interesting that lake thinks we might move on from Steele too

I think most of us believe Steele is a good dc and that this year was uncharacteristic but maybe he wants to retire or maybe he’s not recruiting we’ll enough to make up for the performance
Elon Musk Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live
There's no way he can wait until February again. Some of these portal guys are gonna want to know who the OC is, it's not all gonna be about the money lol
Now this I agree with. You can be methodical, but there needs to be a balance. We have to nail the portal, and while recruits are probably being told an idea of what to expect… some concrete, verifiable proof would help.
Interesting that lake thinks we might move on from Steele too

I think most of us believe Steele is a good dc and that this year was uncharacteristic but maybe he wants to retire or maybe he’s not recruiting we’ll enough to make up for the performance
I’m releasing a piece tonight and I replace him to.

I don’t feel like the D was any better than last year even though they were in a harder situation.
Interesting that lake thinks we might move on from Steele too

I think most of us believe Steele is a good dc and that this year was uncharacteristic but maybe he wants to retire or maybe he’s not recruiting we’ll enough to make up for the performance
Wants to retire??....he was retired when we hired him...Dude is as replaceable as Gattis
There's no way he can wait until February again. Some of these portal guys are gonna want to know who the OC is, it's not all gonna be about the money lol
Agree and he won’t

He got hired and immediately started recruiting for both signing days

If he’s smart, now after a year here he’s had potential coaches on his radar (arroyo for instance) and he has a staff in place that can recruit while he interviews

I suspect we’ll know the new coordinators after those respective peoples seasons end
Never said I thought Mario was always right, don’t put words in my mouth. He’s been wrong plenty of times - too many - in year 1.

But you and other posters constantly crying (because that’s what it is at this point, constantly crying about the same thing every single hour of every single day when there’s multiple signs pointing to him already leaving) is ridiculous and tiresome. It’s why y’all will end up in Purgatory.


I’m simply having patience with the other posters that are unwilling to give Mario’s process patience a second year.

And entering this particular thread is likely to yield comments from posters not liking the time it takes to change a failed coordinator.

The way the board works is that if Gattis moves on, it will be posted in 19 new threads, so coming here for the latest is unnecessary.

It also works in that if for some reason Gattis is retained the board will be an uncontrollable cesspool of ***** related to the topic for months…

Patience is key. 😎
With the portal, sometimes kids create the contact.

I imagine they are less likely to do so with gattis as the oc

Oh and we’re back channeling EVERYONE that we’re getting a new OC and that hasn’t gotten out yet?

Animated GIF
"offense will be changed" is a more subtle message.
I think that’ll be lazy tbh.
I think we could do better, but also plenty worse.

I wouldn’t mind Strong as Co-DC/LB coach, and if you can’t get Raymond on board for DB’s, promote DVD so long as you hire a slam-dunk secondary coach (potential co-DC) to help him out and take over the safeties. This also means Addae canned.

But I also understand if that’s too green or lazy, and am interested in the route Mario takes IF Steele isn’t brought back. Strong did recruit really well and for all his flaws as a HC, he’s a solid defensive mind. I’d like to keep him on staff if possible, but if there’s better options at DC - then go for it.
I think we could do better, but also plenty worse.

I wouldn’t mind Strong as Co-DC/LB coach, and if you can’t get Raymond on board for DB’s, promote DVD so long as you hire a slam-dunk secondary coach (potential co-DC) to help him out and take over the safeties. This also means Addae canned.

But I also understand if that’s too green or lazy, and am interested in the route Mario takes IF Steele isn’t brought back. Strong did recruit really well and for all his flaws as a HC, he’s a solid defensive mind. I’d like to keep him on staff if possible, but if there’s better options at DC - then go for it.
DVD is getting promoted regardless. Raymond would be out of the question. I just think everybody but Wright, Field, and Strong have done nothing to prove they should stay. Strong though hasn’t proved he could lead a modern D either. He hasn’t called plays since ‘09.
"offense will be changed" is a more subtle message.
Lakes article changes thinfs

But saying “offense will be changed “ again requires trust from a recruit that they don’t have to get

And again, portal players initiate contact a lot. Because of that, they wouldn’t have the forewarning conversation that “offense will be changed” they just end up not reaching out thus meaning Mario would never be able to tell them that the offense is changing
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