Jess Simpson gone.

Lol at people saying this is a nepotism type of move. Do you realize that many successful coaches hire assistants who they've worked in the past - relationship and trust are important.

Real nepotism type of move would be hiring your son who has no experience at all.
Stroud has 30 years of experience and produced serious talent in the past. Quit comparing this move to hiring Jon richt. God ****.
A bit sooner than I imagined, but the result is the same. Coach Simpson was always on this trajectory.

I’m happy for him and I trust Manny knows what he is doing with Stroud.
Except it hasn't. Our recruiting class rankings have been consistently higher than our team's AP ranking for years. The constant theme under Coker, Shannon, Golden and even Richt was that the team didn't play to it's level of talent. That's why it's called underachieving.
Unbalanced classes few plan A's talented kids leaving sfla in droves, this been going on for 15 years and its why we r down. Look at our NFL pool after Butchs kids, the drop off is insanely poor compared to those kids and people will blame development. Highsmith with coach Saban would never improve to a good player, fact is he would never recruit him. When u sit around the 10-20 range in recruiting on a yearly basis teams like a UNC VT can beat u thats the risk of classes like that. When u sit around 1-5 u have too much talent to lose to those types of teams, is it impossible? No of course not but u have fewer slip ups yearly.
Friends? All of his hires have been people he has coached with previously. Idk about you, but if I’m building a staff around me, I too would pick from the best of the best I have previously worked with. **** if I could do that in my work life, I’d be able to build a pretty solid staff that I feel comfortable will succeed. When you do that you know what you are getting, you know their work ethic and skill sets, you know what their strengths and weaknesses are, etc.

When you hire people outside of your tree, you don’t have direct experience with them to truly know what you are getting.

Sure it’s good to bring in outside perspectives and what not, but when building the core of your staff you really want to have your finger on the pulse of everything. You can do that more effectively when you’ve been to battle with everyone and you know what they are bringing to the table.
That's how every coaching staff is built for a new coach.
Could care less about Simpson to be honest. Wasn't sold on him as a recruiter or a teacher. DT play outside of Willis (who was gonna eat regardless of who was his coach) was trash.

My issue is the rush replacement hire. Those always irk me. Do a search. Put some feelers out there. You'd be surprised at the names who might bite.

****, I'd throw the bank at Jim Leavitt just to gauge his interest.

The news coming out to the public today does not mean Manny did not know about this for a while.
Well he was a Recruiting coordinator for Colorado State so he must be half decent at Recruiting.. lmao idk why people always do this **** with a new coaching hire. How the **** would you know if the DC of Akron is a good or bad Recruiter?
Worries about 1) his career trajectory 2) his age and ability to connect/sympathize with recruits. He doesn’t have the aura/legacy of Saban that recruits itself. This is a “what have you don’t for me lately” business, and coaching Mario Williams didn’t happen recently.
Disagree. Kool was an elite pass rushing teacher but not good at stopping the run. Not only did our pass rushing stay elite but our run stopping improved.
42nd in Rush Defense ain't elite, my brother. It's literally one spot ahead of where we were with Kool the previous year.

I'm also looking at our DT's besides Willis. Did they exist?
Lmao at this thread.

Hiring coaches with whom you've worked with previously is TOTALLY unheard of. So outrageous!

Sad to see Simpson go. He was a very solid recruiter and Coach. But that's what happens in this game fellas.

Good coaches get hired away.

I'm sure Manny knew this was coming, and zero'd in on his guy. I'm glad we're fully staffed going into Spring.

We'll see if he turns out to be a good hire or not. I get the sense that those who under-perform won't stick around long.

Stop talking logic on here. /s
Will reserve judgement.

But man it looks like this Diaz hires a bunch of "yes men" on the defensive side of the ball. At least we addressed the position last season in recruiting assuming Phillips gets on the field in '20.

I mean you can't shake the trees on Patrick or Partridge? Just seems like almost every hire is a Diaz or Enos former connection. Nothing wrong with that at some spots, but you can't at least interview a young go getter for any of the spots?

Liked Simpson a lot. Last of our Georgia recruiting connection too, and probably the most important part of that. But the NFL is the NFL.
Friends? All of his hires have been people he has coached with previously. Idk about you, but if I’m building a staff around me, I too would pick from the best of the best I have previously worked with. **** if I could do that in my work life, I’d be able to build a pretty solid staff that I feel comfortable will succeed. When you do that you know what you are getting, you know their work ethic and skill sets, you know what their strengths and weaknesses are, etc.

When you hire people outside of your tree, you don’t have direct experience with them to truly know what you are getting.

Sure it’s good to bring in outside perspectives and what not, but when building the core of your staff you really want to have your finger on the pulse of everything. You can do that more effectively when you’ve been to battle with everyone and you know what they are bringing to the table.

20 some posts and this man brings the truth. I'm always trying to recruit the strong cats that used to work for me. Keeps my table clean
People who know him closely have said that he absolutely doesn’t want to leave to come back given his family situation.
Maybe his situation is different. Just seems like the timing last time made it impossible for us, money wise. I understand though...some people, though very few, don't care about money.
I hated that I really do
Manny reconnected with certain coaches he deemed worthy. On offense, he gambled big for Enos & allowed him to make choices he was most comfortable with. I'm more concerned with the latter more so than anything on defense. JMO