Jess Simpson gone.

what is wrong with yall in this thread, not even one down of football has been played
This board is laughable at times like this . Manny hasn't made a single move that hasn't been baller so far . Now ifour DL sucks for 2 years straight then you can ***** but Stroud's record is pretty nice and Manny knows what he wants . Let him do what he feels he needs to do. Then judge the RESULTS not the moves as none of us can truly know the moves UNLESS WE HAVE BEEN COLLEGE COACHES. I completely trust TNM.
He doesn’t want to come home. This was stated before by him! Some fans just don’t pay attention. We tried before hiring Simpson and Patrick didn’t wanna uproot his family again. do some research before blindly *****ing
Guarantee he'd uproot his family for the right price. When he said that, he had just signed an extension and raise.
All of his hires have been friends

Friends? All of his hires have been people he has coached with previously. Idk about you, but if I’m building a staff around me, I too would pick from the best of the best I have previously worked with. **** if I could do that in my work life, I’d be able to build a pretty solid staff that I feel comfortable will succeed. When you do that you know what you are getting, you know their work ethic and skill sets, you know what their strengths and weaknesses are, etc.

When you hire people outside of your tree, you don’t have direct experience with them to truly know what you are getting.

Sure it’s good to bring in outside perspectives and what not, but when building the core of your staff you really want to have your finger on the pulse of everything. You can do that more effectively when you’ve been to battle with everyone and you know what they are bringing to the table.
Good luck to him. Let’s see what you got Stroud.
Coaching turnover is like recruiting. Unpredictable.
At least Stroud has been here since Jan on staff.
I understand some of you on here are unbothered or at least displaying a facade that you’re unbothered but stop saying stupid shxt like this, Simpson has been nothing short of tremendous, our d-line was supposed to be our weakest link, yet it held its own thanks to Simpson and Willis he found a replacement for Willis I’m a short timespan, and he recruited some excellent gems with high upside, he was a great up and coming position coach and this usually happens to great up and coming coaches.
YOU can crown Simpson all day if you want, but he did nothing outside of Willis. Garvin and Jackson were ballers before he arrived. He didn't develop Ford, or Silvera, or Bethel, our run defense sucked, and he was a mediorce recruiter who shouldn't have been allowed back on the trail after caping for Munoz.

He may very well be a great coach, but there's no way you can say that after his limited resume or the work he did last season with us.
Are they "friends" or people he knows from his professional network?

Was the entire offensive staff friends with Manny?

the lines between friends and prior working relationships are often blurred. Manny is hiring people that he either he's worked with before (Stroud) or thinks very highly of (Enos, Stubb). I don't see any issue with using either model. Virtually every coach does that.

As far as Stroud, wasn't he mentioned a couple weeks back as supposedly a hire back then or at least someone we were considering adding to the staff? Guy has good coaching experience, it seems, and was a protege of the bagman himself, Chucky Titface.
Wasn’t cutting it but took an NFL D Line coaching job … ok
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Im sure he is a good DL coach. I meant there may have been something he wasnt doing that Manny wanted. I dont know and neither does anyone else not named Jess Simpson or Manny Diaz.

My point is simply this isn't a big deal. Dude was here for a year. Helped sign some NY DTs and now is back in the NFL.

Easy come. Easy go.

Only reason he was at UM was Richt's nepotism (since so many hate that here) and Kul left us.
Wasn't Stroud a QC guy. Maybe his is named coach for spring football and a new hire is made after. Wouldn't be ideal to only have 9 on field coaches during spring,
Friends? All of his hires have been people he has coached with previously. Idk about you, but if I’m building a staff around me, I too would pick from the best of the best I have previously worked with. **** if I could do that in my work life, I’d be able to build a pretty solid staff that I feel comfortable will succeed. When you do that you know what you are getting, you know their work ethic and skill sets, you know what their strengths and weaknesses are, etc.

When you hire people outside of your tree, you don’t have direct experience with them to truly know what you are getting.

Sure it’s good to bring in outside perspectives and what not, but when building the core of your staff you really want to have your finger on the pulse of everything. You can do that more effectively when you’ve been to battle with everyone and you know what they are bringing to the table.
Enos was not his "friend". They hardly knew each other.
recruiting which has been our weakness for years, its the only common we can point to as to why we arent among the elite. Recruiting failures have related to the previous 4 staffs which ended in misery.
Except it hasn't. Our recruiting class rankings have been consistently higher than our team's AP ranking for years. The constant theme under Coker, Shannon, Golden and even Richt was that the team didn't play to it's level of talent. That's why it's called underachieving.
You sir, have just opened my eyes. I'm out too. Luckily, at the same exact time Manny fired his best position coach, he got a job with an NFL team. I'm sure that is purely coincidence as your version seems much more likely. :hammering-head::moon2::nelson-haha:
Yup. Simpson lucky he had an NFL fallback once he got dumped by Miami. He didn't fall too far. Let's hope the poor guy can revive his failing career.
YOU can crown Simpson all day if you want, but he did nothing outside of Willis. Garvin and Jackson were ballers before he arrived. He didn't develop Ford, or Silvera, or Bethel, our run defense sucked, and he was a mediorce recruiter who shouldn't have been allowed back on the trail after caping for Munoz.

He may very well be a great coach, but there's no way you can say that after his limited resume or the work he did last season with us.
Disagree. Kool was an elite pass rushing teacher but not good at stopping the run. Not only did our pass rushing stay elite but our run stopping improved.