Jess Simpson gone.

Buford had guys sign with Texas, Ole Miss and Ohio State. That wasn't on Simpson because we stunk. But there was talent there. We weren't good enough to get any of them besides Clark,

Yeah I meant we were trash lol; couldn't maximize his connects with the team looking like that.
Could care less about Simpson to be honest. Wasn't sold on him as a recruiter or a teacher. DT play outside of Willis (who was gonna eat regardless of who was his coach) was trash.

My issue is the rush replacement hire. Those always irk me. Do a search. Put some feelers out there. You'd be surprised at the names who might bite.

****, I'd throw the bank at Jim Leavitt just to gauge his interest.
But this guy has been going backwards. After Mario Williams a decade plus ago, he went to FSU-Colorado State-Akron. Why? And he wasn't even coaching DL again till 5 years later at Colorado State.
Most coaching jobs are from relationships. He was at NC State with Amato. When amato got fired he went to FSU (Amato FSU Guy). When Bowden got fired And Jimbo hired he went to CSU (not sure of relationship). Then he went to Akron where Terry Bowden was the HC and Amato was the DC. Might have just been where he was comfortable
People were freaking out when Kool left too, well be good, Strouds resume is solid..

Exactly, the sky was falling for everyone when Kool left and we hired this “nobody high school coach” named Simpson. Our DLine didn’t miss a beat, Simpson turned out to be a One and Done, and now the cycle repeats its self. All these people panicking, I’m sure you guys all loved the Simpson hire when it was first announced right???

Now again everyone is running around with their arms flailing, judging a hire they have no experience with, wondering why (insert alumni) isn’t being hired to come coach.
Please go root for another team. You constant moping about the same **** thing 365 days a year is exhausting.
Im telling the truth, if I was sitting here lying and bull shytting then thats different. If u dont like it dont read the real ****, I mean Im allowed just as anybody to state my opinion. Where were u or anyone else when I give Diaz props? No where..........u guys just wait for one negative post u dont agree with so u can complain and homer your way to a false victory to please posters/homers on here that think drone like and want all the fluff pieces. Im way different then that Im going to call it like I see wrong or right.