Jason Whitlocks prediction on next UM coach

Soooooo....why does Whitlock think Kelly might be interested in the UM job? Is he at the place where Saban was; i.e., would have run through a fire to get out of the Dolphins, etc.?
Whitlock can be right on the money sometimes, but it's hard to take him seriously with all the other outrageous bs he throws out there.

He was def 100% spot on with Al, though. Any time I have a MAC sports question, Whitlock is my go to source.
If I could pick any coach pro or college outside of Saban and Meyer, I'd pick Chip.

Philly isn't firing him though.
LOL. This dyck face is calling me a potato for thinking Chip Kelly would kill it at UM like it's some sort of novel proposition. Talk about diluting the word "potato".

In case you haven't noticed, Chip Kelly isn't at Oregon any longer. And the season isn't over either, so TCU and Baylor still have a shot. Most teams would **** their pants having to deal with Baylor.

Every year we hear about the teams that light up the scoreboard, and every year we watch someone with a defense win the championship.

In case you didn't notice, Oregon was still piling up points with the best offensive player in college football, even without Chip Kelly. And in other breaking news, they put up their lowest point total of the year when they went up against a team that plays defense.

I'm not gonna waste time on this, bub. If you don't think Kelly is a great college HC and that he'd kill it here with the access to players he'd have then this is pointless. He was playing for NCs with 3 star leftovers at Oregon. He'd be starching teams here.

A lot of the people bashing chip worship at the Butch alter. Likes he's anywhere near Chips class

Butch would be sucking his thumb drooling in panic if he had to face a Chip Kelly team. Butch couldn't win the fcking Coastal with the most loaded team in the ACC. Meanwhile, Kelly was playing for NCs with mostly 3 star players at Oregon.

These dudes got me scratching a hole in my head with their backward thinking.
Stop trashing one coach because u like another. With no evidence to back up what you're saying. They both had success in college and struggled in the NFL. Chip Kelly is a good coach and maybe better suited for College. But what some of you don't realize. Only certain coaches fit into Miami. Who is not going to whine about not having 80k fans , ore fancy weight rooms or on campus stadium. It's a unique job. Most people want Butch because he has done it, mastered it....here. Chip Kelly may well be a better x and o guy, but what about the other stuff, when he has to go up against SEC douche baggery on the trail. These things matter. There are lot of good candidates overall but some do not fit Miami , like Rich Rod at Michigan. He is still a good coach but he did not fit there.
Gone are the days of winning with defense.

When did those days end? After the three Bama titles? Was it after FSU won the title with the top-ranked defense? Maybe those days ended when Oregon finally won the big one.

Defense still wins championships. Everybody remembers Urban's offenses, but they forget that his defenses have been loaded with NFL players.

It's the same thing going on in the NBA. People focus on how the Warriors shoot and ignore the fact that they were the best defensive team in the league. You need both.

FSU won because of Jameis. Don't get it twisted. Sure, they played good defense too, but they won because of Jameis. They were playing good defense with EJ Manuel and couldn't get out of the 3 loss world.

Bama, with all their defense, hasn't done **** in awhile. They always face their waterloo against good offensive teams.

Urb doesn't win anything without a high-powered offense.

Of course, the best scenario is to have a high-powered offense and a strong defense. But guys who are expecting to shut teams down and win with defense first are going to be really sad, D. It just doesn't work that way anymore. You need to be able to score points in bunches these days to win.

If you don't think Chip Kelly could win a NC here after he nearly won a couple with mostly 3 star guys at Oregon, then we'll just agree to disagree. I think we probably will disagree given your penchant for guys like Chaz *******.

I would love Kelly here. But I also recognize that his success would depend on landing more Arik Armsteads and Dion Jordans than he had at Oregon.

He was playing for NCs at Oregon. Don't you think he'd do well in a weaker conference with MUCH MUCH better access to players than he had at Oregon? I don't care how you get there. Just get there. I'm not caught up in any model or any style.

Again, I would love Kelly here. He would be a home run. But one of the reasons I think he would be successful is because he'd get better defensive players here than he got at Oregon. It still comes down to defense, even if you aren't shutting teams out.
BTW why couldn't we go in there and say dude we're giving u the keys, fu©k Philly. Why is it that Miami can't do that. That would be a real statement of intent. This dude seem way better suited dealing with college kids than pros IMO. Yeah your salary maybe smaller but u get a 5 year contract which can be restructed after 2 years and u get to run everything and not be under pressure like in the NFL. Next year would be win or bust for sure, maybe even this year. I think he would listen
Lets be honest... If Chips in play then every post on this board is for nothing.

He is by far and away the best option other than Saban coming here.
Every year we hear about the teams that light up the scoreboard, and every year we watch someone with a defense win the championship.

In case you didn't notice, Oregon was still piling up points with the best offensive player in college football, even without Chip Kelly. And in other breaking news, they put up their lowest point total of the year when they went up against a team that plays defense.

I'm not gonna waste time on this, bub. If you don't think Kelly is a great college HC and that he'd kill it here with the access to players he'd have then this is pointless. He was playing for NCs with 3 star leftovers at Oregon. He'd be starching teams here.

A lot of the people bashing chip worship at the Butch alter. Likes he's anywhere near Chips class

Butch would be sucking his thumb drooling in panic if he had to face a Chip Kelly team. Butch couldn't win the fcking Coastal with the most loaded team in the ACC. Meanwhile, Kelly was playing for NCs with mostly 3 star players at Oregon.

These dudes got me scratching a hole in my head with their backward thinking.
Stop trashing one coach because u like another. With no evidence to back up what you're saying. They both had success in college and struggled in the NFL. Chip Kelly is a good coach and maybe better suited for College. But what some of you don't realize. Only certain coaches fit into Miami. Who is not going to whine about not having 80k fans , ore fancy weight rooms or on campus stadium. It's a unique job. Most people want Butch because he has done it, mastered it....here. Chip Kelly may well be a better x and o guy, but what about the other stuff, when he has to go up against SEC douche baggery on the trail. These things matter. There are lot of good candidates overall but some do not fit Miami , like Rich Rod at Michigan. He is still a good coach but he did not fit there.

This isn't about liking chip , it's about facts .Chip is a far better coach, an X O guy that's transcended the game. His schemes and principles are being ripped off at every level. Anybody like that I respect.

I'm not a "fan "of anybody.

Butch needs elite talent and elite assistants to be successful , Chip don't. It's just ironic the Butch cult are normally the ones slamming Chip. That's the only reason I bring butch up.
Actually he's an east coast guy so saying there is no way doesn't make much sense.
There is no way if Chip Kelly comes back to college he doesn't go to Southern Cal. No **** way. Having said that, if he was a realistic option, ****, I would want him over Butch, and my list would be:
1a) Chip 1b)Butch 1c) Hue Jackson.

Either of those 3 coaches will win a national championship here, or at the very least make the playoffs. Guarantee it.

Meant more because he's familiar with the Pac12 and USC is the best job available in college football. **** IMO, it might be better than if Texas is open.

People make moves all the time based on location, look at coach L. From what I understand he wants to be on the east coast and what better place than Miami if you from the north east. I remember hearing his name from an X member of the athletic department before golden was canned this year and though it was nuts but maybe there is some substance to this.
I'm not gonna waste time on this, bub. If you don't think Kelly is a great college HC and that he'd kill it here with the access to players he'd have then this is pointless. He was playing for NCs with 3 star leftovers at Oregon. He'd be starching teams here.

A lot of the people bashing chip worship at the Butch alter. Likes he's anywhere near Chips class

Butch would be sucking his thumb drooling in panic if he had to face a Chip Kelly team. Butch couldn't win the fcking Coastal with the most loaded team in the ACC. Meanwhile, Kelly was playing for NCs with mostly 3 star players at Oregon.

These dudes got me scratching a hole in my head with their backward thinking.
Stop trashing one coach because u like another. With no evidence to back up what you're saying. They both had success in college and struggled in the NFL. Chip Kelly is a good coach and maybe better suited for College. But what some of you don't realize. Only certain coaches fit into Miami. Who is not going to whine about not having 80k fans , ore fancy weight rooms or on campus stadium. It's a unique job. Most people want Butch because he has done it, mastered it....here. Chip Kelly may well be a better x and o guy, but what about the other stuff, when he has to go up against SEC douche baggery on the trail. These things matter. There are lot of good candidates overall but some do not fit Miami , like Rich Rod at Michigan. He is still a good coach but he did not fit there.

This isn't about liking chip , it's about facts .Chip is a far better coach, an X O guy that's transcended the game. His schemes and principles are being ripped off at every level. Anybody like that I respect.

I'm not a "fan "of anybody.

Butch needs elite talent and elite assistants to be successful , Chip don't. It's just ironic the Butch cult are normally the ones slamming Chip. That's the only reason I bring butch up.
Stop ur crap. Butch recruits these talent, and hires these assistants. Ur acting like he stumbled upon them. He surrounds himself with good coaches. Which is what we need, talent development. Not to mention coach up unheralded players. U can talk about Chip Kelly but talking down Butch is heresy
Actually he's an east coast guy so saying there is no way doesn't make much sense.
There is no way if Chip Kelly comes back to college he doesn't go to Southern Cal. No **** way. Having said that, if he was a realistic option, ****, I would want him over Butch, and my list would be:
1a) Chip 1b)Butch 1c) Hue Jackson.

Either of those 3 coaches will win a national championship here, or at the very least make the playoffs. Guarantee it.

Meant more because he's familiar with the Pac12 and USC is the best job available in college football. **** IMO, it might be better than if Texas is open.

People make moves all the time based on location, look at coach L. From what I understand he wants to be on the east coast and what better place than Miami if you from the north east. I remember hearing his name from an X member of the athletic department before golden was canned this year and though it was nuts but maybe there is some substance to this.

Don't even act like if you are deciding based off location USC is much worse than Miami. They are basically even. Miami and USC are basically very similar schools on opposite sides of the country. Only difference is USC has better facilities across the board and more money.
@ D$ I agree with the general principle that defense is what separates the best teams from the rest. However even Alabama has struggled with spread option offenses that play with speed & pace (and actually execute).

Chip Kelly's program & scheme with South Florida athletes would be a juggernaut running through teams especially in the 2nd half of games. What makes Chip unique is how he emphasizes nutrition & conditioning more than any other coach so his teams consistently wear down the opponent. Also he uses a smaller playbook (the anti-Golden/Dorito) so guys can just play fast & execute. The scheme & pace are what separate him from Jimbo Fisher who stole Kelly's nutrition.training philosophy. Even with 2nd-tier Florida recruits the depth, speed & talent level would be higher than Chip ever had at Oregon. Jeremiah Johnson & Kenjon Barner would never sniff the field at Miami, for example.
Chip Kelly plus Florida talent would equal rape for the rest of the ACC. No way he doesn't take us to the playoffs. First season most likely.
Actually he's an east coast guy so saying there is no way doesn't make much sense.
There is no way if Chip Kelly comes back to college he doesn't go to Southern Cal. No **** way. Having said that, if he was a realistic option, ****, I would want him over Butch, and my list would be:
1a) Chip 1b)Butch 1c) Hue Jackson.

Either of those 3 coaches will win a national championship here, or at the very least make the playoffs. Guarantee it.

Meant more because he's familiar with the Pac12 and USC is the best job available in college football. **** IMO, it might be better than if Texas is open.

People make moves all the time based on location, look at coach L. From what I understand he wants to be on the east coast and what better place than Miami if you from the north east. I remember hearing his name from an X member of the athletic department before golden was canned this year and though it was nuts but maybe there is some substance to this.

Don't even act like if you are deciding based off location USC is much worse than Miami. They are basically even. Miami and USC are basically very similar schools on opposite sides of the country. Only difference is USC has better facilities across the board and more money.

Location wise they are 3k miles apart, big difference, surely you can understand east coast vs west coast
I'm totally down for this. Don't see it happening, but hey if it were to happen I would be all about it.
A lot of the people bashing chip worship at the Butch alter. Likes he's anywhere near Chips class

Butch would be sucking his thumb drooling in panic if he had to face a Chip Kelly team. Butch couldn't win the fcking Coastal with the most loaded team in the ACC. Meanwhile, Kelly was playing for NCs with mostly 3 star players at Oregon.

These dudes got me scratching a hole in my head with their backward thinking.
Stop trashing one coach because u like another. With no evidence to back up what you're saying. They both had success in college and struggled in the NFL. Chip Kelly is a good coach and maybe better suited for College. But what some of you don't realize. Only certain coaches fit into Miami. Who is not going to whine about not having 80k fans , ore fancy weight rooms or on campus stadium. It's a unique job. Most people want Butch because he has done it, mastered it....here. Chip Kelly may well be a better x and o guy, but what about the other stuff, when he has to go up against SEC douche baggery on the trail. These things matter. There are lot of good candidates overall but some do not fit Miami , like Rich Rod at Michigan. He is still a good coach but he did not fit there.

This isn't about liking chip , it's about facts .Chip is a far better coach, an X O guy that's transcended the game. His schemes and principles are being ripped off at every level. Anybody like that I respect.

I'm not a "fan "of anybody.

Butch needs elite talent and elite assistants to be successful , Chip don't. It's just ironic the Butch cult are normally the ones slamming Chip. That's the only reason I bring butch up.
Stop ur crap. Butch recruits these talent, and hires these assistants. Ur acting like he stumbled upon them. He surrounds himself with good coaches. Which is what we need, talent development. Not to mention coach up unheralded players. U can talk about Chip Kelly but talking down Butch is heresy

First off it's not crap, if you don't like facts then block me.

Second,What has lord Butch ever won? I don't want " ifs" or " buts".

His biggest achievement is going 11-1 with the greatest talent ever, a bunch of 4-5 loss seasons and failing in the NFL . While having an epic choke in the playoffs ,that Bruce Arians still rips him about. His greatest coaching moment on his resume is 15 years ago.

I know he's a great evaluator / recruiter. I also know he's a below average gameday coach . That's known to be super conservative , borderline coaching scared .

If you think he'll land arguably the best college coaching staff and roster again ,that's fine. I think the percentages of that are quite low .

So sorry if I'm not 100 % sold on him coming back, it's still risky . Just as risky as the guys posters constantly blast , because they're not Butch.

Like I've said to nauseam, I'd take him back , I'd just call 3-4 other guys first. Just stating the obvious.
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Butch would be sucking his thumb drooling in panic if he had to face a Chip Kelly team. Butch couldn't win the fcking Coastal with the most loaded team in the ACC. Meanwhile, Kelly was playing for NCs with mostly 3 star players at Oregon.

These dudes got me scratching a hole in my head with their backward thinking.
Stop trashing one coach because u like another. With no evidence to back up what you're saying. They both had success in college and struggled in the NFL. Chip Kelly is a good coach and maybe better suited for College. But what some of you don't realize. Only certain coaches fit into Miami. Who is not going to whine about not having 80k fans , ore fancy weight rooms or on campus stadium. It's a unique job. Most people want Butch because he has done it, mastered it....here. Chip Kelly may well be a better x and o guy, but what about the other stuff, when he has to go up against SEC douche baggery on the trail. These things matter. There are lot of good candidates overall but some do not fit Miami , like Rich Rod at Michigan. He is still a good coach but he did not fit there.

This isn't about liking chip , it's about facts .Chip is a far better coach, an X O guy that's transcended the game. His schemes and principles are being ripped off at every level. Anybody like that I respect.

I'm not a "fan "of anybody.

Butch needs elite talent and elite assistants to be successful , Chip don't. It's just ironic the Butch cult are normally the ones slamming Chip. That's the only reason I bring butch up.
Stop ur crap. Butch recruits these talent, and hires these assistants. Ur acting like he stumbled upon them. He surrounds himself with good coaches. Which is what we need, talent development. Not to mention coach up unheralded players. U can talk about Chip Kelly but talking down Butch is heresy

First off it's not crap, if you don't like facts then block me.

Second,What has lord Butch ever won? I don't want " ifs" or " buts".

His biggest achievement is going 11-1 with the greatest talent ever, a bunch of 4-5 loss seasons and failing in the NFL . While having an epic choke in the playoffs ,that Bruce Arians still rips him about. His greatest coaching moment on his resume is 15 years ago.

I know he's a great evaluator / recruiter. I also know he's a below average gameday coach . That's known to be super conservative , borderline coaching scared .

If you think he'll land arguably the best college coaching staff and roster again ,that's fine. I think the percentages of that are quite low .

So sorry if I'm not 100 % sold on him coming back, it's still risky . Just as risky as the guys posters constantly blast , because they're not Butch.

Like I've said to nauseam, I'd take him back , I'd just call 3-4 other guys first. Just stating the obvious.
I have guys who I like other than Butch. I just don't feel the need to trash them. Chip Kelly is having a tough time at Philly. Doesn't mean IMA act like he didn't do anything at Oregon. I have no clue how u mofos can act like losing 30 schollies and turning around the program like that was luck. No it is thorough hard work. And he was well on his way to stacking UNC. And they sucked *** before that.