You're a good poster so I dont mean to single you out, but why do people feel this need to cast a negative cloud over this news? You really think tate

"Totally *** with" or "try and improve"? Tate unquestionably had a fair chance to win the job and was beaten out. End of story.
I’m not tryna be negative..just being real..even tho I’ve clowned perry b4 about his actions and lack of preparing and taking the seriously he have experience..with Tate I always found his game intriguing just because of his playmaker ability, and him coming from Ohio state and that experience as winner dating back to HS. I knew at the very least he’d be well prepared and the stage would definitely not be too big for him...now for Jarren I have nothing but props for him for coming out on top, but it’s going to be the growing pains of him being a first time starter, unless of course he is a jamies Winston type of guy, which I doubt cause I’d he was this would’ve been decided..if my take comes off as negative my bad, just my experience and opinion from watching years of CFB.

Lastly, and I continuously harped on this last season, but if we don’t get this Oline mess figured out it’s gonna hinder whoever it is back there, and even more so with Jarren cause he lacks game experience of operation a Offense. Top that with us breaking in a first year starter at center too..With all that said I’ll never be one to bash a starting QB no matter who it is for us. We all behind Jarren
Congrats Jarren! Wish it would have happened earlier so he would have more time before the first game but glad it's finally over.
Congrats to the young man. It'll be interesting to see what he can do and this place may become a cesspool when he hits the speedbumps that are sure to cross his path.
dry hump.gif

Oh we are *****, for sure! Who needs a crip walk when you can f'uck walk?.......
View attachment 93131
Not saying he's gonna be Trevor Lawrence, but I remember watching Jarren in the All America game and he played better than Lawrence. Kid's got talent. I was shocked at how bad Lawrence was, but that was proven to be a one off.
Obviously we know what Lawrence went on to become but Jarren outplayed him at the opening when they were on the same team and look a little better in the army game too
He definitely helped his self out getting in better shape and condition I think his 40 time can get closer to 4.6 ish if he keeps getting his body right. I was just saying he already looked good as a runner and in the pocket before he got to Miami.
yeah,I'm with you100% just was putting some more positive energy in the air to add on to what you said...🙌🏾
I’m not tryna be negative..just being real..even tho I’ve clowned perry b4 about his actions and lack of preparing and taking the seriously he have experience..with Tate I always found his game intriguing just because of his playmaker ability, and him coming from Ohio state and that experience as winner dating back to HS. I knew at the very least he’d be well prepared and the stage would definitely not be too big for him...now for Jarren I have nothing but props for him for coming out on top, but it’s going to be the growing pains of him being a first time starter, unless of course he is a jamies Winston type of guy, which I doubt cause I’d he was this would’ve been decided..if my take comes off as negative my bad, just my experience and opinion from watching years of CFB.

Lastly, and I continuously harped on this last season, but if we don’t get this Oline mess figured out it’s gonna hinder whoever it is back there, and even more so with Jarren cause he lacks game experience of operation a Offense. Top that with us breaking in a first year starter at center too..With all that said I’ll never be one to bash a starting QB no matter who it is for us. We all behind Jarren

really couldn't have said it better.... I personally thot tate was going to win. Happy we finally got a guy though finally got a QB1
That would have have happened regardless who they named as the starter.

To some degree, but with no experience on the field at this level, I think it could be worse. I just hope he seizes the opportunity and leaves no doubt. Same as I would any of them as it translates to wins that way.
Major props to jarren considering the catch up he worked himself into after seemingly checking out last year

Kudos to all 3 of the QBs for elevating theirselves and competing! Let's ride!
Now let's just hope that the fanboys who already had posters of their other favorite QB choice on their bedroom walls don't begin to get down on Jarren or attack the coaches at the first signs of struggles like a bad series or rough game. It's a very young offense, and a new offense, and it could be a few weeks of actual game experience before the team is able to truly gel. Expect some rough patches, have some patience. We have some serious talent on both sides of the ball.

Was pulling for Jarren but come on now. You know how it works around here. Ain’t nobody got no patience rough patches. Jarren best light it up early

Beat the gator

End of story