Jake to the portal


Gattis. SOB couldn't be fired fast enough - and by dragging *** making a decision and taking action - Mario has complicated matters significantly.

"Oh, we need a replacement before we fire our OC." We didn't HAVE an OC!

You don't forego flushing that "floater" just because you haven't had another movement! Get rid of that ****.

Gattis has cost us dearly! Mario - as quick as a speeding slug - hasn't done himself or UM any favors by dragging everything out to the last minute!

After all, his slow decision making process upon coming on board - showed clearly - THAT detailed analysis was more like the first four letters of "ANALysis."
Pretty much....As I've said, I like Mario...his recruiting is A+...but some of his Decision/Non-Decision making is head scratching.
I didn’t read the whole thread, but this isn’t a surprise. I’m kinda shocked he didn’t put his name out there earlier… like as soon as TVD made his decision.

Wishing him luck..
This should not be a surprise move to anyone. Van Dyke is the starter, Brown got alot of playing time last year. It was going to be an uphill battle for him to see much playing time next year.