Ivins Update (Dare I Ask?)

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This is the mentality that these dorks have .. embarrassing
In case all the 247 subscribers haven't already figured out that they are being click-baited to death by ND-fan Ivins ("tonight there should be a ton of activity"), this Jason Marshall debacle should prove to them that their money is being wasted on a source-less con artist who could care less about Miami or Miami fans.
You are such a BS artist.

"It's a major model and pillar of their business". No it's not. I don't pay a dime to 247, and I can see all of their retarded crystal balls. You know what money gets me? ARTICLES. So stop bullsh!tting by acting as if 247 makes money from "crystal balls". They don't.

And this "article" that you're yapping about? Ivins posted his first article HOURS after he flipped his crystal ball (which he did at the exact same time that Wiltfong did). For once in your life, just be honest. Ivins-Wiltfong pulled the CB flip less than an hour before the announcement, and then waited for hours to "explain" the rationale with an article (which is, of course, the actual end-product that subscribers pay for).

As for your theory of how a kid is supposed to request a writer not to run his announcement, again, it's just ridiculous. If Ivins-Wiltfong had any ethics whatsoever, they would have contacted Marshall first. That's actually what journalists do. "Hey, if I hold this story for a few hours, will you promise to give me an exclusive on the record?" Except that never happened.

Finally, none of the "Bama is coming calling" garbage means anything. Again, you act as if the most important issue is how this impacts recruiting, how this impacts us. You have ZERO CONSIDERATION for the recruit himself.

Our Head Coach literally tweeted the planet exploding with a crystal ball emoji, but keep telling yourself they're insignificant and don't drive interest.
I still pay for that site during the season for pre season practice updates and coverage but I don't know if I am this season
no one should be paying for that site man, this dude is changing predictions last minute to keep his crystal ball predictions above 90%. This dude is like the Astros

Nobody knew ****, he literally said the day before he was about to put a cb in for bama. Witfong said the week before “he couldn’t get a feel”. Then suddenly “ BAM” a cb in the eleventh hour. After a lot of time and work went into this moment by the staff, the kid , his family etc.
In case all the 247 subscribers haven't already figured out that they are being click-baited to death by ND-fan Ivins ("tonight there should be a ton of activity"), this Jason Marshall debacle should prove to them that their money is being wasted on a source-less con artist who could care less about Miami or Miami fans.

I even unsubscribed from their podcast.
I dont know or care who Ivins is, or much about the 247 community. But was it Bama who tipped them off? And if so who tipped them off?
Cribby you must stop talking too much as you appear to have valuable intel at this time and people like Ivin come here looking to put 2 and 2 together based on your tips and posters comments. Manny must absolutely end the bat signal IMMEDIATELY for the same reasons as above unless preapprived by the kid. Please twit after the announcement.

There was no Manny bat signal.

When are people going to acknowledge that?

Manny commented on THREE nearly-simultaneous crystal ball flips. NO BAT SIGNAL.
Plugging in Crystal Balls is an aspect of Ivins Job. But it’s not the major aspect. He’s an expert analysis on Miami recruiting, He writes and details Miami recruiting. Crystal balls predictions are useful but at the end of the day that’s all it is archaic predictions. It would be a different if Ivins was making like a $1000 for every correct CB prediction he makes. Then I can’t knock the hustle but if his job is to generate clicks & traffic to his page. He didn’t need to plug in the CB in the 11th hour and spoil everything. Had JM commit to us that Saturday. His page would still get an absurd amount of traffic. He could still write 2-3 articles and do his emergency through the smoke podcast as he always does. That’s what’s not getting through most people head. Ivins didn’t “need” to plug in that CB and inform Wiltfong. His actions Saturday just seemed grimy and a career move to please his boss. And that’s f-ed up.
Yeah that podcast can get ****ed now, getting slung
Hes telling you the leak didn't come from Miami.... it came from somewhere else. Those guys were then tipped off to what was gonna happen and they dropped it

Again, ToiletBowlMagic isn't very bright. He won't acknowledge Bama-fan Wiltfong's role in the fvckery. That Bama coaches were ****y, and that Bama-fanboy Wiltfong decided to play a role in ******** with Jason Marshall.

Nope, ToiletBowlMagic is going to keep blaming Miami. Miami fans. Miami coaches. Miami tweets.
But he doesn’t do that bro, he “cares for the kids and their moment , remember Tae”?

Where’s those ***** at now? I keep asking this but nobody responds.
I never bought that ****. I mocked them whenever they used that **** as an excuse for their Notre Dame golden boy never having any info. How sad is it that a bunch of alleged UM fans eat at the *** of some Notre Dame scumbag, who doesn't give a fck about UM?
It's a major model and pillar of their business. Ever notice Rivals "FutureCast" ?? It's in direct response to the 247 Crystal Balls. So if you think they're trivial, or grimy, you might be right. I said in my original post on the subject that a lot of journalists are grimy. These dudes are almost as bad as lawyers in a lot of cases. But he literally wrote an article that said something like "New Crystal Ball pick...and it's a big one" where he detailed his change and why and all that BS. It blew up. But this is no different than what happens **** near every day. Journalists for 247 get intel, one way or another, and make picks that generate traffic and discussion. It's not unique to Jason Marshall. Often it happens at the 11th hour. But this isn't Ivins problem unless, again, HE WAS TOLD DIRECTLY NOT TO LEAK IT AND HE DID ANYWAY. I haven't heard that's the case. If it is, then he's a ****** journalist because he broke rule #1. If he wasn't told directly not to put it out, he did his job. And if Jason Marshall is so worried about his moment, which he has a right to be, then he has 4 months to make it. Bama is coming calling whether he did it Saturday or a month from now.
Let’s say he called Bama and told the coaches he wasn’t coming and was committing to Miami. The Bama coaches fed Ivins/Dingdong the info. They released it without checking in with Marshall and never gave him the chance to say I don’t want this leaked. Then what is your response to well he never told them to stay quiet? It’s just their job? Any journalist above the National Enquirer level would check in to confirm. These guys are the taint on Nick Saban’s depends.
Do you think a bama 247 guy does this? Does Witfong drop that cb in the eleventh hour?.

Witfong notified bama writers with the quick fast.

The Miami media has been doing this for years. Just look at the herald article on kids. It was info that I’d know about since August. Ask @IndayArtHauz and @Sigma_Cane_7. I have pm’s detailing the info back to Aug, months before the herald wrote the article. Did I ever post that ****? Nope....

Sec schools and these small college towns are all fans and protect the program. At Miami it’s the complete opposite . Our boosters , Alums, writers etc don’t give a **** about ******** over the program.

It’s sad.
Don’t let some of the guys on this site get under your skin. The vast majority of CIS users agree with everything you’ve said on this subject. And I know I speak for most here when saying we appreciate everything you bring to the board.

The 247 ball suckers and the extreme mopers have teamed up because they want to see this kid go somewhere else to validate their dumb *** narrative. It’s not even worth arguing over anymore.
Absolutely not a single thing. It happens every day at every school. If Jason Marshall was solid to Miami then he’d have committed if he planned to do so. All of this “espionage” nonsense is just that. It was gonna blindside Bama?? Who cares? Like they don’t have 4 months to try to get him to change his mind? We lead the world in decommitments for eternity and dudes try to act like a commitment means anything.
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