Ivins Update (Dare I Ask?)

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Cribby you must stop talking too much as you appear to have valuable intel at this time and people like Ivin come here looking to put 2 and 2 together based on your tips and posters comments. Manny must absolutely end the bat signal IMMEDIATELY for the same reasons as above unless preapprived by the kid. Please twit after the announcement.

All me and liberty said was we were in the lead even though most didn’t agree. I never said I knew when he’d commit or if he would. I’d been saying that two weeks and he never changed his info.

I’m not speakin any more on what I know about it but bama boards have started posting some of the stuff I wouldn’t post about. At least half of it it’s out there.

This didn’t happen because me and liberty have been saying “ we’re in it more than most think”.

Also I posted we had multiple silents the night before Davis popped. Nobody guessed it was him or Marshall lol.

After he committed I said “ that was one of the silents I referenced “. That would’ve of been ****ery to post it was davis 12 hours before announcing.
Ivins will be gone soon to the national level. Gabby going to get lots of contacts in the community. He’s a real nice and personable guy.
And Gabby is a guy who actually loves the team and would do whatever was necessary to help them.
Don’t let some of the guys on this site get under your skin. The vast majority of CIS users agree with everything you’ve said on this subject. And I know I speak for most here when saying we appreciate everything you bring to the board.

The 247 ball suckers and the extreme mopers have teamed up because they want to see this kid go somewhere else to validate their dumb *** narrative. It’s not even worth arguing over anymore.

Oh I know.

I’m also surprised there’s so many on 247 feeling the same way. This is a bigger deal than some think.
Nobody knew ****, he literally said the day before he was about to put a cb in for bama. Witfong said the week before “he couldn’t get a feel”. Then suddenly “ BAM” a cb in the eleventh hour. After a lot of time and work went into this moment by the staff, the kid , his family etc.
How he anouncing now if you can tell us? I know 247 phucked the whole thing up. I'm hoping he still cool with us
Can we clear something up once and for all? Did Manny tweet before the CB’s were changed? Yes, the time stamps indicate the CB’s changed first but as one can readily see from 247’s website, times on that site appear to be on CST.

Manny’s tweet was generic and I’m not comparing the substance of his cryptic tweet to the blatant-in-your-face CB switches, but I want to establish a proper timeline because I thought the CB’s were done for these shysters to quickly save face from their ****** predictions due to Manny’s tweet.
Ivins will be gone soon to the national level. Gabby going to get lots of contacts in the community. He’s a real nice and personable guy.

All that may be true. But Gaby's timing sucks.

What happened when everyone realized you didn't need to pay $19.95 per month to America Online just to get your e-mail? Did anyone talk aobut how AOL was real nice and personable?

The salad days of Rivals and 247 are over.

Andrew Ivins needs to start doing his podcast while he is driving around for UberEats.
mods anyway you can recover my detailed post from the Pizza Corner thread and just paste it in here for the thick headed ones? I can't be asked to explain it all over again but find it crazy how the same questions are still being asked.
Do you think a bama 247 guy does this? Does Witfong drop that cb in the eleventh hour?.

Witfong notified bama writers with the quick fast.

The Miami media has been doing this for years. Just look at the herald article on kids. It was info that I’d know about since August. Ask @IndayArtHauz and @Sigma_Cane_7. I have pm’s detailing the info back to Aug, months before the herald wrote the article. Did I ever post that ****? Nope....

Sec schools and these small college towns are all fans and protect the program. At Miami it’s the complete opposite . Our boosters , Alums, writers etc don’t give a **** about ******** over the program.

It’s sad.

I dont know why but i feel it was the other way around. I could be wrong you def know more than me but I see it as Bama tipped off Wiltfong who tipped off Ivins since hes the local guy to drop that ball and ruin his moment

If not then I would love to know how Wiltfong found out? Hs coach??
Again, ToiletBowlMagic isn't very bright. He won't acknowledge Bama-fan Wiltfong's role in the fvckery. That Bama coaches were ****y, and that Bama-fanboy Wiltfong decided to play a role in ******** with Jason Marshall.

Nope, ToiletBowlMagic is going to keep blaming Miami. Miami fans. Miami coaches. Miami tweets.
The guy just likes to argue. He is wrong more often then right so don’t let him bother you.
Can we clear something up once and for all? Did Manny tweet before the CB’s were changed? Yes, the time stamps indicate the CB’s changed first but as one can readily see from 247’s website, times on that site appear to be on CST.

Manny’s tweet was generic and I’m not comparing the substance of his cryptic tweet to the blatant-in-your-face CB switches, but I want to establish a proper timeline because I thought the CB’s were done for these shysters to quickly save face from their ****** predictions due to Manny’s tweet.

NO. No, Manny did NOT tweet before the CBs were changed. Manny's tweet was a RESPONSE to the CB's being changed.

Manny tweeted an emoji of a crystal ball, followed by a video of an explosion.

The myth of "247 is on CST" needs to end.

Jason Marshall's announcement was supposed to be at noon. The CB flips happened at 11:17 EST. Jason Marshall started getting swamped with phone calls before noon.
Let’s say he called Bama and told the coaches he wasn’t coming and was committing to Miami. The Bama coaches fed Ivins/Dingdong the info. They released it without checking in with Marshall and never gave him the chance to say I don’t want this leaked. Then what is your response to well he never told them to stay quiet? It’s just their job? Any journalist above the National Enquirer level would check in to confirm. These guys are the taint on Nick Saban’s depends.

If that's how it went down then I'd be thrilled. Cause Bama just burned a bridge with the kid.
Can we clear something up once and for all? Did Manny tweet before the CB’s were changed? Yes, the time stamps indicate the CB’s changed first but as one can readily see from 247’s website, times on that site appear to be on CST.

Manny’s tweet was generic and I’m not comparing the substance of his cryptic tweet to the blatant-in-your-face CB switches, but I want to establish a proper timeline because I thought the CB’s were done for these shysters to quickly save face from their ****** predictions due to Manny’s tweet.

Manny tweeted first. I’ve got the timeline from another board I post on. The Cane fans on it were guessing it was Marshall, then the Fong CB dropped and we all started celebrating. Celebrating like DeSean Jackson on the 2 yard line apparently
Let be real. Anyone who is a writer and didn’t grow up in so fla hates Miami. This also blew the spot of the staff

Miami media has always been the biggest enemy of Miami.

Dan LeBatard who wears um gear all the time and is known as “ Mr Miami “by national media , created a journalism career off destroying his school. He wrote the article that lead to the program almost getting shut down. That’s an “ alum “ of UM.

Who needs enemies right?
Let’s say he called Bama and told the coaches he wasn’t coming and was committing to Miami. The Bama coaches fed Ivins/Dingdong the info. They released it without checking in with Marshall and never gave him the chance to say I don’t want this leaked. Then what is your response to well he never told them to stay quiet? It’s just their job? Any journalist above the National Enquirer level would check in to confirm. These guys are the taint on Nick Saban’s depends.

I dont know why but from reading all of Cribby posts i feel this is what happened. Bama knew...
Manny tweeted first. I’ve got the timeline from another board I post on. The Cane fans on it were guessing it was Marshall, then the Fong CB dropped and we all started celebrating. Celebrating like DeSean Jackson on the 2 yard line apparently
This is how I remember it. TOC and others recall it differently which is why I asked. To be clear, I see NOTHING wrong with what Manny did. ****, he tweets out in advance for all recruits. But I want to pin down the time accurately.
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