Ivins Update (Dare I Ask?)

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Cribby you must stop talking too much as you appear to have valuable intel at this time and people like Ivin come here looking to put 2 and 2 together based on your tips and posters comments. Manny must absolutely end the bat signal IMMEDIATELY for the same reasons as above unless preapprived by the kid. Please twit after the announcement.
In on what? You have no ******* clue.

You say "clearly" as if you actually know what happened.

You have NO IDEA what Miami's coaches were tweeting about. Miami is still recruiting over a dozen kids, not just Jason Marshall. You have NO CLUE what the coaches know, or why they tweeted.

There was never one single tweet by any Miami coach that referenced Jason Marshall, and the ONLY tweet that Manny put out there was a crystal ball, followed by an explosion, after three 247 writers flipped their crystal balls.

So, tell us again...how "clearly" the "coaches" and the "kid" were "in on it together".

You literally post one time a year, and suddenly you have info and opinions?
You good? I dont claim to have any type of info even if i did doesn't matter. The staff isnt going to just randomly throw out the tweets someone spoke with them which in response caused their tweets. This topic has this board so sensitive.
So ConnIvings' job is to be wrong for a year and then stalk someone else's message board and change his opinion that he held for a year at the last second just to salvage his dopey crystal benwah ball rep? That's a pretty sad job if that's his job.
bingo. its lame to change 10 minutes before you think the kid might commit so you look good.
So ConnIvings' job is to be wrong for a year and then stalk someone else's message board and change his opinion that he held for a year at the last second just to salvage his dopey crystal benwah ball rep? That's a pretty sad job if that's his job.

But he doesn’t do that bro, he “cares for the kids and their moment , remember Tae”?

Where’s those ***** at now? I keep asking this but nobody responds.
Mods keep this one going please. The ****ery needs to be seen.

Btw I have screenshots from 247 posters ripping his *** to shreds, I tip my cap to you guys.

Was Ivins and/or Wiltfong told directly not to leak the information and they did? That's all anyone is asking. You can clear that up right now but for whatever reason you're choosing not to. If they were told directly to not make any public suggestions that he was going to commit, then **** both of them in the face and they're pieces of ****. All you have to do is answer that question. If the answer is, "No, but..." then someone else dropped the ball. Not the reporters.
You good? I dont claim to have any type of info even if i did doesn't matter. The staff isnt going to just randomly throw out the tweets someone spoke with them which in response caused their tweets. This topic has this board so sensitive.

Nah, it's mainly just him. The estrogen is strong in that one.
It boils down to adults not understanding a kid having his moment ruined. For a 40 year old, sure who gives a ****. But for a teenager who has grown up on social media, I'm sure it's very important. I'm **** near 50 and Twitter, etc.. don't mean **** to me, but for these kids now, it's life. So, yeah I can see how he's ****ed for having his day messed with.
Idiots can’t see the forest for the trees. They keep going back to the “ drama , spoiled kid , Miami problem “ bs rather than discussing the issue.

In a way .. Im glad this happened. Up until Saturday I assumed Ivins was one of the good guys. He got exposed as a fraud . He sells subscriptions? sure... imagine writing an editorial and inside scoop after this kid commits how many people will read that? But no... instead you have a hand in blowing this kid's moment and got Baga involved..

In the end unless told by Cribs or El , this kid will come to Miami, Ivins and Saban will both be f ucked
It's a major model and pillar of their business. Ever notice Rivals "FutureCast" ?? It's in direct response to the 247 Crystal Balls. So if you think they're trivial, or grimy, you might be right. I said in my original post on the subject that a lot of journalists are grimy. These dudes are almost as bad as lawyers in a lot of cases. But he literally wrote an article that said something like "New Crystal Ball pick...and it's a big one" where he detailed his change and why and all that BS. It blew up. But this is no different than what happens **** near every day. Journalists for 247 get intel, one way or another, and make picks that generate traffic and discussion. It's not unique to Jason Marshall. Often it happens at the 11th hour. But this isn't Ivins problem unless, again, HE WAS TOLD DIRECTLY NOT TO LEAK IT AND HE DID ANYWAY. I haven't heard that's the case. If it is, then he's a ****** journalist because he broke rule #1. If he wasn't told directly not to put it out, he did his job. And if Jason Marshall is so worried about his moment, which he has a right to be, then he has 4 months to make it. Bama is coming calling whether he did it Saturday or a month from now.

You are such a BS artist.

"It's a major model and pillar of their business". No it's not. I don't pay a dime to 247, and I can see all of their retarded crystal balls. You know what money gets me? ARTICLES. So stop bullsh!tting by acting as if 247 makes money from "crystal balls". They don't.

And this "article" that you're yapping about? Ivins posted his first article HOURS after he flipped his crystal ball (which he did at the exact same time that Wiltfong did). For once in your life, just be honest. Ivins-Wiltfong pulled the CB flip less than an hour before the announcement, and then waited for hours to "explain" the rationale with an article (which is, of course, the actual end-product that subscribers pay for).

As for your theory of how a kid is supposed to request a writer not to run his announcement, again, it's just ridiculous. If Ivins-Wiltfong had any ethics whatsoever, they would have contacted Marshall first. That's actually what journalists do. "Hey, if I hold this story for a few hours, will you promise to give me an exclusive on the record?" Except that never happened.

Finally, none of the "Bama is coming calling" garbage means anything. Again, you act as if the most important issue is how this impacts recruiting, how this impacts us. You have ZERO CONSIDERATION for the recruit himself.
So ConnIvings' job is to be wrong for a year and then stalk someone else's message board and change his opinion that he held for a year at the last second just to salvage his dopey crystal benwah ball rep? That's a pretty sad job if that's his job.

I never said it was an honorable one. But let's call a spade a spade. He did his "job", whether it ruffles panties here or not.
Was Ivins and/or Wiltfong told directly not to leak the information and they did? That's all anyone is asking. You can clear that up right now but for whatever reason you're choosing not to. If they were told directly to not make any public suggestions that he was going to commit, then **** both of them in the face and they're pieces of ****. All you have to do is answer that question. If the answer is, "No, but..." then someone else dropped the ball. Not the reporters.

Hes telling you the leak didn't come from Miami.... it came from somewhere else. Those guys were then tipped off to what was gonna happen and they dropped it
This is what ive been saying over and over.... people are just speculating and assuming it was Marshall

Do you think a bama 247 guy does this? Does Witfong drop that cb in the eleventh hour?.

Witfong notified bama writers with the quick fast.

The Miami media has been doing this for years. Just look at the herald article on kids. It was info that I’d know about since August. Ask @IndayArtHauz and @Sigma_Cane_7. I have pm’s detailing the info back to Aug, months before the herald wrote the article. Did I ever post that ****? Nope....

Sec schools and these small college towns are all fans and protect the program. At Miami it’s the complete opposite . Our boosters , Alums, writers etc don’t give a **** about ******** over the program.

It’s sad.
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