Ivins Update (Dare I Ask?)

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NO. No, Manny did NOT tweet before the CBs were changed. Manny's tweet was a RESPONSE to the CB's being changed.

Manny tweeted an emoji of a crystal ball, followed by a video of an explosion.

The myth of "247 is on CST" needs to end.

Jason Marshall's announcement was supposed to be at noon. The CB flips happened at 11:17 EST. Jason Marshall started getting swamped with phone calls before noon.
247 is on CST. Are you dumb?
Don't blame him.

UM coaches tweeting * * * *, and that didn't help one bit.

Lesson: Everyone - coaches included - keep things quiet - and let the young man make his announcement THEN you can tweet, message, fornicate - or whatever.

he hasn’t stepped back and re-evaluated anything. He committed to Miami’s staff on Saturday and is now waiting for a good time to make the announcement. Some people need to learn patience. This era of wanting instant gratification makes some of y’all come off worse then crack heads.
why all the smoke from Miami if he wasn't going to commit publicly that day. Or was he going to commit but 247 f@cked it up for him.

I don't know. something went wrong when nothing happened on saturday after all the smoke from Miami coaches.
I mean it’s kinda dramatic regardless. Commit if you’re gonna commit. “Your moment” can come p
I trust u but the only thing that's weird to me is fuq it it's out anyway announce it. My thing with holding it up is strange
its irrelevant. bama was gonna battle us til signing day anyway. just cuz he verbals don’t mean ****.
I know some of you are going at me because you know I’m ****ed.....well I am. I know what I know and how f’d up it was. If anyone here knows me knows I don’t do this, even when I’ve been trolled to death in the past , I just laughed it off or trolled them back. If I’m this mad you should know this is absolute bs. But I’ll let the same couple guys suck ivins nuts and defend him.

It’s just ironic, it’s the same people who get butthurt because folks are on my nuts. Well guess what ? You look the exact same, actually worse.
I'm wrong more often than* I'm right. Go to school.

Bro you are trying to argue with a message board/ insiders about something you know nothing about. I’m sure you still don’t think we need a kicker? All your arguments are the same, taking your opinion and trying to twist it as fact. That is why your BS is getting called out right now.

Pointing out a grammatical error on a message board just proves how desperate you are for some attention.
So are we out of it now or has this pushed the kid to bama

I know some of you are going at me because you know I’m ****ed.....well I am. I know what I know and how f’d up it was. If anyone here knows me knows I don’t do this, even when I’ve been trolled to death in the past , I just laughed it off or trolled them back. If I’m this mad you should know this is absolute bs. But I’ll let the same couple guys suck ivins nuts and defend him.

It’s just ironic, it’s the same people who get butthurt because folks are on my nuts. Well guess what ? You look the exact same, actually worse.
I know some of you are going at me because you know I’m ****ed.....well I am. I know what I know and how f’d up it was. If anyone here knows me knows I don’t do this, even when I’ve been trolled to death in the past , I just laughed it off or trolled them back. If I’m this mad you should know this is absolute bs. But I’ll let the same couple guys suck ivins nuts and defend him.

It’s just ironic, it’s the same people who get butthurt because folks are on my nuts. Well guess what ? You look the exact same, actually worse.
Bruh I have to ask why do you keep responding to these clowns! Real ones know you’re Solid!!
People are actually defending Ivins lmao The guy knows NOTHING!!!
Great but you are still not answering your main point.

Eh. Kinda on the fence, I'm not the ethics police but if they got wind of it from Bama's coaches and decided to put it out, it might be a little shady but I don't think it's nearly as egregious as betraying a source directly.
Isnt that what you are suppose to do on a job?
No one with right sense works a job to please their boss. They work the job to put food on the table. Ivins could still do this whether he put that CB in or not.
I think almost everything on this subject has been said already. These threads are pretty pointless, in my opinion, and chumming for 247 info has always been low on the pole. Now we have multiple people who know more and share more than 247, Rivals and so on. Why are we looking for more?

For a lot of you who don’t see the connection and are skeptical that the CBs caused anything of significance, I get it. Most years I’d share your perspective. I’d be wrong but I’d come by it honestly, at least.

There are others who are just as ignorant but twice as loud, and think they have a read on the situation just because their heart tells them. They are wrong but also silly, at least on this issue, and will probably never accept the truth no matter the way it’s presented to them.

Ultimately I don’t think people need to fall into a pro or anti-247 category. Believe what you want, I care very little. I just want the kid to stay home.
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