How is this any different than:
Greg Olsen
James Jackson
Seantrel Henderson
Brock Berlin
Or, ****, any kid who was ever committed to another school and then flipped to Miami?
There has been a lot of **** with plenty of kids over the decades that we do and don't know about. Now that its all over the internet fans get caught up in their feelings more.
Honestly, I don't blame the kid for not wanting to put his future in Enos and Barry's hands. And to be honest, I don't think Diaz would blame him either, after all, he fired both those guys which says it all. It would actually be hypocritical of Diaz, and every fan who wanted Enos and Barry fired to call this kid out for not having signed with us. You can't have it both ways.
17 and 18 year oid kids make mistakes. And honestly, with Enos and Barry still here I'm not sure going elsewhere was a mistake.
At the end of this, the fans of USCe, UF, and UM are all going to be butthurt. Among those, I'd rather be the fan of the team that actually ends up with the talented Dade kid suiting up for them.