Issiah Walker in transfer portal

Just curious - do you have any concern at all what the rest of the current lockerroom thinks? the other kids who were being recruited while he was and most likely know what went down with him. Kids always hear the story.
Yeah... that’ll be a no, dawg. He’s just looking at the raw/potential talent aspect.
Bunch of beatoffs here myself included. If Miami doesn’t take him, the constant *****ing will be at an all time high.
Bunch of beatoffs here myself included. If Miami doesn’t take him, the constant *****ing will be at an all time high.
I think they should on raw talent but I’m giving an opinion in a total vacuum like @Hoyacane1620 just raised with @brock. I have no idea what the kid’s standing is with other kids on the team or what happened at UiF. I hope there’s no issue but if the coaches have a legit character/personality one, I can’t really criticize them.

If it’s just to make an example to other kids in the future to choose us or don’t come back, well, I get that too on one hand. But on the other hand, we’ve sucked for a good minute now and I’m not so sure that we are in a position to turn down talent solely for that reason AT THIS POINT IN TIME. I feel like we need to get problem-free talent here any way we can right now.
Just curious - do you have any concern at all what the rest of the current lockerroom thinks? the other kids who were being recruited while he was and most likely know what went down with him. Kids always hear the story.
It doesn’t matter what we think the lockeroom thinks, they accepted D’Eriq king in the lockerroom with open arms after sitting out the season at Houston why won’t they do the same for a kid who enrolled in college for 3 months before going home and obvious homesick issues going on especially with the pandemic going on and possibly wanting to be around family more?
It doesn’t matter what we think the lockeroom thinks, they accepted D’Eriq king in the lockerroom with open arms after sitting out the season at Houston why won’t they do the same for a kid who enrolled in college for 3 months before going home and obvious homesick issues going on especially with the pandemic going on and possibly wanting to be around family more?
You don’t know what they knew about King and what they know about this guy.
Putting my fan biasness aside... If I'm Manny, the better option is taking the OL from Houston because he helps you win NOW. Walker is the better option for the future obviously but Manny has to play it as this is his last year to show us something.
Putting my fan biasness aside... If I'm Manny, the better option is taking the OL from Houston because he helps you win NOW. Walker is the better option for the future obviously but Manny has to play it as this is his last year to show us something.
We don’t know if he helps us win now to the level some of us expect , whos to say even plays well with a jump in competition? That’s not guaranteed
Vice versa in regards to walker. Disclaimer, Im a fan of king too so that’s not a shot at him
King has a few years in school, a record and a rep in college.

I’m with you on wanting Walker bc we need talent but the difference between our opinions is that I don’t know if there are any issues which would cause problems so I’m leaving that to the coaches, especially Lashlee. You’re flat out saying Manny better take him or else.
Per Ivins,

“ Just going to pass along what I know. I will say though it has been hard to get much solid information on the situation.

I know Miami is doing its homework on IW. I don’t know how much contact there has been between the two parties, but I believe that conversations have taken place.

Initially I thought there might be some hesitation about adding Walker given how Manny wants guys that want to be Miami and IW was someone that already had a chance to be at Miami, but I don’t think that’s as big of a deal as I had once thought.

I have heard that a lot of other schools are involved. Who? I don’t really know aside from FSU.

Miami still very much looking for guys that can make an impact right away, meaning in 2020. Walker, in theory, would have to sit out the upcoming season after enrolling early at UF, but he could, in theory, also have a case for a waiver.”
I was on the take him train at 100 mph. But it’s hard to argue with the history of kids who’s recruitment was a sht show. Now his really wasn’t that bad compared to some others. But the ball is in his court If the kid wants promises or conditions he can kick rocks. If he says he just wants to work hard and compete unconditionally then he’s an absolute take.
But the more this drags on and more teams are in the mix it’s just turning this into a giant sht show and if he’s cool with that sht being attached to his name then Get him the fook away from my squad.
I know Zo is persona non grata here but not only was his recruitment straight up but so was his transfer. At least publicly.
Per Ivins,

“ Just going to pass along what I know. I will say though it has been hard to get much solid information on the situation.

I know Miami is doing its homework on IW. I don’t know how much contact there has been between the two parties, but I believe that conversations have taken place.

Initially I thought there might be some hesitation about adding Walker given how Manny wants guys that want to be Miami and IW was someone that already had a chance to be at Miami, but I don’t think that’s as big of a deal as I had once thought.

I have heard that a lot of other schools are involved. Who? I don’t really know aside from FSU.

Miami still very much looking for guys that can make an impact right away, meaning in 2020. Walker, in theory, would have to sit out the upcoming season after enrolling early at UF, but he could, in theory, also have a case for a waiver.”
Not much difference then what we already know lol
I get why we should take the kid from Houston but how do we know he wants to be a Cane? Same with Walker, how do we know he wants to be here? It's possible we miss on both but we need both. A building block for the future and a plug and plug OT if we have a season. If we could absolutely only get one guy I'm taking Walker. I'm not sure what Diaz would do since he has to win now.