And if they did, it would be because we're narrowly defeating average ACC teams, and not because of what Rick Neuheisel or Brock Osweiler think about some calls that could have gone against us. The CFP selection committee is not Twitter.
Your dopey love letters to the CFP are not reality.
The CFP is made up of human beings who listen to the same propaganda on ESPN and elsewhere.
Chris Ault - former head coach and AD at Nevada (so he's a former coach who might have voted in the Coaches poll)
Chet Gladchuk - former AD at Houston and Navy
Jim Grobe - former head coach at Ohio, Wake Forest, and Baylor (another former coach who would have voted in the Coaches poll)
Warde Manuel - CURRENT AD at Michigan, former AD at UConn and SUNY-Buffalo
Randall McDaniel - former football player for Arizona State, no coaching or AD experience at the collegiate level
Gary Pinkel - former head coach at Missouri and Toledo (a third former coach who would have voted in the Coaches poll)
Mack Rhoades - CURRENT AD at Baylor and former AD at Mizzou, Houston, and Akron
Mike Riley - former head coach at Oregon State and Nebraska (a fourth former coach who would have voted in the Coaches poll)
David Sayler - CURRENT AD at Miami University and former AD at South Dakota
Will Shields - former football player for Nebraska, no coaching or AD experience at the collegiate level
Kelly Whiteside - former sportswriter for USA Today, current professor in Sports Media and Journalism at Montclair State
Carla Williams - CURRENT AD at UVa
Hunter Yurachek - CURRENT AD at Arkansas, former AD at Coastal Carolina and Houston
7 were on the committee last year. 5 have been on the committee three consecutive times. 1 person is on his 4th consecutive committee.
---Of the 13, 5 are current ADs, one from the SEC, one from the Big 10, one from the ACC, one from the Big 12, and one from a G4 conference.
---4 are former head coaches. I don't know if Ault ever voted in the coaches poll (Nevada), but I'm fairly certain that Grobe, Pinkel, and Riley did.
---The other 4 include two former players with NO collegiate coaching/AD experience, a former AD, and a former sportswriter.
Now, you can continue your charade of acting like these 13 people are of virginal character and do not ever watch or listen to ESPN or any other outlets. You can pretend that they are like a sequestered jury, who professed to have no prior knowlege of the case and are locked away in a hotel for their deliberations.
Except...that's bull****.
Each of these 13 people, before they ever take a vote, have been watching over 2 months of college football. Not from sound-free video tapes, but from ESPN and Fox and CBS and NBC broadcasts. They are just as susceptible to the false narratives as anyone else is.
And I guaran-*******-tee you, they will "discuss" the exact same narratives that have been spouted by all the sports journalists for months. JUST LIKE THEY DID LAST YEAR, when the miraculously came to the same conclusion about F$U that all of the sports journalists had yapped about for weeks, about how F$U was not the same team without Jordan Travis.
So **** off with this "the CFP is not Twitter" bull****. The CFP Committee is made up of people who watch sports on TV just like everyone else, and only five of them (the current ADs) are even active in college sports today. The other eight people USED TO BE active, but are not active any longer.
And the fewer voters you have, the more weight that each one carries.