How the "penalties" narrative is playing out in real time...

Yeah, at one point on the TV broadcast, they showed a little kid doing the "downward U" and the announcers made jokes about it.

This is so incredibly simple.

On the field of play...for the 120 yards by 53.3 yards player or coach does anything related to "honoring" or "dishonoring" the opponent's logo, symbols, or hand gestures. That's it. If you do it, it's a 15-yard unsportsmanlike penalty, and you only get one free one before the second is ejection.

What these players and coaches do on the sidelines and what the fans do is none of my concern.

But the on-field bull**** needs to stop. Throw the flag. Get the game under control.
You have no idea how much this angers me. You are losing, you score, throw up the downward "U".... On the field bull**** needs to stop. Refs need to call that all the time and every time.

I agree with every point. But that was definitely PI on Kiko lol

It might have been. But not because he didn't turn his head.

The reason I pointed it out when I was at the game was because it occurred as far away from where I was sitting as possible, and Louisville doesn't have the biggest replay monitors. On TV, it looked like the contact may have been more impactful, and if a flag had been thrown for THAT, I would not have disagreed upon seeing a better replay.

But the Louisville ***** all around me were screaming about how Mauigoa never turned his head. And THAT wasn't the issue.
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Hopefully we keep winning our games and start beating mid teams easily the narrative will go away until the playoffs when some $ec homer like finbaum will try to bring it up to hype up a 2 or 3 loss bama.
Hopefully we keep winning our games and start beating mid teams easily the narrative will go away until the playoffs when some $ec homer like finbaum will try to bring it up to hype up a 2 or 3 loss bama.

I'd like to win every game by 100.

But the narrative will NEVER go away. It has already happened. We now have "three" games that our haters can claim we should not have won, without divine intervention from the refs.

We could win each of the next five games by 222-0 scores, and people will still say we should have gone 9-3.

We only get a Top 4 seed by winning the ACC. As the second ACC team, I guarantee that the CFP gives us an 11 seed.
As the second ACC team, I guarantee that the CFP gives us an 11 seed.
And if they did, it would be because we're narrowly defeating average ACC teams, and not because of what Rick Neuheisel or Brock Osweiler think about some calls that could have gone against us. The CFP selection committee is not Twitter.
I'd like to win every game by 100.

But the narrative will NEVER go away. It has already happened. We now have "three" games that our haters can claim we should not have won, without divine intervention from the refs.

We could win each of the next five games by 222-0 scores, and people will still say we should have gone 9-3.

We only get a Top 4 seed by winning the ACC. As the second ACC team, I guarantee that the CFP gives us an 11 seed.
It seems like the rhetoric kinda let up this week? I mean it wasn't national news that we supposedly won a game off a missed penalty or bad call. I mean you're not wrong, but I think if we can win a few games soundly maybe it'll chill out to just the biggest haters. It wont be the popular media it has been.
When wa

When was the last time we actually had an opponent’s Oline called for holding???

I do not know if there were any holding penalties that we DECLINED.

None during the Florida game.
None during the FAMU game.
None during the Balls State game.
ONE during the USF game.
ONE during the VaTech game. This was the one that wiped out the long TD run, and which VaTech fans falsely claimed was a phantom holding (it was not). VaTech scored a touchdown a few plays later on this drive.
None during the Cal game.
ONE during the Louisville game. This was on their final drive, and they scored a TD.

So think about this. Miami has one of the best defensive lines in the country, we have a fearsome pass rush, and yet we have ONLY been held three times all year? In SEVEN games?




It seems like the rhetoric kinda let up this week? I mean it wasn't national news that we supposedly won a game off a missed penalty or bad call. I mean you're not wrong, but I think if we can win a few games soundly maybe it'll chill out to just the biggest haters. It wont be the popular media it has been.

You can believe whatever you want to believe. I know what I saw live and in person at that game from an entire stadium of Louisville *****.

And if the Louisville ***** threw all their bottles at the refs instead of the Miami fans, maybe they would have gotten a few more calls like Texas did.

I've seen more than one headline that said something to the effect of "Miami benefits from another late-game ref call". It was not as momentous as the VaTech Hail Mary or the Cal non-targeting call, but it was still a thing.
Well not really my guy...

For Arroyo, he is making contact with his feet 3 yards down the field and the guy looks to be just a hair inside of 2 yards past LOS.

For Lville player, he does look like he is 3 yards down the field and had to lunge to try to get Kiko who is closer to only 1 yard down the field, that is what made me question whether either were in the "neutral" zone. I think it is close.

If the NCAA rulebook is the rule I am reciting then I guess "forward" pass could mean still behind the LOS but thus forward, however my recollection is it means beyond the LOS then I dont think there is an argument. Once again I may have the rule wrong and I will ask a friend I have that is a ref next time we touch base but I was more so looking to help out fellow canes arguing that is a penalty when 1. it dont matter, lets not ***** like everyone else, we should know better than anyone (thanks to porter) the final score is all that matters not the yellow piece of fabric on the field and 2. it may simply be wrong because the plays were different.

Where I do not think it is close is where the ball ends up.

Our play, you see Strep is already a yard past LOS and he catches it even further (not by much maybe another few yards at most) up field.

Lville play looks like the ball is already out in your screen grab, LOS is the 4, no way in **** that ball passed the 4 yardline.
Pains me to say this, but I think they got both of those calls right from reading the 2024 rule book:
Screenshot 2024-10-21 152617.png

Screenshot 2024-10-21 152851.png

Arroyo's contact was beyond the neutral zone & the ball was thrown beyond the neutral zone. The UL contact was beyond the neutral zone but since the throw never crossed the neutral zone there couldn't be OPI.
Casual fans really outing themselves this year. There’s people complaining about that Texas PI call and admit it’s the right call but are using the same reasoning as the VT call where they just don’t like the “process” of overturning the call, so that means a bad call should stand. Such BS
This guy gets it.

How long until the CFP voters start downgrading us because of "ref calls"?

Spoiler alert - less than 2 weeks...
And 247's national page is right in the thick of the narrative...

The front page is a story "College Football's 10 overrated, underrated Playoff Contenders"

Give you one guess what Miami is in their eyes.....

Miami Hurricanes (Overrated)​

How much longer can the Hurricanes play with fire until they're burned? The good news for unbeaten Miami is the lack of nationally-ranked opponents the rest of the way before Mario Cristobal's team has to deal with Clemson or potentially Pittsburgh or SMU in the ACC title game. Miami's won three consecutive games with fourth-quarter magic behind Heisman frontrunner Cam Ward, but there's worry defensively. No current unbeaten has given up as many points (158) as the Hurricanes this season, who have managed to three ACC victories despite giving up an average of 39 points per game in those contests. At some point, Miami's going to take a loss before the playoff.
If you have to complain about the referee, your team didn’t do it’s job. There’a ~ 150 plays in a football game. A bad call isn’t as game changing as some fans want to believe
Terry Porter is going to send you a Christmas card this year.
Terry Porter is going to send you a Christmas card this year.
Nah. That was a bull**** call but Miami should never have been in position to lose because of a penalty. Our offense got exposed and without Willis Mcgahee to carry them, they couldn’t score against OSU.
And if they did, it would be because we're narrowly defeating average ACC teams, and not because of what Rick Neuheisel or Brock Osweiler think about some calls that could have gone against us. The CFP selection committee is not Twitter.

Your dopey love letters to the CFP are not reality.

The CFP is made up of human beings who listen to the same propaganda on ESPN and elsewhere.

Chris Ault - former head coach and AD at Nevada (so he's a former coach who might have voted in the Coaches poll)
Chet Gladchuk - former AD at Houston and Navy
Jim Grobe - former head coach at Ohio, Wake Forest, and Baylor (another former coach who would have voted in the Coaches poll)
Warde Manuel - CURRENT AD at Michigan, former AD at UConn and SUNY-Buffalo
Randall McDaniel - former football player for Arizona State, no coaching or AD experience at the collegiate level
Gary Pinkel - former head coach at Missouri and Toledo (a third former coach who would have voted in the Coaches poll)
Mack Rhoades - CURRENT AD at Baylor and former AD at Mizzou, Houston, and Akron
Mike Riley - former head coach at Oregon State and Nebraska (a fourth former coach who would have voted in the Coaches poll)
David Sayler - CURRENT AD at Miami University and former AD at South Dakota
Will Shields - former football player for Nebraska, no coaching or AD experience at the collegiate level
Kelly Whiteside - former sportswriter for USA Today, current professor in Sports Media and Journalism at Montclair State
Carla Williams - CURRENT AD at UVa
Hunter Yurachek - CURRENT AD at Arkansas, former AD at Coastal Carolina and Houston

7 were on the committee last year. 5 have been on the committee three consecutive times. 1 person is on his 4th consecutive committee.

---Of the 13, 5 are current ADs, one from the SEC, one from the Big 10, one from the ACC, one from the Big 12, and one from a G4 conference.
---4 are former head coaches. I don't know if Ault ever voted in the coaches poll (Nevada), but I'm fairly certain that Grobe, Pinkel, and Riley did.
---The other 4 include two former players with NO collegiate coaching/AD experience, a former AD, and a former sportswriter.

Now, you can continue your charade of acting like these 13 people are of virginal character and do not ever watch or listen to ESPN or any other outlets. You can pretend that they are like a sequestered jury, who professed to have no prior knowlege of the case and are locked away in a hotel for their deliberations.

Except...that's bull****.

Each of these 13 people, before they ever take a vote, have been watching over 2 months of college football. Not from sound-free video tapes, but from ESPN and Fox and CBS and NBC broadcasts. They are just as susceptible to the false narratives as anyone else is.

And I guaran-*******-tee you, they will "discuss" the exact same narratives that have been spouted by all the sports journalists for months. JUST LIKE THEY DID LAST YEAR, when the miraculously came to the same conclusion about F$U that all of the sports journalists had yapped about for weeks, about how F$U was not the same team without Jordan Travis.

So **** off with this "the CFP is not Twitter" bull****. The CFP Committee is made up of people who watch sports on TV just like everyone else, and only five of them (the current ADs) are even active in college sports today. The other eight people USED TO BE active, but are not active any longer.

And the fewer voters you have, the more weight that each one carries.
Casual fans really outing themselves this year. There’s people complaining about that Texas PI call and admit it’s the right call but are using the same reasoning as the VT call where they just don’t like the “process” of overturning the call, so that means a bad call should stand. Such BS


There is a whole cottage industry of college-football-fans/Miami-haters who are SUDDENLY experts in the "process" of overturning calls on the field...

And 247's national page is right in the thick of the narrative...

The front page is a story "College Football's 10 overrated, underrated Playoff Contenders"

Give you one guess what Miami is in their eyes.....

Miami Hurricanes (Overrated)​

How much longer can the Hurricanes play with fire until they're burned? The good news for unbeaten Miami is the lack of nationally-ranked opponents the rest of the way before Mario Cristobal's team has to deal with Clemson or potentially Pittsburgh or SMU in the ACC title game. Miami's won three consecutive games with fourth-quarter magic behind Heisman frontrunner Cam Ward, but there's worry defensively. No current unbeaten has given up as many points (158) as the Hurricanes this season, who have managed to three ACC victories despite giving up an average of 39 points per game in those contests. At some point, Miami's going to take a loss before the playoff.


It should be pointed out that after Miami went up 10-7 on Louisville in the first quarter, we NEVER trailed for the rest of the game.

But, yeah, that's just "fourth quarter magic behind Heisman frontrunner Cam Ward", right?

We punted TWO times in the entire game (Louisville punted 5 times). We scored 52 points. But somehow, it was all "fourth quarter magic", right?