Golden still in play at PSU!

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With Golden's statement, not just So Fla, but nationally I think the media will call him a flat out liar if he turns around and now accepts an offer. There are many things he could have said, but he specifically said "I am NOT a candidate for any jobs". Meaning he is out of contention, either by his own choice, or it was made for him, but that does not leave much wiggle room.

All coaches lie before they take a new job. It's standard operating procedure.

If his statement was any softer than "I am not a candidate for any job", it would've simply raised more doubt.

I think after the UL reporter asked Golden about the timeline he was ready to high tail it outa here. The heat down here is different when it gets hot. He can go to Penn St win 9 games against youngstown st and be happy. That **** will not fly here
that wack a$$ joke he made at todays press conference about himself "thinking the meeting was at the EJ room and no one arrived, he says he thought he was in the clear" that sh^t was not funny at all. CUT TIES WITH THIS MAN NOW please.
He may suck as a coach, but dude isn't dishonest/sketchy. He wouldn't release a statement if he was going to do the opposite

That's just not his style. Don't set yourselves up for another meltdown...

Nah. He's not sketchy at all. Just disappeared for 3 days and went dark. No one had any clue what he was up to and, quite frankly, we still don't.

3 days? Try 24 hours. He was on campus Thursday and Friday. Supposedly interviewed Saturday and said he was staying Sunday afternoon. I find nothing at all wrong with how he handled this, even if we likely won't know about his offer/rejection etc..
I wonder what happens if Blake James just fires D'Onofrio anyway. What does Golden do? Threaten to leave to Penn State? He can pound sand and we'll help him out the door.

Have to see if the contract allows us to fire his coaches without it being a breach of contract.

In a moment of weakness we allowed this guy to get WAY too much leverage.

There's no way UM would leave the hiring and retention of UM employees up to a football coach. UM's cutting the checks, and UM's making the decisions.

Heres an article where the same author claims Richt, Swinney and Tom Clements were finalists for the PSU job before BOB took it. Also claimed at the bottom Bob Stoops and Chip Kelly to be in the running but were taken out for various reasons. No offense but don't ever source the dude again. Hes a wack job. PSU's Ferman if you will.
Don't believe story either and I believe golden will be here for awhile. Just passing story along for us that want to live in denial until Penn state coach is hired

Heres an article where the same author claims Richt, Swinney and Tom Clements were finalists for the PSU job before BOB took it. Also claimed at the bottom Bob Stoops and Chip Kelly to be in the running but were taken out for various reasons. No offense but don't ever source the dude again. Hes a wack job. PSU's Ferman if you will.
Did he really mention Stoops and Chip Kelly? LMAO
I agree he crafts his words very carefully and the guy is very aware of what he says and does in public, which is why I think his comment is TOO definitive. there is no way he can spin "not a candidate" if he interviewed, and then gets an offer after. I mean that is the very DEFINITION of a "candidate".

If you're Al Golden and you want the PSU job but it hasn't been formally offered, what would your statement say?

He had to say SOMETHING.

If he says he doesn't want the job, he's a liar. If he says he didn't meet with them, he's a liar. If he tells the truth and says he's considering the job, he gets his *** fired.

See Art Briles statement when his name was kicked around with the Texas Job. "Despite rumors to the contrary, Im a Baylor Bear".

"Despite rumors in the media, I have not been offered any jobs, I am a Miami Hurricane". That is even MORE emphatic and explanatory than the bullsh*t that Briles put out, and yet it would not be a lie if later he says "I was LATER offered the job, and being my dream job, I accepted".

By saying "I am not a candidate for ANY job", he would flat out be a liar if it later came out that he interviewed, and was waiting for an offer from PSU. That would be a FLAT OUT LIE. No way to spin that.

There are ways to spin things, without flat out lying.

It's interesting to see how Chip Kelly handled things. No pressers to say he's back, everything was done through a release. He ended up leaving for Philly and the guy is still respected in Oregon.