Glen Logan - LSU DT

Maybe Logan prefers the freedom Diaz's defense affords it's d-linemen. In our defense our d-linemen are allowed to penetrate and disrupt whereas in Dave Aranda 3-4 the d-linemen are tasked with commanding double teams so that the lb's can make plays.

I seem to recall this being a reason why we couldn't recruit DL, I'm wondering why they are able to do it?

Aranda just made the move to LSU and installed the 3-4. This is the guy that countless others wanted as our guys are potentially transferring away b/c they don't like his style. The same thing we all complained about with the previous regime. Kinda funny how that works.

The fans wanted Aranda here. So did Rick. Rick tried to hire him but got outbid by LSU.

Second, guys transfer all the time regardless of the quality of coaches. Courtel Jenkins left here. That doesn't mean Diaz or Kool sucks.

Richt got the right man for the job at DC...thank God he doesn't listen to us message board warriors. Turns out Aranda would've been closer to Dorito 2.0 than Diaz.

You must have never watched one of Arandas defenses play. I am happy that we got Diaz but would have been just as happy with Aranda. His defenses are ultra aggressive...he's one of the best in the business. Nothing close to what D'nofrio ran here.
I seem to recall this being a reason why we couldn't recruit DL, I'm wondering why they are able to do it?

Aranda just made the move to LSU and installed the 3-4. This is the guy that countless others wanted as our guys are potentially transferring away b/c they don't like his style. The same thing we all complained about with the previous regime. Kinda funny how that works.

The fans wanted Aranda here. So did Rick. Rick tried to hire him but got outbid by LSU.

Second, guys transfer all the time regardless of the quality of coaches. Courtel Jenkins left here. That doesn't mean Diaz or Kool sucks.

Richt got the right man for the job at DC...thank God he doesn't listen to us message board warriors. Turns out Aranda would've been closer to Dorito 2.0 than Diaz.

Aranda's defense is excellent and aggressive. It's nothing like Dorito's.

Neither is Diaz's. I didn't call Diaz Dorito 2.0...someone else in this conversation did. Diaz's defense is probably the farthest removed from having any similarities of a Dorito defense.
Aranda used a 2-4-5 defense in Wisconsin as well. I think he would have been a great fit at Miami, and would have found ways to use some of the talented but tweenerish players Florida constantly seems to churn out (undersized DE types, hybrid Rover/LB types, CB/S types).
Logan was listed 3rd on the depth chart for LSU spring practices, was running with the 2nd team DL, but has been absent for the last 3-4 practices for unspecified reasons.....per the internetz.
Logan was listed 3rd on the depth chart for LSU spring practices, was running with the 2nd team DL, but has been absent for the last 3-4 practices for unspecified reasons.....per the internetz.

Perhaps jumping to conclusions, but sounds like this is happening unless he's just hurt (of which I have seen no report). Hope he ends up here if it is.
The last person he started following on Twitter is Standish Dobard. Willis, Shaq, and Norton are also a few of his more recent follows.
Logan was listed 3rd on the depth chart for LSU spring practices, was running with the 2nd team DL, but has been absent for the last 3-4 practices for unspecified reasons.....per the internetz.
Would be as big as pulling Delaney for the 2017 season. Maybe even more significant.
If this happens, Pete's reputation as a journalist is gonna skyrocket like that fat guy who followed Lebron James around in high school and now works for ESPN..
Logan was listed 3rd on the depth chart for LSU spring practices, was running with the 2nd team DL, but has been absent for the last 3-4 practices for unspecified reasons.....per the internetz.
Would be as big as pulling Delaney for the 2017 season. Maybe even more significant.

He wouldn't be allowed to play the '17 season

We wont need him for the 17' season! We could be short if McIntosh and Norton jumped early!

Logan would be as needed for the 18' season as Delaney for the 17' season!
Logan was listed 3rd on the depth chart for LSU spring practices, was running with the 2nd team DL, but has been absent for the last 3-4 practices for unspecified reasons.....per the internetz.
Would be as big as pulling Delaney for the 2017 season. Maybe even more significant.

He wouldn't be allowed to play the '17 season
What? Getting him to play in 2018 would be as big as our pull to get Delaney to play in our 2017 season. Considering it's possible we lose our top 4 DTs after 2017, I'd consider Logan's eligibility into our lineup as possibly even more significant relative to our 2017 situation at CB pre-Delaney.
If Logan comes for 2018:

DT - Logan, Fines, Silvera
DT - Bethel, Ford, Martin

Of course, the cherry on top would be a kid like Vincent.

My only concern about Logan is whether LSU would let him transfer here seeing as how we play them in 2018. I guess we could offer to not play Logan against LSU in that game as a way to get them to authorize the transfer. But is that kind of agreement even feasible? And wouldn't LSU be more worried about Logan providing detailed intel to Miami coaches about LSU strengths and weaknesses, playcalls, etc, rather than being concerned about his onfield play
If Logan comes for 2018:

DT - Logan, Fines, Silvera
DT - Bethel, Ford, Martin

Of course, the cherry on top would be a kid like Vincent.

My only concern about Logan is whether LSU would let him transfer here seeing as how we play them in 2018. I guess we could offer to not play Logan against LSU in that game as a way to get them to authorize the transfer. But is that kind of agreement even feasible? And wouldn't LSU be more worried about Logan providing detailed intel to Miami coaches about LSU strengths and weaknesses, playcalls, etc, rather than being concerned about his onfield play

Not a thing.
If Logan comes for 2018:

DT - Logan, Fines, Silvera
DT - Bethel, Ford, Martin

Of course, the cherry on top would be a kid like Vincent.

My only concern about Logan is whether LSU would let him transfer here seeing as how we play them in 2018. I guess we could offer to not play Logan against LSU in that game as a way to get them to authorize the transfer. But is that kind of agreement even feasible? And wouldn't LSU be more worried about Logan providing detailed intel to Miami coaches about LSU strengths and weaknesses, playcalls, etc, rather than being concerned about his onfield play

If Logan comes for 2018:

DT - Logan, Fines, Silvera
DT - Bethel, Ford, Martin

Of course, the cherry on top would be a kid like Vincent.

My only concern about Logan is whether LSU would let him transfer here seeing as how we play them in 2018. I guess we could offer to not play Logan against LSU in that game as a way to get them to authorize the transfer. But is that kind of agreement even feasible? And wouldn't LSU be more worried about Logan providing detailed intel to Miami coaches about LSU strengths and weaknesses, playcalls, etc, rather than being concerned about his onfield play


Well then smarty pants, how are you going to convince LSU to let Logan transfer here? What's going to prevent LSU from doing the same thing we did to Gus?