Tears Gator Tears


Pretty sure if you removed the paper bag on this poster's avatar, it'd be the guy I saw yelling at his old lady in the parking lot outside Hardee's in Cross City

Whey would we want brown ? We just stop recruiting a small wr . Hank for sure and if we get brown it must mean upshaw is leaving or the staff likes brown better than upshaw . I can’t see us taking two more small wr

Because Brown is an elite talent. You don't pass up a player like that, he's very much in the mold of a Luther Burden.
Because Brown is an elite talent. You don't pass up a player like that, he's very much in the mold of a Luther Burden.
We could lose up to four wide receivers after this season (Restrepo, Brown, George, Horton). We need to keep the pipeline stocked, and I'd rather that it be weighted towards high school players for the sake of balance.

Pretty sure if you removed the paper bag on this poster's avatar, it'd be the guy I saw yelling at his old lady in the parking lot outside Hardee's in Cross City

Lol I’ve seen a pic of him before. He’s an inked up bearded dude. I think he mentioned that he has a record for assault. He actually seems like a decent dude on there but he’s mad as **** that we beat the **** out of them at the swamp and we’re unbeaten “because of ACC refs” and we’re taking their recruits.