Official Fall PractiSe #1: Tuesday, August 1

Why do you think we are entitled to more?
Well, we're not entitled to anything. Mario and the program can do whatever they want. I understand that. But in a market that is over-saturated with other sports and interests, providing the local reporters access means more news, more clicks, more views which hopefully means more interest by the fans in the product.

And I mean, seriously, no one out there is some football guru diagnosing plays or stealing signs. Look at the junk that is posted. It's all "I don't see so and so out here today." "TVD had a good day today." It's so unremarkable. It's not like anyone is giving away state secrets.
#3 Jacolby George
#6 Damari Brown
#8 Joshua Horton
#15 Tyler Harrell
#16 Robert Stafford
#21 Kaleb Spencer
#22 Mark Fletcher Jr.
#22 Jaden Davis
#23 KJ Cloyd
#24 Christopher Johnson Jr.
#25 Ja’Dais Richard
#28 Ajay Allen
#29 Demetrius Freeney
#32 Raul “Popo” Aguirre Jr.
#33 Marcellius Pulliam
#52 Luis Cristobal Jr.
#62 Tommy Kinsler
#83 Shemar Kirk
#93 Anthony Campbell
If only we had a world reknown rugby strength coach here on CIS....

If he ain't on this list, I don't want 'em
Well, we're not entitled to anything. Mario and the program can do whatever they want. I understand that. But in a market that is over-saturated with other sports and interests, providing the local reporters access means more news, more clicks, more views which hopefully means more interest by the fans in the product.

And I mean, seriously, no one out there is some football guru diagnosing plays or stealing signs. Look at the junk that is posted. It's all "I don't see so and so out here today." "TVD had a good day today." It's so unremarkable. It's not like anyone is giving away state secrets.
I would argue the fans are entitled to some things, especially an updated roster.

Mario asks the fans to show up, spend their money, and stay and support the team during an FSU bludgeoning, but can't give the fans a roster?

Cmon man. This secrecy **** is over the top.