Elite Prospect Weekend is here!

The windchill is -18 or worse here in MN most days lately. Someone said field visited the high ranked TE from Minneapolis area yesterday. Will be quite the difference from that weather to south florida. I’m sure he will love the visit based on the weather alone
I am from south Florida and retired from the Army in Colorado Springs. My dad came to see me a couple of Christmas’s ago from Fort Lauderdale and when he left it was 89 degrees and when I picked him up from the airport it was negative 23 degrees with snow all over the ground from earlier that day. It was over a 100 degree difference. Poor fella was in flip flops and shorts and T shirt 😂🤣
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Not sure how we can recruit without TRob


/sarcasm fully in effect

This is crazy

The crazy thing is you have kids spending their OWN MONEY to get down to Miami, and you have our fans worrying about OC's and position coaches. Either these players just want some good weather, or they actually like what the head coach is selling.
And arent these kids all coming on their own dime? Thats even more crazy and shows there is legit interest from all these kids to at the very least come back for an OV at some point. (Or at least the majority of them)
Put your pants back on .... most of these OOS kids are here with their 7v7 teams for the Battle Championships so the arey typically sponsored and a) aren't paying for **** and b) already in Miami for the tourney.
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Put your pants back on .... most of these OOS kids are here with their 7v7 teams for the Battle Championships so the are typically sponsored and a) aren't paying for **** and b) already in Miami for the tourney.
Dumb post.. Mario has done something none of us has ever seen and you want to claim it’s just a tournament? There’s being negative and then there’s you. Kick rocks dude get out of this forum and never come back
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