There is seemingly no down side to the deal. Scholarships are renewable so a player can be cut per se if needed. We are devoid of talent, and for the star chasers we only have two 5* players on the roster. We can double that by doing the deal.
Cuz comes from 5* bloodlines. That does not mean he will be an impact player, but that plus the chance to be on the field with his family may make him one of those classic UM players that is about his team, plays with heart and gives 110% (those SFLA specials we all talk about - even though he is not from SFLA).
Checkers and chess boys, which game do you want to play boys?
There's no downside to you to letting a recruit dictate offers a year ahead to the weak part of the package deal because it's not your money, job, team and reputation on the line.
Says the man who will ***** when Lo goes elsewhere. Money, job, team and reputation are on the line if you cannot win because you cannot pull in the studs. When you start winning you can dictate the terms, until then you are one in the pack trying to get a leg up. That is why Bama as I think it was you noted does not need to offer cuz.
Supply and demand, they have the supply right now and they know we need it, win the ACC, play for a title, then the tables turn.