Early Morning Haselwood update

I cant believe ive reached a point in life where I am trying to diagnose hieroglyphics to determine the thoughts of an 18 year old kid, but....

That second blanked out word is too long to be either okalhoma or norman. I think the poster above is right that he was making an exaggeration like okie state.
Recruits always do this to drum up excitement come on he ain't going to Okie . Just stop. That is as silly as thinking the Lakeland guys are coming to Miami . They are trolling us just like Jadon is trolling Okie to get some excitement up for Jan 5th.
Keep dreaming. Richt did just fine in Athens when it came to recruiting now all of sudden people say he can't land anyone? What do you think the determining factor is? Not the coach. IT's the game.

Exactly he only did fine, you put it perfectly

Kirby is destroying it up there
Haselwood’s father has been connected to OU the whole process. He went to school at OU. Although that information just became public knowledge to some, OU has known that for most, if not all, of the recruiting cycle. Haselwood visited in April. But they just offered bags to him in the past month?

The bag excuse is weak. Look at OU’s qbs, WRs, and record the last 4 years compared to ours. We lost our lead for him because we finished poorly for the 2nd year in a row while entering next year with high uncertainty on both sides of the ball. We don’t have much going for us as a program right now.
I hate what's going on at the Hecht, but someone needs to explain how on earth we go from sure it's Miami to it's 100% OU in less than 24hrs.

Like big bags have been dropped, I get it. I guess we can't compete with the likes of OU, UGA, Bama and we shouldn't be surprised about this...

You can assuage your disappointment by sticking your fingers in your ears and just claim everyone is cheating, but this one is pretty obvious.

Kid's heart is Miami, but he can see the dings in the paint job. As decision time closes in and the pressure rises he starts to second guess. His love of Miami is purely emotional, but now he starts looking at things a little more logically. The experienced voice in his life and one he trusts is giving him some perspective and he's listening. Pops went to OU. They've just put up another Heisman QB and have the best offense in the land. Pops is telling him Miami is a **** decision... and he's right