Early Morning Haselwood update

Didn't say everything was fine but your point is dumb. If Pope or Gurvan Hall had decided to drag it out till signing day would their commits mean more to you because they were signing day wins?

My point isn't dumb. The subject is about closing on prospects strong. The guys that are in limbo and haven't signed yet are the ones that are still being courted. Those are the guys that are on the fence, and more often than not, are not landing with Miami. It's clear you're not grasping the concept, so just drop it then.
No code there... I told yall weeks ago Jon richt oc 2019... maybe yall just thought I was kidding.
Curious. Does anyone see the **** job that Blake James is doing as AD? I'm not talking about just the football program suffering. But look at baseball, and to a lesser extent basketball? Is there anyone evaluating Blake James and saying "Man, what does this guy do exactly?"

Check out a couple of the threads on the eye in the sky board. The fans are definitely taking notice. There's a billboard (or multiple billboards) being discussed calling Blake James out. He is the number one problem. Hoping the billboards come to fruition and the decision makers take notice.
Check out a couple of the threads on the eye in the sky board. The fans are definitely taking notice. There's a billboard (or multiple billboards) being discussed calling Blake James out. He is the number one problem. Hoping the billboards come to fruition and the decision makers take notice.

Not talking about fans, a majority of our fanbase recognizes Blake James shouldn't be an AD, let alone one at Miami. I'm talking about who evaluates Blake James? Who's the one that fires him? Because I'm under the assumption that he falls under the athletic board and/or Julio Frenk. The latter doesn't seem to want to bother with sports. So who else is doing the evaluating? Is this a guy who's likely the lone person in this country that doesn't have anyone evaluating him?
He told Cam Newton where he is going definitely not UGA as he said in the messages "Had to leave this mf bro"
Anyone have any ideas


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I haven't counted this kid, or any legit offensive player for that matter, in this class given the **** show this team, and the offense in particular, have been since Pitt '17.
Why would this kid come here when you look at this objectively? The city and Dugans can oy get us so close.
Brock if you wanna talk about this I'm okay with one message but I'm not elaborating more than this on HERE. just like recruiting things are fluid. Kids change they're minds. I told yall myself a month ago he was staying. After him saying for most of the season he was gone.... now hes circled back on that again. Maybe Quincy can talk him into staying. But from my understanding Quincy is about to be hired at osu... that'll seal it.

**** I think if it happens fast enough maybe it’ll peek his interest.


We are left with our dycks in our hand, flaccid, as usual.
Lincoln Riley ...Mork Richt .......Lincoln Riley.......Mork Richt.......Yea Lincoln Riley.
Got ya. Id argue they didnt really want/need him when they had waddle (whos ranked ahead of him)signed, Along with 3 of the top 5 wrs recruits the year before already on the team. But ok
Cut the BS dude. We just called you out and now your trying to walk it back. Be a man and just admit when your wrong. Justyn Ross was the number one receiver In Bama and 5 Star elite and dabo took him. Why can’t dudes just admit when there wrong on here. Smh
Cut the BS dude. We just called you out and now your trying to walk it back. Be a man and just admit when your wrong. Justyn Ross was the number one receiver In Bama and 5 Star elite and dabo took him. Why can’t dudes just admit when there wrong on here. Smh
I was wrong. Haha We coo?
Brock if you wanna talk about this I'm okay with one message but I'm not elaborating more than this on HERE. just like recruiting things are fluid. Kids change they're minds. I told yall myself a month ago he was staying. After him saying for most of the season he was gone.... now hes circled back on that again. Maybe Quincy can talk him into staying. But from my understanding Quincy is about to be hired at osu... that'll seal it.

I've never been this close to being done with my alma mater. What an absolute shytshow right now. I don't even know what to say any more.

It's never been more clear that this is clearly on Blake James and his lazy/unresearched hire. I actually can't be as mad at Mark Richt because he's just doing the same thing he did at Georgia.
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I hate what's going on at the Hecht, but someone needs to explain how on earth we go from sure it's Miami to it's 100% OU in less than 24hrs.

Like big bags have been dropped, I get it. I guess we can't compete with the likes of OU, UGA, Bama and we shouldn't be surprised about this...