Donna Dangles: We Skate

I feel confident that Shalala wouldn't say "...this process must come to a swift resolution, which includes no additional punitive measures beyond those already self-imposed" without knowing that she is in good shape.

If she KNEW she was in good shape, she wouldn't say those things at all. The reason she said them is to send a message because she has no way of KNOWING how things play out from here.

Agreed. The minute I saw that forceful statement I knew there has been no settlement. She's trying to coerce a settlement by applying public pressure.

Me thinks Donna is much better politician than Emmert is. He has showed how much of an *ss he is the past couple teleconferences. Donna sat back and played this perfectly. Time to bring the hammer out

I don't understand folks who keep insisting she's played this out well. This investigation has been extremely damaging to the U and we haven't even gotten the NOA yet. Nothing that has happened so far looks 'well played' to me. If she could go back to the beginning, she'd be wise to just do whatever Ohio State's President does whenever they get in trouble. Cough, fire someone, burn a few file cabinets, tell a joke at a press conference, and move on. The acquiescence strategy the U settled on certainly extended the investigation and reduced the pressure on the NCAA to do anything other than keep looking for trouble.

The really sad irony is if Emmert has any brains (or the BOD of the NCAA does), he should really resign. But if he resigns, it will just further drag this all out.

I'm actually surprised Emmert hasn't resigned yet. He reminds me of Bud Selig -- another owner/President who took on this type of role and decided he liked it, and became power hungry and entrenched as a result. If Emmert had any character or dignity, he'd hand his head over on a platter.

What would you suggest she should've done? Specifically.

You realize there was nothing she could've done to expedite things, correct? You realize that if she resisted, given who we are (the most hated university within the NCAA), the investigation may have dragged on even longer, right? You realize that by failing to cooperate she would've handed the COI a silver bullet to put into our collective head, right?

I know you think you're smart, and I'm sure you are, but I'm also sure that the people advising the President, as well as the President herself, are also quite competent and capable -- they certainly are more experienced in these matters and understand the dynamics (and people) of the NCAA better than you.

I'm also certain that our President knows more facts about the case than you, me, or anyone else pontificating on these boards. I'm guessing -- just a hunch -- that she is more politically astute and connected than you as well.

And in the end, whether you want to admit it or not, the fact is we sit here today in a position to get out of this mess relatively unscathed -- a prospect that NO ONE who understood how the NCAA works thought possible a year ago. Shockingly, moreover, the public and the media are behind us. Who would've thunk it in the aftermath of the Yahoo article when every talking head was calling for the death penalty?

So whatever winding road we took to get to this point means nothing; all that matters is that we are in a great position to emerge from this mess as a going concern. And the person driving the whole thing is the President. She let them dig their own grave as they praised her cooperation with each pitch of the shovel. And after praising her contributions and cooperation, Emmert is now absolutely stuck, standing in his grave, as he futilely tries to climb out and salvage his career. He can't unring the bell.

If I presented that as a likely scenario in September 2011, you would've said I'm dreaming. No chance. Well it's happened. So that, in a nutshell, is why I think she played this perfectly.

If she KNEW she was in good shape, she wouldn't say those things at all. The reason she said them is to send a message because she has no way of KNOWING how things play out from here.

Agreed. The minute I saw that forceful statement I knew there has been no settlement. She's trying to coerce a settlement by applying public pressure.

Me thinks Donna is much better politician than Emmert is. He has showed how much of an *ss he is the past couple teleconferences. Donna sat back and played this perfectly. Time to bring the hammer out

I don't understand folks who keep insisting she's played this out well. This investigation has been extremely damaging to the U and we haven't even gotten the NOA yet. Nothing that has happened so far looks 'well played' to me. If she could go back to the beginning, she'd be wise to just do whatever Ohio State's President does whenever they get in trouble. Cough, fire someone, burn a few file cabinets, tell a joke at a press conference, and move on. The acquiescence strategy the U settled on certainly extended the investigation and reduced the pressure on the NCAA to do anything other than keep looking for trouble.

The really sad irony is if Emmert has any brains (or the BOD of the NCAA does), he should really resign. But if he resigns, it will just further drag this all out.

I'm actually surprised Emmert hasn't resigned yet. He reminds me of Bud Selig -- another owner/President who took on this type of role and decided he liked it, and became power hungry and entrenched as a result. If Emmert had any character or dignity, he'd hand his head over on a platter.

What would you suggest she should've done? Specifically.

You realize there was nothing she could've done to expedite things, correct? You realize that if she resisted, given who we are (the most hated university within the NCAA), the investigation may have dragged on even longer, right? You realize that by failing to cooperate she would've handed the COI a silver bullet to put into our collective head, right?

I know you think you're smart, and I'm sure you are, but I'm also sure that the people advising the President, as well as the President herself, are also quite competent and capable -- they certainly are more experienced in these matters and understand the dynamics (and people) of the NCAA better than you.

I'm also certain that our President knows more facts about the case than you, me, or anyone else pontificating on these boards. I'm guessing -- just a hunch -- that she is more politically astute and connected than you as well.

And in the end, whether you want to admit it or not, the fact is we sit here today in a position to get out of this mess relatively unscathed -- a prospect that NO ONE who understood how the NCAA works thought possible a year ago. Shockingly, moreover, the public and the media are behind us. Who would've thunk it in the aftermath of the Yahoo article when every talking head was calling for the death penalty?

So whatever winding road we took to get to this point means nothing; all that matters is that we are in a great position to emerge from this mess as a going concern. And the person driving the whole thing is the President. She let them dig their own grave as they praised her cooperation with each pitch of the shovel. And after praising her contributions and cooperation, Emmert is now absolutely stuck, standing in his grave, as he futilely tries to climb out and salvage his career. He can't unring the bell.

If I presented that as a likely scenario in September 2011, you would've said I'm dreaming. No chance. Well it's happened. So that, in a nutshell, is why I think she played this perfectly.

You know what they say about what happens when you assume, right?

Welcome to there. You're trying to talk yourself into something I'm not even sure you believe. Be my guest. But save me the condescending crap about what I know or don't know.

And your comment that we might get out of this 'unscathed' is so ignorant it's incredible. If this is unscathed, I can't wait to see what harmed looks like. We've suffered a ton already.

The death penalty? Because YAHOO! said so? Great logic.

You sound drunk. Go on thinking Donna did great here. I'll bet you a lot that Donna don't think she did great here.
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Sportscenter managed to spend even less time on this than they did hockey tonight, which believe me, is a tremendous feat. Every major sports site has this **** on the front page and prominently featured. ESPN's headline is "NCAA going forward with UM investigation". They only mentioned 2 sentences of Shalala's statement (the part about the NCAA being unethical) and they presented it in a way that would cause the average sports fan who hasn't followed this story to laugh at us calling the NCAA unethical.
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Sportscenter managed to spend even less time on this than they did hockey tonight. Every major sports site has this **** on the front page and prominently featured. ESPN's headline is "NCAA going forward with UM investigation". They only mentioned 2 sentences of Shalala's statement (the part about the NCAA being unethical) and they presented it in a way that would cause the average sports fan who hasn't followed this story to laugh at us calling the NCAA unethical.

If was somthing bad that Miami did they would of had a 20 min segment on it. I cant believe this story is not getting much attention from ESPN. This network is a Joke!
Agreed. The minute I saw that forceful statement I knew there has been no settlement. She's trying to coerce a settlement by applying public pressure.

Me thinks Donna is much better politician than Emmert is. He has showed how much of an *ss he is the past couple teleconferences. Donna sat back and played this perfectly. Time to bring the hammer out

I don't understand folks who keep insisting she's played this out well. This investigation has been extremely damaging to the U and we haven't even gotten the NOA yet. Nothing that has happened so far looks 'well played' to me. If she could go back to the beginning, she'd be wise to just do whatever Ohio State's President does whenever they get in trouble. Cough, fire someone, burn a few file cabinets, tell a joke at a press conference, and move on. The acquiescence strategy the U settled on certainly extended the investigation and reduced the pressure on the NCAA to do anything other than keep looking for trouble.

The really sad irony is if Emmert has any brains (or the BOD of the NCAA does), he should really resign. But if he resigns, it will just further drag this all out.

I'm actually surprised Emmert hasn't resigned yet. He reminds me of Bud Selig -- another owner/President who took on this type of role and decided he liked it, and became power hungry and entrenched as a result. If Emmert had any character or dignity, he'd hand his head over on a platter.

What would you suggest she should've done? Specifically.

You realize there was nothing she could've done to expedite things, correct? You realize that if she resisted, given who we are (the most hated university within the NCAA), the investigation may have dragged on even longer, right? You realize that by failing to cooperate she would've handed the COI a silver bullet to put into our collective head, right?

I know you think you're smart, and I'm sure you are, but I'm also sure that the people advising the President, as well as the President herself, are also quite competent and capable -- they certainly are more experienced in these matters and understand the dynamics (and people) of the NCAA better than you.

I'm also certain that our President knows more facts about the case than you, me, or anyone else pontificating on these boards. I'm guessing -- just a hunch -- that she is more politically astute and connected than you as well.

And in the end, whether you want to admit it or not, the fact is we sit here today in a position to get out of this mess relatively unscathed -- a prospect that NO ONE who understood how the NCAA works thought possible a year ago. Shockingly, moreover, the public and the media are behind us. Who would've thunk it in the aftermath of the Yahoo article when every talking head was calling for the death penalty?

So whatever winding road we took to get to this point means nothing; all that matters is that we are in a great position to emerge from this mess as a going concern. And the person driving the whole thing is the President. She let them dig their own grave as they praised her cooperation with each pitch of the shovel. And after praising her contributions and cooperation, Emmert is now absolutely stuck, standing in his grave, as he futilely tries to climb out and salvage his career. He can't unring the bell.

If I presented that as a likely scenario in September 2011, you would've said I'm dreaming. No chance. Well it's happened. So that, in a nutshell, is why I think she played this perfectly.

You know what they say about what happens when you assume, right?

Welcome to there. You're trying to talk yourself into something I'm not even sure you believe. Be my guest. But save me the condescending crap about what I know or don't know.

And your comment that we might get out of this 'unscathed' is so ignorant it's incredible. If this is unscathed, I can't wait to see what harmed looks like. We've suffered a ton already.

The death penalty? Because YAHOO! said so? Great logic.

You sound drunk. Go on thinking Donna did great here. I'll bet you a lot that Donna don't think she did great here.

This. I think if she was gonna go down the fully cooperate route she could have gotten guarantees as to the length of the investigation, how far back they investigate, etc (if thats possible). I think there was a little too much bending over backwards to appease the NCAA and in the end they did nothing but spit in her face. IMO its a slap in the face that they are continuing with the NOA and the whole process. They botched the whole investigation but here they are wanting to continue and refusing to give a completion timeline. Doesn't sound like playing it perfectly to me.
Agreed. The minute I saw that forceful statement I knew there has been no settlement. She's trying to coerce a settlement by applying public pressure.

Me thinks Donna is much better politician than Emmert is. He has showed how much of an *ss he is the past couple teleconferences. Donna sat back and played this perfectly. Time to bring the hammer out

I don't understand folks who keep insisting she's played this out well. This investigation has been extremely damaging to the U and we haven't even gotten the NOA yet. Nothing that has happened so far looks 'well played' to me. If she could go back to the beginning, she'd be wise to just do whatever Ohio State's President does whenever they get in trouble. Cough, fire someone, burn a few file cabinets, tell a joke at a press conference, and move on. The acquiescence strategy the U settled on certainly extended the investigation and reduced the pressure on the NCAA to do anything other than keep looking for trouble.

The really sad irony is if Emmert has any brains (or the BOD of the NCAA does), he should really resign. But if he resigns, it will just further drag this all out.

I'm actually surprised Emmert hasn't resigned yet. He reminds me of Bud Selig -- another owner/President who took on this type of role and decided he liked it, and became power hungry and entrenched as a result. If Emmert had any character or dignity, he'd hand his head over on a platter.

What would you suggest she should've done? Specifically.

You realize there was nothing she could've done to expedite things, correct? You realize that if she resisted, given who we are (the most hated university within the NCAA), the investigation may have dragged on even longer, right? You realize that by failing to cooperate she would've handed the COI a silver bullet to put into our collective head, right?

I know you think you're smart, and I'm sure you are, but I'm also sure that the people advising the President, as well as the President herself, are also quite competent and capable -- they certainly are more experienced in these matters and understand the dynamics (and people) of the NCAA better than you.

I'm also certain that our President knows more facts about the case than you, me, or anyone else pontificating on these boards. I'm guessing -- just a hunch -- that she is more politically astute and connected than you as well.

And in the end, whether you want to admit it or not, the fact is we sit here today in a position to get out of this mess relatively unscathed -- a prospect that NO ONE who understood how the NCAA works thought possible a year ago. Shockingly, moreover, the public and the media are behind us. Who would've thunk it in the aftermath of the Yahoo article when every talking head was calling for the death penalty?

So whatever winding road we took to get to this point means nothing; all that matters is that we are in a great position to emerge from this mess as a going concern. And the person driving the whole thing is the President. She let them dig their own grave as they praised her cooperation with each pitch of the shovel. And after praising her contributions and cooperation, Emmert is now absolutely stuck, standing in his grave, as he futilely tries to climb out and salvage his career. He can't unring the bell.

If I presented that as a likely scenario in September 2011, you would've said I'm dreaming. No chance. Well it's happened. So that, in a nutshell, is why I think she played this perfectly.

You know what they say about what happens when you assume, right?

Welcome to there. You're trying to talk yourself into something I'm not even sure you believe. Be my guest. But save me the condescending crap about what I know or don't know.

And your comment that we might get out of this 'unscathed' is so ignorant it's incredible. If this is unscathed, I can't wait to see what harmed looks like. We've suffered a ton already.

The death penalty? Because YAHOO! said so? Great logic.

You sound drunk. Go on thinking Donna did great here. I'll bet you a lot that Donna don't think she did great here.

Thanks for the concrete suggestions on what she should've done. I figured you'd skip past that and launch into some ad hominem attack to avoid the issue.

And if you're going to quote what I said, at least get it right. I said relatively unscathed, as in much better off than anyone imagined, except maybe you. That's beyond dispute for reasonable men. We're looking at worst case scenario loss of 15 scholarships. We were talking in USC terms a year ago.

Of course, my reference to the death penalty was in relation to public perception, not to what I or anyone else with a level head thought we were facing. But, again, continue with your mischaracterizations.

For such a professed contrarian who ostensibly supports open dialogue, you sure turn into a little testy b*tch when challenged.
Sometimes, you can be patient enough to let someone hang themselves. We had no real alternative other than to be patient and cooperative, and we took it to an art form. We were so good at it that the NCAA regularly publicly praised our cooperation level. That's etched in stone now and is being used by the media as part of its current campaign to trash the NCAA.

President Shalala's intimate knowledge of this case might have clued her in to the NCAA's malfeasance, and she might have given them just enough rope to hang themselves. I'm committed to the idea that the NCAA's idiot fake investigators have been f#cking up all along, and perhaps those paying close attention saw the same thing. Now that she's got that noose around their neck she's pulling on it.
I am of the camp that Shalala got feed up with the cooperating **** and had enough and is ready to rip the NCAA a "new one" if they proceed with this sham and she made her intentions clearly known. It's my opinion that she read that report which was even more trumpet up and less independent than the paterno family one that came out and had enough. The standards of review that report uses, the deductions and the ways they gloss over **** is a mockery. Any one reading that report with any intelligence and interest in the subject will not believe that report's conclusions.

Here's to going on the offensive and ending this as quickly as possible
Me thinks Donna is much better politician than Emmert is. He has showed how much of an *ss he is the past couple teleconferences. Donna sat back and played this perfectly. Time to bring the hammer out

I don't understand folks who keep insisting she's played this out well. This investigation has been extremely damaging to the U and we haven't even gotten the NOA yet. Nothing that has happened so far looks 'well played' to me. If she could go back to the beginning, she'd be wise to just do whatever Ohio State's President does whenever they get in trouble. Cough, fire someone, burn a few file cabinets, tell a joke at a press conference, and move on. The acquiescence strategy the U settled on certainly extended the investigation and reduced the pressure on the NCAA to do anything other than keep looking for trouble.

The really sad irony is if Emmert has any brains (or the BOD of the NCAA does), he should really resign. But if he resigns, it will just further drag this all out.

I'm actually surprised Emmert hasn't resigned yet. He reminds me of Bud Selig -- another owner/President who took on this type of role and decided he liked it, and became power hungry and entrenched as a result. If Emmert had any character or dignity, he'd hand his head over on a platter.

What would you suggest she should've done? Specifically.

You realize there was nothing she could've done to expedite things, correct? You realize that if she resisted, given who we are (the most hated university within the NCAA), the investigation may have dragged on even longer, right? You realize that by failing to cooperate she would've handed the COI a silver bullet to put into our collective head, right?

I know you think you're smart, and I'm sure you are, but I'm also sure that the people advising the President, as well as the President herself, are also quite competent and capable -- they certainly are more experienced in these matters and understand the dynamics (and people) of the NCAA better than you.

I'm also certain that our President knows more facts about the case than you, me, or anyone else pontificating on these boards. I'm guessing -- just a hunch -- that she is more politically astute and connected than you as well.

And in the end, whether you want to admit it or not, the fact is we sit here today in a position to get out of this mess relatively unscathed -- a prospect that NO ONE who understood how the NCAA works thought possible a year ago. Shockingly, moreover, the public and the media are behind us. Who would've thunk it in the aftermath of the Yahoo article when every talking head was calling for the death penalty?

So whatever winding road we took to get to this point means nothing; all that matters is that we are in a great position to emerge from this mess as a going concern. And the person driving the whole thing is the President. She let them dig their own grave as they praised her cooperation with each pitch of the shovel. And after praising her contributions and cooperation, Emmert is now absolutely stuck, standing in his grave, as he futilely tries to climb out and salvage his career. He can't unring the bell.

If I presented that as a likely scenario in September 2011, you would've said I'm dreaming. No chance. Well it's happened. So that, in a nutshell, is why I think she played this perfectly.

You know what they say about what happens when you assume, right?

Welcome to there. You're trying to talk yourself into something I'm not even sure you believe. Be my guest. But save me the condescending crap about what I know or don't know.

And your comment that we might get out of this 'unscathed' is so ignorant it's incredible. If this is unscathed, I can't wait to see what harmed looks like. We've suffered a ton already.

The death penalty? Because YAHOO! said so? Great logic.

You sound drunk. Go on thinking Donna did great here. I'll bet you a lot that Donna don't think she did great here.

Thanks for the concrete suggestions on what she should've done. I figured you'd skip past that and launch into some ad hominem attack to avoid the issue.

And if you're going to quote what I said, at least get it right. I said relatively unscathed, as in much better off than anyone imagined, except maybe you. That's beyond dispute for reasonable men. We're looking at worst case scenario loss of 15 scholarships. We were talking in USC terms a year ago.

Of course, my reference to the death penalty was in relation to public perception, not to what I or anyone else with a level head thought we were facing. But, again, continue with your mischaracterizations.

For such a professed contrarian who ostensibly supports open dialogue, you sure turn into a little testy b*tch when challenged.

Ah, Mr. whiny punk calls me names but says I'm the 'ad hominem' one. I'd tell you what I think of you but this isn't the WEZ.

Your post was arrogant and condescending and vapid, and I responded. You re-upped, because that is what stupid people do when challenged. Have at it.

'Relatively unscathed'? Really? Because people who know nothing were worrying about worse a year ago? Great thinking!

We've self-imposed two bowl bans and a third Conference Championship game ban. No one has ever done that. We've suffered a cloud over recruiting for years now. We've self-imposed various other limits. And that's 'relatively unscathed'? Maybe in your world. In the real world we've already paid a higher price than these allegations warranted, and we aren't done paying the piper yet.

And this investigation has dragged on forever, and while I can't prove it, I do think that it is in part because of the compliant poster the U took in the face of the investigation. Donna made quite clear that posture when the investigation was announced. And yet you ask 'what could she have done differently?' If she's done nothing differently from what anyone else could have done, I guess I'd ask you why you compliment her?
Sportscenter managed to spend even less time on this than they did hockey tonight, which believe me, is a tremendous feat. Every major sports site has this **** on the front page and prominently featured. ESPN's headline is "NCAA going forward with UM investigation". They only mentioned 2 sentences of Shalala's statement (the part about the NCAA being unethical) and they presented it in a way that would cause the average sports fan who hasn't followed this story to laugh at us calling the NCAA unethical.

it was ridiculous. basically made it sound like nothing happened today just that the NCAA was continuing to move forward in the case. I couldn't believe out of the entire statement Shalala released they chose that small segment. I thought the exact same thing about the average observer when they presented it.
Sportscenter managed to spend even less time on this than they did hockey tonight, which believe me, is a tremendous feat. Every major sports site has this **** on the front page and prominently featured. ESPN's headline is "NCAA going forward with UM investigation". They only mentioned 2 sentences of Shalala's statement (the part about the NCAA being unethical) and they presented it in a way that would cause the average sports fan who hasn't followed this story to laugh at us calling the NCAA unethical.

I watched Sportscenter specifically to see what'd they say about it.

What a ******* joke they are.
Enjoy this paragraph, taken out of USA Today article:

"I've maintained for years and years that this process has operated out of any type of control or ethics or in many cases morals," said David Ridpath, an associate professor of sports administration at Ohio University and critic of NCAA enforcement practices. "These investigators are poorly supervised, I've felt, and sometimes even drunk on power where they've done things outside of what they were allowed to do. I think it has gone on for a long time."
Sportscenter managed to spend even less time on this than they did hockey tonight, which believe me, is a tremendous feat. Every major sports site has this **** on the front page and prominently featured. ESPN's headline is "NCAA going forward with UM investigation". They only mentioned 2 sentences of Shalala's statement (the part about the NCAA being unethical) and they presented it in a way that would cause the average sports fan who hasn't followed this story to laugh at us calling the NCAA unethical.

I watched Sportscenter specifically to see what'd they say about it.

What a ****ing joke they are.

ESPN's content other than game inventory has been **** for years now. Very happy that other outlets like NBC, FOX etc. are trying to become players in the sports tv market. Provide other options in the future.
I don't understand folks who keep insisting she's played this out well. This investigation has been extremely damaging to the U and we haven't even gotten the NOA yet. Nothing that has happened so far looks 'well played' to me. If she could go back to the beginning, she'd be wise to just do whatever Ohio State's President does whenever they get in trouble. Cough, fire someone, burn a few file cabinets, tell a joke at a press conference, and move on. The acquiescence strategy the U settled on certainly extended the investigation and reduced the pressure on the NCAA to do anything other than keep looking for trouble.

The really sad irony is if Emmert has any brains (or the BOD of the NCAA does), he should really resign. But if he resigns, it will just further drag this all out.

I'm actually surprised Emmert hasn't resigned yet. He reminds me of Bud Selig -- another owner/President who took on this type of role and decided he liked it, and became power hungry and entrenched as a result. If Emmert had any character or dignity, he'd hand his head over on a platter.

What would you suggest she should've done? Specifically.

You realize there was nothing she could've done to expedite things, correct? You realize that if she resisted, given who we are (the most hated university within the NCAA), the investigation may have dragged on even longer, right? You realize that by failing to cooperate she would've handed the COI a silver bullet to put into our collective head, right?

I know you think you're smart, and I'm sure you are, but I'm also sure that the people advising the President, as well as the President herself, are also quite competent and capable -- they certainly are more experienced in these matters and understand the dynamics (and people) of the NCAA better than you.

I'm also certain that our President knows more facts about the case than you, me, or anyone else pontificating on these boards. I'm guessing -- just a hunch -- that she is more politically astute and connected than you as well.

And in the end, whether you want to admit it or not, the fact is we sit here today in a position to get out of this mess relatively unscathed -- a prospect that NO ONE who understood how the NCAA works thought possible a year ago. Shockingly, moreover, the public and the media are behind us. Who would've thunk it in the aftermath of the Yahoo article when every talking head was calling for the death penalty?

So whatever winding road we took to get to this point means nothing; all that matters is that we are in a great position to emerge from this mess as a going concern. And the person driving the whole thing is the President. She let them dig their own grave as they praised her cooperation with each pitch of the shovel. And after praising her contributions and cooperation, Emmert is now absolutely stuck, standing in his grave, as he futilely tries to climb out and salvage his career. He can't unring the bell.

If I presented that as a likely scenario in September 2011, you would've said I'm dreaming. No chance. Well it's happened. So that, in a nutshell, is why I think she played this perfectly.

You know what they say about what happens when you assume, right?

Welcome to there. You're trying to talk yourself into something I'm not even sure you believe. Be my guest. But save me the condescending crap about what I know or don't know.

And your comment that we might get out of this 'unscathed' is so ignorant it's incredible. If this is unscathed, I can't wait to see what harmed looks like. We've suffered a ton already.

The death penalty? Because YAHOO! said so? Great logic.

You sound drunk. Go on thinking Donna did great here. I'll bet you a lot that Donna don't think she did great here.

Thanks for the concrete suggestions on what she should've done. I figured you'd skip past that and launch into some ad hominem attack to avoid the issue.

And if you're going to quote what I said, at least get it right. I said relatively unscathed, as in much better off than anyone imagined, except maybe you. That's beyond dispute for reasonable men. We're looking at worst case scenario loss of 15 scholarships. We were talking in USC terms a year ago.

Of course, my reference to the death penalty was in relation to public perception, not to what I or anyone else with a level head thought we were facing. But, again, continue with your mischaracterizations.

For such a professed contrarian who ostensibly supports open dialogue, you sure turn into a little testy b*tch when challenged.

Ah, Mr. whiny punk calls me names but says I'm the 'ad hominem' one. I'd tell you what I think of you but this isn't the WEZ.

Your post was arrogant and condescending and vapid, and I responded. You re-upped, because that is what stupid people do when challenged. Have at it.

'Relatively unscathed'? Really? Because people who know nothing were worrying about worse a year ago? Great thinking!

We've self-imposed two bowl bans and a third Conference Championship game ban. No one has ever done that. We've suffered a cloud over recruiting for years now. We've self-imposed various other limits. And that's 'relatively unscathed'? Maybe in your world. In the real world we've already paid a higher price than these allegations warranted, and we aren't done paying the piper yet.

And this investigation has dragged on forever, and while I can't prove it, I do think that it is in part because of the compliant poster the U took in the face of the investigation. Donna made quite clear that posture when the investigation was announced. And yet you ask 'what could she have done differently?' If she's done nothing differently from what anyone else could have done, I guess I'd ask you why you compliment her?

Are you serious? Two years ago most Miami fans thought we were in deep ****! The program was already down from a decade of irrelevance and the NCAA was about to drop the hammer on the program and put it completely out of it's misery. What would you have done differently that Shalala didn't do? Play hardball and play right into their trap like USC did? Look where that got them.

You keep talking about Miami missed out these bowl games but fail to mention that those bowl games meant jackshyt! Oh no! Miami didn't play in the echo weedeater bowl after going 6-6???? Oh no! Miami went 7-5 backing into an ACC championship game because UNC couldn't bowling either and gave up a shot at FSwho??? Give me a break! You take the self imposed bowl bans while your program is already down and force the NCAA to dig dirt to satisfy your own punishment when you know they already have a vendetta. Look at where it got the NCAA! They had nothing but minor violations and got in bed with the conman and focked their whole case.

You have an axe to grind. You don't like Shalala and won't give her the credit she deserves right now. I'll take time served of giving up some meaningless bowl games rather than waiting around all that time while we sucked to then have to give up real bowl games and scholarship reductions any day of the week.,
Mark Emmert, when asked how big he wants the strap-on Donna's gonna wear when she finally gets around to ******* him...


"Oh, about this long."
Bomb, you are pretty much spot on. This is the only way this can go down and the NCAA can give us time served and still look/act like they are the boss and in control. If they were to do it any other way it would result in a major blow to their PSU case and they dont want to sacrifice other things just for this. I have been saying it for a while, they are just trying to figure out how to make a deal and still look like it was all part of their investigation. And they are still in control. Well, played release by Donna and the University and all of this stuff leaking to the twitter world is just sweetening the deal for us. For the first time during this investigation I will say 'we skate!'

I am not as angry as some of you.

I see a bit of diplomacy. Or at least I am hopeful. The NCAA can't just come out and kill the process. Things have to go a certain way. They also can't come out and say that we are getting away with it all. This thing needs to go through channels. The COI is independent, and right now they are unscarred. I am hopeful it gets to them, as it is supposed to, and they rule that we have time served. This way no one can cry foul that the proper process wasn't adhered to.

Now if the COI ****s up... Donna reigns down all **** on these mother ****ers and they get exposed in federal court. They don't want that.
For once, it really seems the Media is backing the University of Miami.

Good to see every once in a while.
For once, it really seems the Media is backing the University of Miami.

Good to see every once in a while.

They just see an opportunity to jump on the NCAA. I think it's more of "an enemy of my enemy" thing than them being behind us.

Besides, they will turn on us again soon enough.