Donna Dangles: We Skate

Bro let it go. Your getting crushed here. What else would you have had her do? We did everything we should have. We were in the process of getting RAPED by the NCAA. They were probably going to overlook some of their own rules just to get us harder. Like the one that says something about only going so far back into records. I would be willing to bet we were in line for a LOIC without a doubt and were about to get smacked in the range of a few more yrs probation and in the neighborhood of 10 schollys per yr for at least 3 yrs.

Now we could potentially get off on time served. Yeah we lost a couple of bowls but lets not forget it allowed these kids to get into the weight room earlier, which they kind of needed more. It allowed AG to get a jump on everyone else in recruiting, which in my opinion is the only reason we had even relatively good classes. Think of how bad it would have been had we gotten to a bowl, lost three weeks of extra recruiting, and gotten smashed in the bowl? Ohh I am sure all these frontrunners from sofla would have jumped right on board then! I have no personal agenda here with you but man your getting the short end of the stick on this argument.

And if your going to continue to pursue your end of this please come with some information, like how did you think it should have been handled? Did you really think we were going to skate prior to the NCAA botch of this? What could we have done other than sit back and wait for the NOA?

I don't get all the hand wringing and worrying on the NCAA following through with the whole process. I doesn't mean they will drop the hammer on us like some of you are saying. We have already self imposed very significant punishments. They HAVE TO proceed with and conclude their process if only to justify the punishments we have always self-imposed. As a few others have already said, anything the NCAA does at this point is just for show. Many of them (looking at you Mr. Emmert), are in cover-their-*** mode now.
Guys I'm away from the house all week this week and don't have much time on the Internet... Can anyone summarize what had happened here for me?
Are you serious? Two years ago most Miami fans thought we were in deep ****! The program was already down from a decade of irrelevance and the NCAA was about to drop the hammer on the program and put it completely out of it's misery. What would you have done differently that Shalala didn't do? Play hardball and play right into their trap like USC did? Look where that got them.

You keep talking about Miami missed out these bowl games but fail to mention that those bowl games meant jackshyt! Oh no! Miami didn't play in the echo weedeater bowl after going 6-6???? Oh no! Miami went 7-5 backing into an ACC championship game because UNC couldn't bowling either and gave up a shot at FSwho??? Give me a break! You take the self imposed bowl bans while your program is already down and force the NCAA to dig dirt to satisfy your own punishment when you know they already have a vendetta. Look at where it got the NCAA! They had nothing but minor violations and got in bed with the conman and focked their whole case.

You have an axe to grind. You don't like Shalala and won't give her the credit she deserves right now. I'll take time served of giving up some meaningless bowl games rather than waiting around all that time while we sucked to then have to give up real bowl games and scholarship reductions any day of the week.,

Are you serious, is the question. Because _some_ fans got their panties in a wad over media hype two years ago, that means Donna has done a good job? Brilliant logic.

Two bowl games plus the ACCCG means 'jackshyt'? Really? How easy for you to say so. I bet the players and coaches who missed those games don't feel that way. I bet you Donna Shalala herself doesn't feel that way. She made that clear. She feels it's been a high price. How funny that you, in a flailing effort to shield her from even light criticism, go waay past anything she'd claim herself.

Axe to grind? Sorry, but that's you and a bunch of other idiots here, who without thinking proclaim DS brilliant for putting out a tough statement years into an investigation, then when I have the temerity to suggest maybe she's not been the flawless leader of the football program that her acolytes proclaim, y'all turn to attack me. Well, you fail at it. And your agenda is clear. I have none, by contrast. I've simply called bull**** on the folks who think at this point in this investigation, that DS deserves crowning for brilliance at card playing, as well as those who seem to forget how mismanaged our program has been for a decade. When speaking the truth becomes an agenda, try responding back to me. Until then, maybe you can apply some ointment to your butthurtness.

Oh, and the real irony here is folks proclaiming her brilliant for how she played her cards, who when pushed on it, turn up their hands and ask 'what would you have had her do differently -- she had no alternatives.' If there was nothing for her to do differently, then she hasn't been brilliant to date, either. So which is it?
Basically the NCAA released their internal report which says the buck stopped at the vp of their investogative arm and Emmert knew nothing about it. They fired said vp and possibly some others to correct the problem. The investigators found no evidence that NCAA policies or procedures violated. Their press release said tainted evidence was thrown out and they would proceed with noa but no timeline was made.

Inside the report it was said that Perez did the bankruptcy proceedings on NCAA dime and agreement was made as such. NCAA provided Shapiro with a phone and 4500 in his commissary account for further communication. Perez is on record stating that Shapiro wanted to lash out at Miami and its staff for his perceived wrongs and was complicit in it all. Plus he basically got paid by NCAA.

Shalala released statement that said she was disappointed, we complied and NCAA behaved poorly. She expects quick resolution and to get off with punishments served.
Bro let it go. Your getting crushed here. What else would you have had her do? We did everything we should have. We were in the process of getting RAPED by the NCAA. They were probably going to overlook some of their own rules just to get us harder. Like the one that says something about only going so far back into records. I would be willing to bet we were in line for a LOIC without a doubt and were about to get smacked in the range of a few more yrs probation and in the neighborhood of 10 schollys per yr for at least 3 yrs.

Now we could potentially get off on time served. Yeah we lost a couple of bowls but lets not forget it allowed these kids to get into the weight room earlier, which they kind of needed more. It allowed AG to get a jump on everyone else in recruiting, which in my opinion is the only reason we had even relatively good classes. Think of how bad it would have been had we gotten to a bowl, lost three weeks of extra recruiting, and gotten smashed in the bowl? Ohh I am sure all these frontrunners from sofla would have jumped right on board then! I have no personal agenda here with you but man your getting the short end of the stick on this argument.

And if your going to continue to pursue your end of this please come with some information, like how did you think it should have been handled? Did you really think we were going to skate prior to the NCAA botch of this? What could we have done other than sit back and wait for the NOA?
I'm getting crushed here? Because you, knowing jack ****, assert that we going to get a LOIC and worse all along. Brilliant logic. You've hypothesized a worse outcome, minimized the actual harm we've suffered, and brought zero logic or insight to this discussion, but I'm getting crushed?

As for this dumb request for me to prove how it would have played out differently, gtfooh. If you're that stupid, don't waste my time responding to me. One doesn't get to go back in time and re-write history. I think it's clear that our compliant posture extended and broadened the investigation. Maybe that's wrong. Maybe the NCAA was out to **** us from day 1. But if so, I can't exactly give DS much credit for waiting _years_ to put out a terse press release. If she knew we were going to get raped by them, with all due respect, lying back and enjoying it wasn't a good strategy. And if she didn't know, then it's hard to see how you can compliment her on the lay back and enjoy it strategy.
Are you serious? Two years ago most Miami fans thought we were in deep ****! The program was already down from a decade of irrelevance and the NCAA was about to drop the hammer on the program and put it completely out of it's misery. What would you have done differently that Shalala didn't do? Play hardball and play right into their trap like USC did? Look where that got them.

You keep talking about Miami missed out these bowl games but fail to mention that those bowl games meant jackshyt! Oh no! Miami didn't play in the echo weedeater bowl after going 6-6???? Oh no! Miami went 7-5 backing into an ACC championship game because UNC couldn't bowling either and gave up a shot at FSwho??? Give me a break! You take the self imposed bowl bans while your program is already down and force the NCAA to dig dirt to satisfy your own punishment when you know they already have a vendetta. Look at where it got the NCAA! They had nothing but minor violations and got in bed with the conman and focked their whole case.

You have an axe to grind. You don't like Shalala and won't give her the credit she deserves right now. I'll take time served of giving up some meaningless bowl games rather than waiting around all that time while we sucked to then have to give up real bowl games and scholarship reductions any day of the week.,

Are you serious, is the question. Because _some_ fans got their panties in a wad over media hype two years ago, that means Donna has done a good job? Brilliant logic.

Two bowl games plus the ACCCG means 'jackshyt'? Really? How easy for you to say so. I bet the players and coaches who missed those games don't feel that way. I bet you Donna Shalala herself doesn't feel that way. She made that clear. She feels it's been a high price. How funny that you, in a flailing effort to shield her from even light criticism, go waay past anything she'd claim herself.

Axe to grind? Sorry, but that's you and a bunch of other idiots here, who without thinking proclaim DS brilliant for putting out a tough statement years into an investigation, then when I have the temerity to suggest maybe she's not been the flawless leader of the football program that her acolytes proclaim, y'all turn to attack me. Well, you fail at it. And your agenda is clear. I have none, by contrast. I've simply called bull**** on the folks who think at this point in this investigation, that DS deserves crowning for brilliance at card playing, as well as those who seem to forget how mismanaged our program has been for a decade. When speaking the truth becomes an agenda, try responding back to me. Until then, maybe you can apply some ointment to your butthurtness.

Oh, and the real irony here is folks proclaiming her brilliant for how she played her cards, who when pushed on it, turn up their hands and ask 'what would you have had her do differently -- she had no alternatives.' If there was nothing for her to do differently, then she hasn't been brilliant to date, either. So which is it?

So what should she have done? I'm not defending her actions, but in the scenario we were presented with 2 years ago, what should've been handled differently? I honestly don't know. Maybe there is a way that this could've ended sooner with similar outcome but I don't know how.
If she KNEW she was in good shape, she wouldn't say those things at all. The reason she said them is to send a message because she has no way of KNOWING how things play out from here.

Agreed. The minute I saw that forceful statement I knew there has been no settlement. She's trying to coerce a settlement by applying public pressure.

Me thinks Donna is much better politician than Emmert is. He has showed how much of an *ss he is the past couple teleconferences. Donna sat back and played this perfectly. Time to bring the hammer out

I don't understand folks who keep insisting she's played this out well. This investigation has been extremely damaging to the U and we haven't even gotten the NOA yet. Nothing that has happened so far looks 'well played' to me. If she could go back to the beginning, she'd be wise to just do whatever Ohio State's President does whenever they get in trouble. Cough, fire someone, burn a few file cabinets, tell a joke at a press conference, and move on. The acquiescence strategy the U settled on certainly extended the investigation and reduced the pressure on the NCAA to do anything other than keep looking for trouble.

The really sad irony is if Emmert has any brains (or the BOD of the NCAA does), he should really resign. But if he resigns, it will just further drag this all out.

I'm actually surprised Emmert hasn't resigned yet. He reminds me of Bud Selig -- another owner/President who took on this type of role and decided he liked it, and became power hungry and entrenched as a result. If Emmert had any character or dignity, he'd hand his head over on a platter.

What would you suggest she should've done? Specifically.

You realize there was nothing she could've done to expedite things, correct? You realize that if she resisted, given who we are (the most hated university within the NCAA), the investigation may have dragged on even longer, right? You realize that by failing to cooperate she would've handed the COI a silver bullet to put into our collective head, right?

I know you think you're smart, and I'm sure you are, but I'm also sure that the people advising the President, as well as the President herself, are also quite competent and capable -- they certainly are more experienced in these matters and understand the dynamics (and people) of the NCAA better than you.

I'm also certain that our President knows more facts about the case than you, me, or anyone else pontificating on these boards. I'm guessing -- just a hunch -- that she is more politically astute and connected than you as well.

And in the end, whether you want to admit it or not, the fact is we sit here today in a position to get out of this mess relatively unscathed -- a prospect that NO ONE who understood how the NCAA works thought possible a year ago. Shockingly, moreover, the public and the media are behind us. Who would've thunk it in the aftermath of the Yahoo article when every talking head was calling for the death penalty?

So whatever winding road we took to get to this point means nothing; all that matters is that we are in a great position to emerge from this mess as a going concern. And the person driving the whole thing is the President. She let them dig their own grave as they praised her cooperation with each pitch of the shovel. And after praising her contributions and cooperation, Emmert is now absolutely stuck, standing in his grave, as he futilely tries to climb out and salvage his career. He can't unring the bell.

If I presented that as a likely scenario in September 2011, you would've said I'm dreaming. No chance. Well it's happened. So that, in a nutshell, is why I think she played this perfectly.

Great post. Sands, right now, today, were practically the GOOD GUY. Miami is the sympathetic character in all this. MIAMI. The Death Star.

Donna played this masterfully.
I don't get all the hand wringing and worrying on the NCAA following through with the whole process. I doesn't mean they will drop the hammer on us like some of you are saying. We have already self imposed very significant punishments. They HAVE TO proceed with and conclude their process if only to justify the punishments we have always self-imposed. As a few others have already said, anything the NCAA does at this point is just for show. Many of them (looking at you Mr. Emmert), are in cover-their-*** mode now.

Yes sir, exactly my point. Well said.
Shalala has mismanaged this in the fact that she stood silent for two years and furthermore chose to open her doors to her home for strangers. Who does that? Not many if any Collegiate Presidents.

So why did she fire back yesterday, finally? My personal opinion, UM knows what's coming in the punishment and they do not like it one bit. And now it's Shalala's way to take one last stand in all of this but it's too late...

Sorry fellas, we are going to get hit with additional penalties...

Are you serious? Two years ago most Miami fans thought we were in deep ****! The program was already down from a decade of irrelevance and the NCAA was about to drop the hammer on the program and put it completely out of it's misery. What would you have done differently that Shalala didn't do? Play hardball and play right into their trap like USC did? Look where that got them.

You keep talking about Miami missed out these bowl games but fail to mention that those bowl games meant jackshyt! Oh no! Miami didn't play in the echo weedeater bowl after going 6-6???? Oh no! Miami went 7-5 backing into an ACC championship game because UNC couldn't bowling either and gave up a shot at FSwho??? Give me a break! You take the self imposed bowl bans while your program is already down and force the NCAA to dig dirt to satisfy your own punishment when you know they already have a vendetta. Look at where it got the NCAA! They had nothing but minor violations and got in bed with the conman and focked their whole case.

You have an axe to grind. You don't like Shalala and won't give her the credit she deserves right now. I'll take time served of giving up some meaningless bowl games rather than waiting around all that time while we sucked to then have to give up real bowl games and scholarship reductions any day of the week.,

Are you serious, is the question. Because _some_ fans got their panties in a wad over media hype two years ago, that means Donna has done a good job? Brilliant logic.

Two bowl games plus the ACCCG means 'jackshyt'? Really? How easy for you to say so. I bet the players and coaches who missed those games don't feel that way. I bet you Donna Shalala herself doesn't feel that way. She made that clear. She feels it's been a high price. How funny that you, in a flailing effort to shield her from even light criticism, go waay past anything she'd claim herself.

Axe to grind? Sorry, but that's you and a bunch of other idiots here, who without thinking proclaim DS brilliant for putting out a tough statement years into an investigation, then when I have the temerity to suggest maybe she's not been the flawless leader of the football program that her acolytes proclaim, y'all turn to attack me. Well, you fail at it. And your agenda is clear. I have none, by contrast. I've simply called bull**** on the folks who think at this point in this investigation, that DS deserves crowning for brilliance at card playing, as well as those who seem to forget how mismanaged our program has been for a decade. When speaking the truth becomes an agenda, try responding back to me. Until then, maybe you can apply some ointment to your butthurtness.

Oh, and the real irony here is folks proclaiming her brilliant for how she played her cards, who when pushed on it, turn up their hands and ask 'what would you have had her do differently -- she had no alternatives.' If there was nothing for her to do differently, then she hasn't been brilliant to date, either. So which is it?

So what should she have done? I'm not defending her actions, but in the scenario we were presented with 2 years ago, what should've been handled differently? I honestly don't know. Maybe there is a way that this could've ended sooner with similar outcome but I don't know how.
Are you serious? Two years ago most Miami fans thought we were in deep ****! The program was already down from a decade of irrelevance and the NCAA was about to drop the hammer on the program and put it completely out of it's misery. What would you have done differently that Shalala didn't do? Play hardball and play right into their trap like USC did? Look where that got them.

You keep talking about Miami missed out these bowl games but fail to mention that those bowl games meant jackshyt! Oh no! Miami didn't play in the echo weedeater bowl after going 6-6???? Oh no! Miami went 7-5 backing into an ACC championship game because UNC couldn't bowling either and gave up a shot at FSwho??? Give me a break! You take the self imposed bowl bans while your program is already down and force the NCAA to dig dirt to satisfy your own punishment when you know they already have a vendetta. Look at where it got the NCAA! They had nothing but minor violations and got in bed with the conman and focked their whole case.

You have an axe to grind. You don't like Shalala and won't give her the credit she deserves right now. I'll take time served of giving up some meaningless bowl games rather than waiting around all that time while we sucked to then have to give up real bowl games and scholarship reductions any day of the week.,

Are you serious, is the question. Because _some_ fans got their panties in a wad over media hype two years ago, that means Donna has done a good job? Brilliant logic.

Two bowl games plus the ACCCG means 'jackshyt'? Really? How easy for you to say so. I bet the players and coaches who missed those games don't feel that way. I bet you Donna Shalala herself doesn't feel that way. She made that clear. She feels it's been a high price. How funny that you, in a flailing effort to shield her from even light criticism, go waay past anything she'd claim herself.

Axe to grind? Sorry, but that's you and a bunch of other idiots here, who without thinking proclaim DS brilliant for putting out a tough statement years into an investigation, then when I have the temerity to suggest maybe she's not been the flawless leader of the football program that her acolytes proclaim, y'all turn to attack me. Well, you fail at it. And your agenda is clear. I have none, by contrast. I've simply called bull**** on the folks who think at this point in this investigation, that DS deserves crowning for brilliance at card playing, as well as those who seem to forget how mismanaged our program has been for a decade. When speaking the truth becomes an agenda, try responding back to me. Until then, maybe you can apply some ointment to your butthurtness.

Oh, and the real irony here is folks proclaiming her brilliant for how she played her cards, who when pushed on it, turn up their hands and ask 'what would you have had her do differently -- she had no alternatives.' If there was nothing for her to do differently, then she hasn't been brilliant to date, either. So which is it?

Sands... You're just wrong here. If we get off just losing those post season games... It will have been one of the most masterful displays ever seen.

You might remember in both cases, the incoming recruiting class thought the bowl bans were behind them. Look at the 2012 class AG was still able to bring in with this cloud over us.

Guess what? Miami ****ed up. We cheated. Kids got paid. Coaches violated the rules. If this is what we get, we need to go out and get a bronze statue of Donna and put it in front of Hecht.

She waited until she saw the whites of their eyes. She didn't waste any bullets, and were the good guys now. We're the program that investigated itself, helped the NCAA, didn't try to cover up, and still had a vendetta placed on us.

She's a genius. She's playing chess and you're playing checkers.
Are you serious? Two years ago most Miami fans thought we were in deep ****! The program was already down from a decade of irrelevance and the NCAA was about to drop the hammer on the program and put it completely out of it's misery. What would you have done differently that Shalala didn't do? Play hardball and play right into their trap like USC did? Look where that got them.

You keep talking about Miami missed out these bowl games but fail to mention that those bowl games meant jackshyt! Oh no! Miami didn't play in the echo weedeater bowl after going 6-6???? Oh no! Miami went 7-5 backing into an ACC championship game because UNC couldn't bowling either and gave up a shot at FSwho??? Give me a break! You take the self imposed bowl bans while your program is already down and force the NCAA to dig dirt to satisfy your own punishment when you know they already have a vendetta. Look at where it got the NCAA! They had nothing but minor violations and got in bed with the conman and focked their whole case.

You have an axe to grind. You don't like Shalala and won't give her the credit she deserves right now. I'll take time served of giving up some meaningless bowl games rather than waiting around all that time while we sucked to then have to give up real bowl games and scholarship reductions any day of the week.,

Are you serious, is the question. Because _some_ fans got their panties in a wad over media hype two years ago, that means Donna has done a good job? Brilliant logic.

Two bowl games plus the ACCCG means 'jackshyt'? Really? How easy for you to say so. I bet the players and coaches who missed those games don't feel that way. I bet you Donna Shalala herself doesn't feel that way. She made that clear. She feels it's been a high price. How funny that you, in a flailing effort to shield her from even light criticism, go waay past anything she'd claim herself.

Axe to grind? Sorry, but that's you and a bunch of other idiots here, who without thinking proclaim DS brilliant for putting out a tough statement years into an investigation, then when I have the temerity to suggest maybe she's not been the flawless leader of the football program that her acolytes proclaim, y'all turn to attack me. Well, you fail at it. And your agenda is clear. I have none, by contrast. I've simply called bull**** on the folks who think at this point in this investigation, that DS deserves crowning for brilliance at card playing, as well as those who seem to forget how mismanaged our program has been for a decade. When speaking the truth becomes an agenda, try responding back to me. Until then, maybe you can apply some ointment to your butthurtness.

Oh, and the real irony here is folks proclaiming her brilliant for how she played her cards, who when pushed on it, turn up their hands and ask 'what would you have had her do differently -- she had no alternatives.' If there was nothing for her to do differently, then she hasn't been brilliant to date, either. So which is it?

So what should she have done? I'm not defending her actions, but in the scenario we were presented with 2 years ago, what should've been handled differently? I honestly don't know. Maybe there is a way that this could've ended sooner with similar outcome but I don't know how.

You can't go back and play things differently, so everyone asking for some proof as to what she did wrong is just talking to themselves on the commode.

But DS decided up front to set a new standard for institutional compliance in the face of an NCAA investigation. We know this in part because she patted herself and ourselves on the back for having done just that. And she herself seems somewhat bitter about having done so, in retrospect, if you read between the lines of the statement yesterday.

What did that involve? Not hard to imagine more access, more mea culpas that fueled the investigation, more patience with the slow going.

Would things have gone quicker if we hadn't opened our duodenum for inspection? While we can't know for sure, it's pretty easy to see that this investigation has been far slower and more messed up than anything I'm aware of the NCAA doing elsewhere.

Using USC as an example is not an intelligent response, because they were engaged in a cover up. There is a world of difference between not giving the NCAA the finger, on the one hand, and attempting to be the most compliant victim ever, on the other. It's pretty much the entire area under the distribution curve.

My guess is there is a playbook for responding to the NCAA that folks who make a living dealing with them know. DS intentionally wanted to show extra compliance and picked that strategy. Hard to see that it has worked, but maybe it could have been worse otherwise. You never know, I guess.
Are you serious? Two years ago most Miami fans thought we were in deep ****! The program was already down from a decade of irrelevance and the NCAA was about to drop the hammer on the program and put it completely out of it's misery. What would you have done differently that Shalala didn't do? Play hardball and play right into their trap like USC did? Look where that got them.

You keep talking about Miami missed out these bowl games but fail to mention that those bowl games meant jackshyt! Oh no! Miami didn't play in the echo weedeater bowl after going 6-6???? Oh no! Miami went 7-5 backing into an ACC championship game because UNC couldn't bowling either and gave up a shot at FSwho??? Give me a break! You take the self imposed bowl bans while your program is already down and force the NCAA to dig dirt to satisfy your own punishment when you know they already have a vendetta. Look at where it got the NCAA! They had nothing but minor violations and got in bed with the conman and focked their whole case.

You have an axe to grind. You don't like Shalala and won't give her the credit she deserves right now. I'll take time served of giving up some meaningless bowl games rather than waiting around all that time while we sucked to then have to give up real bowl games and scholarship reductions any day of the week.,

Are you serious, is the question. Because _some_ fans got their panties in a wad over media hype two years ago, that means Donna has done a good job? Brilliant logic.

Two bowl games plus the ACCCG means 'jackshyt'? Really? How easy for you to say so. I bet the players and coaches who missed those games don't feel that way. I bet you Donna Shalala herself doesn't feel that way. She made that clear. She feels it's been a high price. How funny that you, in a flailing effort to shield her from even light criticism, go waay past anything she'd claim herself.

Axe to grind? Sorry, but that's you and a bunch of other idiots here, who without thinking proclaim DS brilliant for putting out a tough statement years into an investigation, then when I have the temerity to suggest maybe she's not been the flawless leader of the football program that her acolytes proclaim, y'all turn to attack me. Well, you fail at it. And your agenda is clear. I have none, by contrast. I've simply called bull**** on the folks who think at this point in this investigation, that DS deserves crowning for brilliance at card playing, as well as those who seem to forget how mismanaged our program has been for a decade. When speaking the truth becomes an agenda, try responding back to me. Until then, maybe you can apply some ointment to your butthurtness.

Oh, and the real irony here is folks proclaiming her brilliant for how she played her cards, who when pushed on it, turn up their hands and ask 'what would you have had her do differently -- she had no alternatives.' If there was nothing for her to do differently, then she hasn't been brilliant to date, either. So which is it?

Sands... You're just wrong here. If we get off just losing those post season games... It will have been one of the most masterful displays ever seen.

You might remember in both cases, the incoming recruiting class thought the bowl bans were behind them. Look at the 2012 class AG was still able to bring in with this cloud over us.

Guess what? Miami ****ed up. We cheated. Kids got paid. Coaches violated the rules. If this is what we get, we need to go out and get a bronze statue of Donna and put it in front of Hecht.

She waited until she saw the whites of their eyes. She didn't waste any bullets, and were the good guys now. We're the program that investigated itself, helped the NCAA, didn't try to cover up, and still had a vendetta placed on us.

She's a genius. She's playing chess and you're playing checkers.

You go on believing that, bomb. I surely don't.

All you're doing is being a sycophant. There's really nothing to say to someone who thinks a terse press release years after an investigation is done is somehow evidence of the hand of God.

And since she couldn't have known when the investigation started that the NCAA would step on its own ****, giving her credit for engineering their own mistakes seems like overreaching.
This is playing out exactly like a few of us said it would. Excellent salvo by President Shalala. She played her hand perfectly here waiting for the exact right time to unleash some fury. Had she made this statement prior to the conclusion of this fake self-investigation it wouldn't have been nearly as powerful.

Furthermore, as I've told you since finding out about the latest bit of malfeasance from the NCAA perpetrating a fraud on the bankruptcy court, the ENTIRE investigation is corrupt. President Shalala clearly agrees with that take. Trusting the NCAA to ferret out the "bad" parts of the investigation and then to proceed to impose a penalty simply because they conducted some fake self-investigation would be akin to trusting Ted Bundy to babysit your hot 14 year old daughter after he admitted to having some murderous inclinations.

Here's another point that came to mind today after reading again that the NCAA paid Pig ***** Perez $20,000.00 for her assistance in this case. Based upon what I've seen from her, her hourly rate can't be much more than $200.00. Simple math would tell us at $200.00/hour, she would have spent 100 hours of billable time working on this matter for the NCAA. I haven't seen anyone broach the breadth of this payment and the work that it would entail. 100 hours!! Let that resonate. That deposition with Allen couldn't have taken more than 8 hours.

That leaves approximately 92 hours of her time unaccounted for. What else did she do for them that no one is talking about? 92 hours of billable time means that she would have had to spend over two 40 hour work weeks (5 days per week at 8 hours per day) doing nothing but working on this NCAA stuff. Something's extra rotten in Denmark, lads.

Add to this the fact that the NCAA became partners with Shytzero by paying him $4,500.00 while he sat in jail, and you have one of the most egregious acts of civil terrorism that I've ever seen.

Mr. Chise,

If you add up every allegation (the Behinana dinners, the $10K to DQJ etc.) it is amazing how little they are compared to the amount of money the NCAA was willing to spend on their shady business. The NCAA spent a lot more then the alleged benefits received. It is amazing how much BS is going on.

From day 1 this all seemed like BS with very little out there that could be provable or mattered.

Congrats NCAA, thanks for wasting 2.5 years to get here.

It would be interesting to see the grand total wasted by the NCAA and by UM having to defend this fraud all based on the allegations of a slimy piece of **** rotting in jail for bilking people out of a billion dollars. Does not compute.

Except to Shapiro because this is what he does. No doubt he has been laughing his a** off for the last 2 1/2 years over all of this.
Agreed. The minute I saw that forceful statement I knew there has been no settlement. She's trying to coerce a settlement by applying public pressure.

Me thinks Donna is much better politician than Emmert is. He has showed how much of an *ss he is the past couple teleconferences. Donna sat back and played this perfectly. Time to bring the hammer out

I don't understand folks who keep insisting she's played this out well. This investigation has been extremely damaging to the U and we haven't even gotten the NOA yet. Nothing that has happened so far looks 'well played' to me. If she could go back to the beginning, she'd be wise to just do whatever Ohio State's President does whenever they get in trouble. Cough, fire someone, burn a few file cabinets, tell a joke at a press conference, and move on. The acquiescence strategy the U settled on certainly extended the investigation and reduced the pressure on the NCAA to do anything other than keep looking for trouble.

The really sad irony is if Emmert has any brains (or the BOD of the NCAA does), he should really resign. But if he resigns, it will just further drag this all out.

I'm actually surprised Emmert hasn't resigned yet. He reminds me of Bud Selig -- another owner/President who took on this type of role and decided he liked it, and became power hungry and entrenched as a result. If Emmert had any character or dignity, he'd hand his head over on a platter.

What would you suggest she should've done? Specifically.

You realize there was nothing she could've done to expedite things, correct? You realize that if she resisted, given who we are (the most hated university within the NCAA), the investigation may have dragged on even longer, right? You realize that by failing to cooperate she would've handed the COI a silver bullet to put into our collective head, right?

I know you think you're smart, and I'm sure you are, but I'm also sure that the people advising the President, as well as the President herself, are also quite competent and capable -- they certainly are more experienced in these matters and understand the dynamics (and people) of the NCAA better than you.

I'm also certain that our President knows more facts about the case than you, me, or anyone else pontificating on these boards. I'm guessing -- just a hunch -- that she is more politically astute and connected than you as well.

And in the end, whether you want to admit it or not, the fact is we sit here today in a position to get out of this mess relatively unscathed -- a prospect that NO ONE who understood how the NCAA works thought possible a year ago. Shockingly, moreover, the public and the media are behind us. Who would've thunk it in the aftermath of the Yahoo article when every talking head was calling for the death penalty?

So whatever winding road we took to get to this point means nothing; all that matters is that we are in a great position to emerge from this mess as a going concern. And the person driving the whole thing is the President. She let them dig their own grave as they praised her cooperation with each pitch of the shovel. And after praising her contributions and cooperation, Emmert is now absolutely stuck, standing in his grave, as he futilely tries to climb out and salvage his career. He can't unring the bell.

If I presented that as a likely scenario in September 2011, you would've said I'm dreaming. No chance. Well it's happened. So that, in a nutshell, is why I think she played this perfectly.

Great post. Sands, right now, today, were practically the GOOD GUY. Miami is the sympathetic character in all this. MIAMI. The Death Star.

Donna played this masterfully.

I do not think this can be understated. We were on the verge of disaster.....took our medicine as the program was down anyway, and are rebuilding and coming out of the smoke with a better team, and a stronger image.
Shalala has mismanaged this in the fact that she stood silent for two years and furthermore chose to open her doors to her home for strangers. Who does that? Not many if any Collegiate Presidents.

So why did she fire back yesterday, finally? My personal opinion, UM knows what's coming in the punishment and they do not like it one bit. And now it's Shalala's way to take one last stand in all of this but it's too late...

Sorry fellas, we are going to get hit with additional penalties...

Are you serious? Two years ago most Miami fans thought we were in deep ****! The program was already down from a decade of irrelevance and the NCAA was about to drop the hammer on the program and put it completely out of it's misery. What would you have done differently that Shalala didn't do? Play hardball and play right into their trap like USC did? Look where that got them.

You keep talking about Miami missed out these bowl games but fail to mention that those bowl games meant jackshyt! Oh no! Miami didn't play in the echo weedeater bowl after going 6-6???? Oh no! Miami went 7-5 backing into an ACC championship game because UNC couldn't bowling either and gave up a shot at FSwho??? Give me a break! You take the self imposed bowl bans while your program is already down and force the NCAA to dig dirt to satisfy your own punishment when you know they already have a vendetta. Look at where it got the NCAA! They had nothing but minor violations and got in bed with the conman and focked their whole case.

You have an axe to grind. You don't like Shalala and won't give her the credit she deserves right now. I'll take time served of giving up some meaningless bowl games rather than waiting around all that time while we sucked to then have to give up real bowl games and scholarship reductions any day of the week.,

Are you serious, is the question. Because _some_ fans got their panties in a wad over media hype two years ago, that means Donna has done a good job? Brilliant logic.

Two bowl games plus the ACCCG means 'jackshyt'? Really? How easy for you to say so. I bet the players and coaches who missed those games don't feel that way. I bet you Donna Shalala herself doesn't feel that way. She made that clear. She feels it's been a high price. How funny that you, in a flailing effort to shield her from even light criticism, go waay past anything she'd claim herself.

Axe to grind? Sorry, but that's you and a bunch of other idiots here, who without thinking proclaim DS brilliant for putting out a tough statement years into an investigation, then when I have the temerity to suggest maybe she's not been the flawless leader of the football program that her acolytes proclaim, y'all turn to attack me. Well, you fail at it. And your agenda is clear. I have none, by contrast. I've simply called bull**** on the folks who think at this point in this investigation, that DS deserves crowning for brilliance at card playing, as well as those who seem to forget how mismanaged our program has been for a decade. When speaking the truth becomes an agenda, try responding back to me. Until then, maybe you can apply some ointment to your butthurtness.

Oh, and the real irony here is folks proclaiming her brilliant for how she played her cards, who when pushed on it, turn up their hands and ask 'what would you have had her do differently -- she had no alternatives.' If there was nothing for her to do differently, then she hasn't been brilliant to date, either. So which is it?

So what should she have done? I'm not defending her actions, but in the scenario we were presented with 2 years ago, what should've been handled differently? I honestly don't know. Maybe there is a way that this could've ended sooner with similar outcome but I don't know how.

Only part I'd disagree with you is that IMHO the NCAA is going to TRY to level additional penalties, but Miami will get a TRO / injunction and proceed with a lawsuit . . . . which we will win. Miami is going to get the TRO/injunction granted because going forward with more penalties would cause harm to the school that cannot be repaired after the lawsuit is complete (no matter WHO wins . . . but Miami will win).
Well played Ethnic,
When in doubt call people names! Dude we tried to do the opposite of USC because we saw how they got extra penalties for trying to hide stuff. We had faith that the NCAA would recognize this and we did everything on our side to hopefully get off easier and move the blame to the coaches involved to get less penalties for the institution.

Though you think I am down playing the things we have already given up, you have yet to recognize that we were in fact going to get hit with scholarship losses. And that is by far the worst punishment we could have faced. Once this thing is over and we dont have to recruit against the NCAA and other teams we will be able to pull in more kids. If we can somehow escape scholarship losses than that is a much bigger win than losing the bowl games and practices. Scholarship losses are what bury teams. I am not down playing those losses but seeing the silver lining in the things we gained by not having those practices by gaining a recruiting advantage. Its called making the best of a bad situation. If you actually thought we were not getting any scholly losses than you dont know what your talking about, even AG came right out and said it was a hard cap because of losses they knew were coming. I thought it was common knowledge we wer gonna lose some scholarships but apparently you did not think so.....

And the best for last, I am dumb because you have no idea what should have been done differently you just think something should have been done? Again well played, I got nothing on that logic. Its not so much that she was laying back and enjoying it, her hands are tied until the NOA comes. Once we did all they asked of us it is a wait and see game. Then when they come out and ***** it up, people anted her to come out and threaten to sue right then and there, but she was patient and struck at the right time. She does deserve some credit for that.

I have offered the same thing as you in this discussion, an opinion. I just dont have to call people names to bring an opinion to a conversation, you on the other hand are doing it every other post. And that says a lot more about you than anyone else. Good luck with your argument.