Donna Dangles: We Skate

That's actually a reasoned, well articulated perspective.

I don't agree with all your assumptions and inferences, but it's possible you're right.

It's also possible that the bend over and say 'ah' strategy led to an expanded and lengthened investigation.

You assume that because the NCAA seems like it's been **** bent on ******** UM that that was always the case, but that ignores basic truth about bureaucracies. They tend to get dug in on whatever they dig in on. The longer the investigation went on, the more the investigators had personal and institutional incentives to dig further, find more, find anything.

There is no way to know if DS's strategy was a good one or not. But insofar as the NCAA's current situation was self-inflicted and could not have been anticipated by DS, to defend her strategy you'd have to think it was the right one even if we were staring down the barrel of a serious NOA right now. Otherwise you're just crediting her with luck.

You seem to forget that the NS mess came out just after USC got slammed particularly hard for NOT cooperating. Any reasonable UM administrator should have assumed that we could avoid harsher penalties by being fully cooperative.
Fans on this board have the right to claim "we skate" from the start, but 2 years ago we were looking at potentially crushing sanctions at the hands of a scumbag "booster" looking to shave some time off his prison a$$raping by giving as much damaging material he could, true or otherwise.
I think UM, from Shalala to Golden to the legal team, have done an outstanding job and now ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!
