Donna Dangles: We Skate

Someone needs to photoshop that Swag hat Stacy was wearing onto Donna.

I liked the dog with it better


Mandel at S.I., said that she had to take a Bankruptcy training course before she did the depositions. So the NCAA had no problem paying MEP money to do Bankruptcy depo's, which she needed a refresher course in order to do.

Stewart Mandel ‏@slmandel Apparently didn't faze the NCAA that Shapiro's attorney had to take a bankruptcy training session before she could file subpoenas for them.

Big Dan, they weren't paying her to do bankruptcy work. They were paying her to be the carrier pigeon who aksed their scripted questions. Took zero skill to do what she did.
Oh I know, I just thought it was funny that they paid her for **** she wasn't qualified to do.
I am not as angry as some of you.

I see a bit of diplomacy. Or at least I am hopeful. The NCAA can't just come out and kill the process. Things have to go a certain way. They also can't come out and say that we are getting away with it all. This thing needs to go through channels. The COI is independent, and right now they are unscarred. I am hopeful it gets to them, as it is supposed to, and they rule that we have time served. This way no one can cry foul that the proper process wasn't adhered to.

Now if the COI ***** up... Donna reigns down all **** on these mother ****ers and they get exposed in federal court. They don't want that.
I am curious why Charles Robinson hasn't come forward with his sources and mountains of evidence for the NCAA. Think of all the receipts we could have went through.

You're curious as to why he hasn't come forward? Dude thought he was set for a if he shows himself he'll likely get punched in the **** now that the MSM is starting to come to our side en masse.

I'd love to see EJ kick open his office door and beat the **** out of him....and then walk out...walk back in to say "stay down *****" and then walk out again.
I am curious why Charles Robinson hasn't come forward with his sources and mountains of evidence for the NCAA. Think of all the receipts we could have went through.

You're curious as to why he hasn't come forward? Dude thought he was set for a if he shows himself he'll likely get punched in the **** now that the MSM is starting to come to our side en masse.

I'd love to see EJ kick open his office door and beat the **** out of him....and then walk out...walk back in to say "stay down ****" and then walk out again.

I was being sarcastic, his stuff was BS from the get-go but now he has an out if we just settle.
We need some investigative reporter to really delve into this. No way the NCAA is giving up all of its dirty secrets. They had this internal investigation done to look at what was already known to be wrong. i dont believe that the investigation was looking for additional wrong doings. Come on Mr Robinson,why not uncover the NCAA's wrongdoings. No way this was the first case that the NCAA was doing things wrongfully.
We need some investigative reporter to really delve into this. No way the NCAA is giving up all of its dirty secrets. They had this internal investigation done to look at what was already known to be wrong. i dont believe that the investigation was looking for additional wrong doings. Come on Mr Robinson,why not uncover the NCAA's wrongdoings. No way this was the first case that the NCAA was doing things wrongfully.

Yeah, it would be nice if some big-time investigative media outlet got into it.
But alot of this usually starts from the local media raising ****, which eventually gets picked up nationally.

Sadly, our local media are either lazy or want to see this program get hammered.
It seems that these types of tactics are actually rather normal for the NCAA. Which means that someone forced them into going public THIS time. This also means that the U prob has another ace up their sleeve, yet to be played.

I feel confident that Shalala wouldn't say "...this process must come to a swift resolution, which includes no additional punitive measures beyond those already self-imposed" without knowing that she is in good shape.

If she KNEW she was in good shape, she wouldn't say those things at all. The reason she said them is to send a message because she has no way of KNOWING how things play out from here.
It seems that these types of tactics are actually rather normal for the NCAA. Which means that someone forced them into going public THIS time. This also means that the U prob has another ace up their sleeve, yet to be played.

I feel confident that Shalala wouldn't say "...this process must come to a swift resolution, which includes no additional punitive measures beyond those already self-imposed" without knowing that she is in good shape.

If she KNEW she was in good shape, she wouldn't say those things at all. The reason she said them is to send a message because she has no way of KNOWING how things play out from here.

I disagree, I think she like her leverage and position. She is sick of the BS.

So while she may not know what the NCAA may do IMO she is confident of where we stand and the punishments already imposed.
I am not as angry as some of you.

I see a bit of diplomacy. Or at least I am hopeful. The NCAA can't just come out and kill the process. Things have to go a certain way. They also can't come out and say that we are getting away with it all. This thing needs to go through channels. The COI is independent, and right now they are unscarred. I am hopeful it gets to them, as it is supposed to, and they rule that we have time served. This way no one can cry foul that the proper process wasn't adhered to.

Now if the COI ****s up... Donna reigns down all **** on these mother ****ers and they get exposed in federal court. They don't want that.

We didnt get away with it. See the 3 post season games we missed and black cloud lingering over UM the last 2.5 years
It seems that these types of tactics are actually rather normal for the NCAA. Which means that someone forced them into going public THIS time. This also means that the U prob has another ace up their sleeve, yet to be played.

I feel confident that Shalala wouldn't say "...this process must come to a swift resolution, which includes no additional punitive measures beyond those already self-imposed" without knowing that she is in good shape.

If she KNEW she was in good shape, she wouldn't say those things at all. The reason she said them is to send a message because she has no way of KNOWING how things play out from here.

Agreed. The minute I saw that forceful statement I knew there has been no settlement. She's trying to coerce a settlement by applying public pressure.
It seems that these types of tactics are actually rather normal for the NCAA. Which means that someone forced them into going public THIS time. This also means that the U prob has another ace up their sleeve, yet to be played.

I feel confident that Shalala wouldn't say "...this process must come to a swift resolution, which includes no additional punitive measures beyond those already self-imposed" without knowing that she is in good shape.

If she KNEW she was in good shape, she wouldn't say those things at all. The reason she said them is to send a message because she has no way of KNOWING how things play out from here.

Agreed. The minute I saw that forceful statement I knew there has been no settlement. She's trying to coerce a settlement by applying public pressure.

Me thinks Donna is much better politician than Emmert is. He has showed how much of an *ss he is the past couple teleconferences. Donna sat back and played this perfectly. Time to bring the hammer out
Here's another point that came to mind today after reading again that the NCAA paid Pig ***** Perez $20,000.00 for her assistance in this case. Based upon what I've seen from her, her hourly rate can't be much more than $200.00. Simple math would tell us at $200.00/hour, she would have spent 100 hours of billable time working on this matter for the NCAA. I haven't seen anyone broach the breadth of this payment and the work that it would entail. 100 hours!! Let that resonate. That deposition with Allen couldn't have taken more than 8 hours.

That leaves approximately 92 hours of her time unaccounted for. What else did she do for them that no one is talking about? 92 hours of billable time means that she would have had to spend over two 40 hour work weeks (5 days per week at 8 hours per day) doing nothing but working on this NCAA stuff. Something's extra rotten in Denmark, lads.


She charged them over 50,000 and they paid her 19,000.
It seems that these types of tactics are actually rather normal for the NCAA. Which means that someone forced them into going public THIS time. This also means that the U prob has another ace up their sleeve, yet to be played.

I feel confident that Shalala wouldn't say "...this process must come to a swift resolution, which includes no additional punitive measures beyond those already self-imposed" without knowing that she is in good shape.

If she KNEW she was in good shape, she wouldn't say those things at all. The reason she said them is to send a message because she has no way of KNOWING how things play out from here.

Agreed. The minute I saw that forceful statement I knew there has been no settlement. She's trying to coerce a settlement by applying public pressure.

Me thinks Donna is much better politician than Emmert is. He has showed how much of an *ss he is the past couple teleconferences. Donna sat back and played this perfectly. Time to bring the hammer out

I don't understand folks who keep insisting she's played this out well. This investigation has been extremely damaging to the U and we haven't even gotten the NOA yet. Nothing that has happened so far looks 'well played' to me. If she could go back to the beginning, she'd be wise to just do whatever Ohio State's President does whenever they get in trouble. Cough, fire someone, burn a few file cabinets, tell a joke at a press conference, and move on. The acquiescence strategy the U settled on certainly extended the investigation and reduced the pressure on the NCAA to do anything other than keep looking for trouble.

The really sad irony is if Emmert has any brains (or the BOD of the NCAA does), he should really resign. But if he resigns, it will just further drag this all out.

I'm actually surprised Emmert hasn't resigned yet. He reminds me of Bud Selig -- another owner/President who took on this type of role and decided he liked it, and became power hungry and entrenched as a result. If Emmert had any character or dignity, he'd hand his head over on a platter.