This is playing out exactly like a few of us said it would. Excellent salvo by President Shalala. She played her hand perfectly here waiting for the exact right time to unleash some fury. Had she made this statement prior to the conclusion of this fake self-investigation it wouldn't have been nearly as powerful.
Furthermore, as I've told you since finding out about the latest bit of malfeasance from the NCAA perpetrating a fraud on the bankruptcy court, the ENTIRE investigation is corrupt. President Shalala clearly agrees with that take. Trusting the NCAA to ferret out the "bad" parts of the investigation and then to proceed to impose a penalty simply because they conducted some fake self-investigation would be akin to trusting Ted Bundy to babysit your hot 14 year old daughter after he admitted to having some murderous inclinations.
Here's another point that came to mind today after reading again that the NCAA paid Pig ***** Perez $20,000.00 for her assistance in this case. Based upon what I've seen from her, her hourly rate can't be much more than $200.00. Simple math would tell us at $200.00/hour, she would have spent 100 hours of billable time working on this matter for the NCAA. I haven't seen anyone broach the breadth of this payment and the work that it would entail. 100 hours!! Let that resonate. That deposition with Allen couldn't have taken more than 8 hours.
That leaves approximately 92 hours of her time unaccounted for. What else did she do for them that no one is talking about? 92 hours of billable time means that she would have had to spend over two 40 hour work weeks (5 days per week at 8 hours per day) doing nothing but working on this NCAA stuff. Something's extra rotten in Denmark, lads.
Add to this the fact that the NCAA became partners with Shytzero by paying him $4,500.00 while he sat in jail, and you have one of the most egregious acts of civil terrorism that I've ever seen.