Donna Dangles: We Skate

Page 21:
We learned that the NCAA had expended
approximately $8,200 to fund communications with Mr. Shapiro, including transfers of
approximately $4,500 to his prison commissary account from which he pays for
communications expenses.

The sad part is that is more than all of the alleged benefits to our players.

Great point! Someone needs to tweet that out..

Not on twitter but do it.

Lol I'm not either

LOLOL, low by at least 750K.

Seriously? One month full blast at 12 hours per day by at least 7 lawyers billing at $400 per hour, plus expenses. Someone do the math.

Anyone want to take a guess on the final bill from Cadwalader was?

in the area of $100,000.

These Cadwalader dudes are $1000.00 an hr guys I'll bet.Wasnt it 23 days total time since they were hired, but Emmert said the work would be done in 2 weeks. 10gs a day say $150,000 as a guess.

I know the initial poster appears to be a conspiracy theorist, but just take a look at this article on Shariff Floyd's adoption -SEC is ridiculous... we should do the same thing lol

The worst NCAA violations occur at schools in the SEC and other major programs. I know for a fact (because I know the players) that Alabama, Tennessee and Florida State have used a loophole in the system where they have the players' parents sign legal adoption papers. The player is then given benefits, including cash and cars, from their adopted parents (boosters) without penalty. They NCAA has all kinds of ridiculous rules but they do not limit gifts given from parents. This has been going on for years. So if you want a real story, just find out which players have been recently adopted, you would be shocked.

**** the $EC is bigger than Russia!!!! What ****es me off the most is that it is so out in the open and blatant and no one does a thing!
This is playing out exactly like a few of us said it would. Excellent salvo by President Shalala. She played her hand perfectly here waiting for the exact right time to unleash some fury. Had she made this statement prior to the conclusion of this fake self-investigation it wouldn't have been nearly as powerful.

Furthermore, as I've told you since finding out about the latest bit of malfeasance from the NCAA perpetrating a fraud on the bankruptcy court, the ENTIRE investigation is corrupt. President Shalala clearly agrees with that take. Trusting the NCAA to ferret out the "bad" parts of the investigation and then to proceed to impose a penalty simply because they conducted some fake self-investigation would be akin to trusting Ted Bundy to babysit your hot 14 year old daughter after he admitted to having some murderous inclinations.

Here's another point that came to mind today after reading again that the NCAA paid Pig ***** Perez $20,000.00 for her assistance in this case. Based upon what I've seen from her, her hourly rate can't be much more than $200.00. Simple math would tell us at $200.00/hour, she would have spent 100 hours of billable time working on this matter for the NCAA. I haven't seen anyone broach the breadth of this payment and the work that it would entail. 100 hours!! Let that resonate. That deposition with Allen couldn't have taken more than 8 hours.

That leaves approximately 92 hours of her time unaccounted for. What else did she do for them that no one is talking about? 92 hours of billable time means that she would have had to spend over two 40 hour work weeks (5 days per week at 8 hours per day) doing nothing but working on this NCAA stuff. Something's extra rotten in Denmark, lads.

Add to this the fact that the NCAA became partners with Shytzero by paying him $4,500.00 while he sat in jail, and you have one of the most egregious acts of civil terrorism that I've ever seen.
This is playing out exactly like a few of us said it would. Excellent salvo by President Shalala. She played her hand perfectly here waiting for the exact right time to unleash some fury. Had she made this statement prior to the conclusion of this fake self-investigation it wouldn't have been nearly as powerful.

Furthermore, as I've told you since finding out about the latest bit of malfeasance from the NCAA perpetrating a fraud on the bankruptcy court, the ENTIRE investigation is corrupt. President Shalala clearly agrees with that take. Trusting the NCAA to ferret out the "bad" parts of the investigation and then to proceed to impose a penalty simply because they conducted some fake self-investigation would be akin to trusting Ted Bundy to babysit your hot 14 year old daughter after he admitted to having some murderous inclinations.

Here's another point that came to mind today after reading again that the NCAA paid Pig ***** Perez $20,000.00 for her assistance in this case. Based upon what I've seen from her, her hourly rate can't be much more than $200.00. Simple math would tell us at $200.00/hour, she would have spent 100 hours of billable time working on this matter for the NCAA. I haven't seen anyone broach the breadth of this payment and the work that it would entail. 100 hours!! Let that resonate. That deposition with Allen couldn't have taken more than 8 hours.

That leaves approximately 92 hours of her time unaccounted for. What else did she do for them that no one is talking about? 92 hours of billable time means that she would have had to spend over two 40 hour work weeks (5 days per week at 8 hours per day) doing nothing but working on this NCAA stuff. Something's extra rotten in Denmark, lads.

Add to this the fact that the NCAA became partners with Shytzero by paying him $4,500.00 while he sat in jail, and you have one of the most egregious acts of civil terrorism that I've ever seen.

Mandel at S.I., said that she had to take a Bankruptcy training course before she did the depositions. So the NCAA had no problem paying MEP money to do Bankruptcy depo's, which she needed a refresher course in order to do.

Stewart Mandel ‏@slmandel Apparently didn't faze the NCAA that Shapiro's attorney had to take a bankruptcy training session before she could file subpoenas for them.
Here's another point that came to mind today after reading again that the NCAA paid Pig ***** Perez $20,000.00 for her assistance in this case. Based upon what I've seen from her, her hourly rate can't be much more than $200.00. Simple math would tell us at $200.00/hour, she would have spent 100 hours of billable time working on this matter for the NCAA. I haven't seen anyone broach the breadth of this payment and the work that it would entail. 100 hours!! Let that resonate. That deposition with Allen couldn't have taken more than 8 hours.

That leaves approximately 92 hours of her time unaccounted for. What else did she do for them that no one is talking about? 92 hours of billable time means that she would have had to spend over two 40 hour work weeks (5 days per week at 8 hours per day) doing nothing but working on this NCAA stuff. Something's extra rotten in Denmark, lads.

she may have put in more time than that as reports have stated she charged the NCAA 57K and was only paid around 18-20. in one email she was pressing the guy to get paid
Here's another point that came to mind today after reading again that the NCAA paid Pig ***** Perez $20,000.00 for her assistance in this case. Based upon what I've seen from her, her hourly rate can't be much more than $200.00. Simple math would tell us at $200.00/hour, she would have spent 100 hours of billable time working on this matter for the NCAA. I haven't seen anyone broach the breadth of this payment and the work that it would entail. 100 hours!! Let that resonate. That deposition with Allen couldn't have taken more than 8 hours.

That leaves approximately 92 hours of her time unaccounted for. What else did she do for them that no one is talking about? 92 hours of billable time means that she would have had to spend over two 40 hour work weeks (5 days per week at 8 hours per day) doing nothing but working on this NCAA stuff. Something's extra rotten in Denmark, lads.

she may have put in more time than that as reports have stated she charged the NCAA 57K and was only paid around 18-20. in one email she was pressing the guy to get paid

That's a LOT of hours, sir. Yet all we hear about is this depo of Allen that was likely 6 to 8 hours. What else did she do for them? Leads me to believe they were rewarding her instead of paying her an hourly rate. They were basically engaging in a bounty system if they can't rightfully account for the 100 hours or more of work that she did for them. As a guy with 20 years of experience in this field, I can assure the readers that I can do a TON of work in 100 hours.
Next time some ***** *** comes around saying "Shalala don't curr bout dis football team, just money" show em this. Nobody better have the audacity to say she doesn't have the football teams best interests in mind. She is sticking it right to the NCAA.


This is pretty dumb. The criticisms of her w/r/t the football program are based on the decisions she made over time, which aren't undone by a public statement today.

And her strategy for dealing with the NCAA doesn't look great, even if she puts out a nice press release today. It is, after all, 2+ years on into an investigation, we've already self-imposed harsher penalties than anyone has ever self imposed, we've suffered further from the cloud hanging over the program, and all this because she wanted to cooperate. I can guarantee you the next time the NCAA comes calling, the next institution in the U's position is going to play their cards differently.
This is playing out exactly like a few of us said it would. Excellent salvo by President Shalala. She played her hand perfectly here waiting for the exact right time to unleash some fury. Had she made this statement prior to the conclusion of this fake self-investigation it wouldn't have been nearly as powerful.

Furthermore, as I've told you since finding out about the latest bit of malfeasance from the NCAA perpetrating a fraud on the bankruptcy court, the ENTIRE investigation is corrupt. President Shalala clearly agrees with that take. Trusting the NCAA to ferret out the "bad" parts of the investigation and then to proceed to impose a penalty simply because they conducted some fake self-investigation would be akin to trusting Ted Bundy to babysit your hot 14 year old daughter after he admitted to having some murderous inclinations.

Here's another point that came to mind today after reading again that the NCAA paid Pig ***** Perez $20,000.00 for her assistance in this case. Based upon what I've seen from her, her hourly rate can't be much more than $200.00. Simple math would tell us at $200.00/hour, she would have spent 100 hours of billable time working on this matter for the NCAA. I haven't seen anyone broach the breadth of this payment and the work that it would entail. 100 hours!! Let that resonate. That deposition with Allen couldn't have taken more than 8 hours.

That leaves approximately 92 hours of her time unaccounted for. What else did she do for them that no one is talking about? 92 hours of billable time means that she would have had to spend over two 40 hour work weeks (5 days per week at 8 hours per day) doing nothing but working on this NCAA stuff. Something's extra rotten in Denmark, lads.

Add to this the fact that the NCAA became partners with Shytzero by paying him $4,500.00 while he sat in jail, and you have one of the most egregious acts of civil terrorism that I've ever seen.

Mandel at S.I., said that she had to take a Bankruptcy training course before she did the depositions. So the NCAA had no problem paying MEP money to do Bankruptcy depo's, which she needed a refresher course in order to do.

Stewart Mandel ‏@slmandel Apparently didn't faze the NCAA that Shapiro's attorney had to take a bankruptcy training session before she could file subpoenas for them.

Big Dan, they weren't paying her to do bankruptcy work. They were paying her to be the carrier pigeon who aksed their scripted questions. Took zero skill to do what she did.
This is playing out exactly like a few of us said it would. Excellent salvo by President Shalala. She played her hand perfectly here waiting for the exact right time to unleash some fury. Had she made this statement prior to the conclusion of this fake self-investigation it wouldn't have been nearly as powerful.

Furthermore, as I've told you since finding out about the latest bit of malfeasance from the NCAA perpetrating a fraud on the bankruptcy court, the ENTIRE investigation is corrupt. President Shalala clearly agrees with that take. Trusting the NCAA to ferret out the "bad" parts of the investigation and then to proceed to impose a penalty simply because they conducted some fake self-investigation would be akin to trusting Ted Bundy to babysit your hot 14 year old daughter after he admitted to having some murderous inclinations.

Here's another point that came to mind today after reading again that the NCAA paid Pig ***** Perez $20,000.00 for her assistance in this case. Based upon what I've seen from her, her hourly rate can't be much more than $200.00. Simple math would tell us at $200.00/hour, she would have spent 100 hours of billable time working on this matter for the NCAA. I haven't seen anyone broach the breadth of this payment and the work that it would entail. 100 hours!! Let that resonate. That deposition with Allen couldn't have taken more than 8 hours.

That leaves approximately 92 hours of her time unaccounted for. What else did she do for them that no one is talking about? 92 hours of billable time means that she would have had to spend over two 40 hour work weeks (5 days per week at 8 hours per day) doing nothing but working on this NCAA stuff. Something's extra rotten in Denmark, lads.

Add to this the fact that the NCAA became partners with Shytzero by paying him $4,500.00 while he sat in jail, and you have one of the most egregious acts of civil terrorism that I've ever seen.

Mr. Chise,

If you add up every allegation (the Behinana dinners, the $10K to DQJ etc.) it is amazing how little they are compared to the amount of money the NCAA was willing to spend on their shady business. The NCAA spent a lot more then the alleged benefits received. It is amazing how much BS is going on.

From day 1 this all seemed like BS with very little out there that could be provable or mattered. I wish we never sacrificed the unheard of 2nd bowl ban, we could have played FSU again. We could have had these players practicing and growing more.

Congrats NCAA, thanks for wasting 2.5 years to get here. Can we move on, officially now?
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This is playing out exactly like a few of us said it would. Excellent salvo by President Shalala. She played her hand perfectly here waiting for the exact right time to unleash some fury. Had she made this statement prior to the conclusion of this fake self-investigation it wouldn't have been nearly as powerful.

Furthermore, as I've told you since finding out about the latest bit of malfeasance from the NCAA perpetrating a fraud on the bankruptcy court, the ENTIRE investigation is corrupt. President Shalala clearly agrees with that take. Trusting the NCAA to ferret out the "bad" parts of the investigation and then to proceed to impose a penalty simply because they conducted some fake self-investigation would be akin to trusting Ted Bundy to babysit your hot 14 year old daughter after he admitted to having some murderous inclinations.

Here's another point that came to mind today after reading again that the NCAA paid Pig ***** Perez $20,000.00 for her assistance in this case. Based upon what I've seen from her, her hourly rate can't be much more than $200.00. Simple math would tell us at $200.00/hour, she would have spent 100 hours of billable time working on this matter for the NCAA. I haven't seen anyone broach the breadth of this payment and the work that it would entail. 100 hours!! Let that resonate. That deposition with Allen couldn't have taken more than 8 hours.

That leaves approximately 92 hours of her time unaccounted for. What else did she do for them that no one is talking about? 92 hours of billable time means that she would have had to spend over two 40 hour work weeks (5 days per week at 8 hours per day) doing nothing but working on this NCAA stuff. Something's extra rotten in Denmark, lads.

Add to this the fact that the NCAA became partners with Shytzero by paying him $4,500.00 while he sat in jail, and you have one of the most egregious acts of civil terrorism that I've ever seen.

Mr. Chise,

If you add up every allegation (the Behinana dinners, the $10K to DQJ etc.) it is amazing how little they are compared to the amount of money the NCAA was willing to spend on their shady business. The NCAA spent a lot more then the alleged benefits received. It is amazing how much BS is going on.

From day 1 this all seemed like BS with very little out there that could be provable or mattered.

Congrats NCAA, thanks for wasting 2.5 years to get here.

It would be interesting to see the grand total wasted by the NCAA and by UM having to defend this fraud all based on the allegations of a slimy piece of **** rotting in jail for bilking people out of a billion dollars. Does not compute.
Here's hoping that there is a slow, daily drip of juicy leaks to the press by "sources" revealing more damaging info about the NCAA .

Drive them into submission.
I read the report and the depo of Allen was less than 3 hours. 2 hours and a little bit for the guy she deposed with the sports agency.

This is not surprising as if she's asking questions from a script she doesn't know where to follow up based upon the response. She's not even in the ham and egger league.
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This is playing out exactly like a few of us said it would. Excellent salvo by President Shalala. She played her hand perfectly here waiting for the exact right time to unleash some fury. Had she made this statement prior to the conclusion of this fake self-investigation it wouldn't have been nearly as powerful.

Furthermore, as I've told you since finding out about the latest bit of malfeasance from the NCAA perpetrating a fraud on the bankruptcy court, the ENTIRE investigation is corrupt. President Shalala clearly agrees with that take. Trusting the NCAA to ferret out the "bad" parts of the investigation and then to proceed to impose a penalty simply because they conducted some fake self-investigation would be akin to trusting Ted Bundy to babysit your hot 14 year old daughter after he admitted to having some murderous inclinations.

Here's another point that came to mind today after reading again that the NCAA paid Pig ***** Perez $20,000.00 for her assistance in this case. Based upon what I've seen from her, her hourly rate can't be much more than $200.00. Simple math would tell us at $200.00/hour, she would have spent 100 hours of billable time working on this matter for the NCAA. I haven't seen anyone broach the breadth of this payment and the work that it would entail. 100 hours!! Let that resonate. That deposition with Allen couldn't have taken more than 8 hours.

That leaves approximately 92 hours of her time unaccounted for. What else did she do for them that no one is talking about? 92 hours of billable time means that she would have had to spend over two 40 hour work weeks (5 days per week at 8 hours per day) doing nothing but working on this NCAA stuff. Something's extra rotten in Denmark, lads.

Add to this the fact that the NCAA became partners with Shytzero by paying him $4,500.00 while he sat in jail, and you have one of the most egregious acts of civil terrorism that I've ever seen.

Mr. Chise,

If you add up every allegation (the Behinana dinners, the $10K to DQJ etc.) it is amazing how little they are compared to the amount of money the NCAA was willing to spend on their shady business. The NCAA spent a lot more then the alleged benefits received. It is amazing how much BS is going on.

From day 1 this all seemed like BS with very little out there that could be provable or mattered.

Congrats NCAA, thanks for wasting 2.5 years to get here.

It would be interesting to see the grand total wasted by the NCAA and by UM having to defend this fraud all based on the allegations of a slimy piece of **** rotting in jail for bilking people out of a billion dollars. Does not compute.

I said earlier (when speaking of the cost of this investigation with Cadwalader), Shapiro is still scamming people even though he is a known scum bag. Amazing that they now are in bed with this guy and his strong bias to bring down UM.
I am curious why Charles Robinson hasn't come forward with his sources and mountains of evidence for the NCAA. Think of all the receipts we could have went through.
It seems that these types of tactics are actually rather normal for the NCAA. Which means that someone forced them into going public THIS time. This also means that the U prob has another ace up their sleeve, yet to be played.
Here's another point that came to mind today after reading again that the NCAA paid Pig ***** Perez $20,000.00 for her assistance in this case. Based upon what I've seen from her, her hourly rate can't be much more than $200.00. Simple math would tell us at $200.00/hour, she would have spent 100 hours of billable time working on this matter for the NCAA. I haven't seen anyone broach the breadth of this payment and the work that it would entail. 100 hours!! Let that resonate. That deposition with Allen couldn't have taken more than 8 hours.

That leaves approximately 92 hours of her time unaccounted for. What else did she do for them that no one is talking about? 92 hours of billable time means that she would have had to spend over two 40 hour work weeks (5 days per week at 8 hours per day) doing nothing but working on this NCAA stuff. Something's extra rotten in Denmark, lads.

she may have put in more time than that as reports have stated she charged the NCAA 57K and was only paid around 18-20. in one email she was pressing the guy to get paid

That's a LOT of hours, sir. Yet all we hear about is this depo of Allen that was likely 6 to 8 hours. What else did she do for them? Leads me to believe they were rewarding her instead of paying her an hourly rate. They were basically engaging in a bounty system if they can't rightfully account for the 100 hours or more of work that she did for them. As a guy with 20 years of experience in this field, I can assure the readers that I can do a TON of work in 100 hours.

definitely believe she was not charging by the hour but by the goods she brought to them. there was a report that she also wanted to use Luther Campbell's defamation suit against Shapiro as a vehicle for the NCAA to collect evidence but she didn't turn over the info because they didn't pay her.
It seems that these types of tactics are actually rather normal for the NCAA. Which means that someone forced them into going public THIS time. This also means that the U prob has another ace up their sleeve, yet to be played.

I feel confident that Shalala wouldn't say "...this process must come to a swift resolution, which includes no additional punitive measures beyond those already self-imposed" without knowing that she is in good shape.