2025 DJ Pickett 5* CB from Zephyrhills Commits to LSU

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I don't know what reporter you're speaking about. But if I'm a kid or a parent and some reporter has been hanging around kids since they were "VERY YOUNG" I'd keep eyes on buddy... I'm sortve new to sports and all. But I don't see many reporters hanging around kids to where HE KNOWS THEM PERSONALLY FROM A VERY YOUNG AGE unless something real strange is going on. Maybe we just have a different definition of a very young age and what that would entail. You mean since they were freshman in high school young or since Pop Warner days? Either way I'd call bull**** that a reporter would be close to children like that.
Uh that's kind of a weird thought, but I understand being on guard all the time when it involves kids.
I would think that these reporters that cover HS football recruiting need to have inside access to these kids to be able to produce material for their publication or website service. One way to do it is to form a relationship with them from an early time, so they feel comfortable communicating with the reporter as they come of commitment age. Think of how valuable it has been with how Mario does that with kids as early as 8th grade and how that pays off when they are seniors.

I don't know what reporter you're speaking about. But if I'm a kid or a parent and some reporter has been hanging around kids since they were "VERY YOUNG" I'd keep eyes on buddy... I'm sortve new to sports and all. But I don't see many reporters hanging around kids to where HE KNOWS THEM PERSONALLY FROM A VERY YOUNG AGE unless something real strange is going on. Maybe we just have a different definition of a very young age and what that would entail. You mean since they were freshman in high school young or since Pop Warner days? Either way I'd call bull**** that a reporter would be close to children like that.
Wtf are you talking about my guy?!! You’re overthinking things buddy, calm down. Guys like Canesville, Blue, and others know these kids and their parents from when these kids start playing Optimus. Why do I have to explain this **** to you?! C’mon man!!! You’re better than this!
He’s a cousin.

DJ’s dad and booker senior are cousins.

Great athletic genes in that family. Ryan is booker senior’s brother.

The older picketts all went to zephyrhills.
Thanks. Where does Canon Pickett fit in?
I just find trolling a potential college choice a very weird, insecure and immature thing to do. Especially in the transfer era where not burning a bridge is more important than ever. I also have a hard time believing that any young person with strong parents would ever troll.

As some of you know, my nephew is now playing basketball at UM, and his older brother was recruited by every school in the country coming out of high school. At no point did either of them even consider the concept of trolling a school. They, and I believe most young people, are too appreciative of being recruited to waste time trying to make someone else feel some way about their recruitment.

I obviously don’t know where DJ will end up, but if he is trolling us, I would never want someone that immature at 18 years of age to be associated with my program, in the present or in the future. To me it speaks volumes about a person’s lack of understanding and, I would argue, terrible adult guidance.
Did not know James Blackmon, Jr. is also your nephew. I remember watching him in the McDonald’s game. Kid could stroke it(PAAAAAAAAUUUUUUSSSSEEEE), deadeye shooter…
Well I wasn’t commenting regarding your nephew and whether your correct for not wanting a big to play under him. But to say he needs to retire essentially just because of last year is lame imo. We just came off Elite 8 and Final 4, and just got like a top 3 recruit in our history, and have a real solid chance at getting both Boozer twins. He hasn’t really shown any major signs of falling off or anything.

I mean I’m not ignorant to his age or anything. But I think you maybe do some research on who we should hire/promote, but I think you let it play out until he’s more obviously done. Cause our two most successful seasons and probably our best recruiting class isn’t evidence of that lol. And maybe that means we don’t get your nephew or some other bigs due to his system… is what it is. His system has worked for us, and is great for winning in March
Call a spade a spade brother. Our recruiting and in hindsight to an extent our success is far more dependent on the money being poured into the system than it is the coaching being done. Also the product of college basketball as a whole to me has become slightly watered down by the nil. A bi product of EVERYONE having money is there is no more dominant teams being built and coaching becomes more prevalent. Kentucky, duke,unc, Louisville etc are all very winnable games not just just for us but for plenty of schools across the country. Again I'm not taking any shots at coach L. I do think he's a great coach for small ball. But small ball has a time and a place. Just acknowledge the various things going on all around the country in order for us to see this success. It's more than coach L
Uh that's kind of a weird thought, but I understand being on guard all the time when it involves kids.
I would think that these reporters that cover HS football recruiting need to have inside access to these kids to be able to produce material for their publication or website service. One way to do it is to form a relationship with them from an early time, so they feel comfortable communicating with the reporter as they come of commitment age. Think of how valuable it has been with how Mario does that with kids as early as 8th grade and how that pays off when they are seniors.
Well I understand your thoughts. However you're giving them way too much credit. Reporters don't know these kids much at all because all they're worried about is occurring at the moment. & Kids don't relate or tell them anything because they don't trust them and they know their only interest relates to that school and based on that they either praise or bash them. Is what it is. To mention what a coach does who's dependant on forming a relationship with kids and their families as early as possible and a reporter who's interaction is minimal is the comment I'd find to be uh kinda weird. Not even comparable.
Agreed. But still an uphill battle if he picks the ****s. Better to just put this to rest now.
Wtf are you talking about my guy?!! You’re overthinking things buddy, calm down. Guys like Canesville, Blue, and others know these kids and their parents from when these kids start playing Optimus. Why do I have to explain this **** to you?! C’mon man!!! You’re better than this!
I'm not overthinking anything I asked you to simple questions and someone else already did the simple **** I asked you and answered in several words that buddy isn't a reporter. The initial comment said something about a reporter. Simple as that. So my bad you couldn't answer a question Killa. My bad man!
I really think y'all are greatly overstating what Nike is doing for their nil. He's definitely committed. But this narrative being pushed of him all in just isn't accurate.
Ok. I stand corrected. When you hear something so much it starts to become true in your mind. I'm guilty as charged. Do you think we have a good shot at Pickett?
Well I understand your thoughts. However you're giving them way too much credit. Reporters don't know these kids much at all because all they're worried about is occurring at the moment. & Kids don't relate or tell them anything because they don't trust them and they know their only interest relates to that school and based on that they either praise or bash them. Is what it is. To mention what a coach does who's dependant on forming a relationship with kids and their families as early as possible and a reporter who's interaction is minimal is the comment I'd find to be uh kinda weird. Not even comparable.
You might be totally right; I just try to give people the benefit of the doubt and hope they are not trying to groom kids, but I might be looking at it through my eyes and thoughts and not considering what someone might do that has sinister intentions.
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