Corn Elder Committed

man I love this years class and it continues to get better after NSD. All it needed was a Bostwick or a ***** B (Fcukhew Thomas be damned!)to be an A+ considering the circumstances Al was recruiting under. Bostwick hurt man....
Never saw him mentioned anywhere on here during this recruiting cycle. I wonder if Coley was trying to recruit him to fsu or exactly how he suddenly came into play. Odd that such a highly touted guy was still around after signing day and that no one was talking about him.

I guess that hard cap Alshermond was yapping about got a little softer. I'm guessing they're still looking for a couple of defensive players to round out the 2013 class.
Never saw him mentioned anywhere on here during this recruiting cycle. I wonder if Coley was trying to recruit him to fsu or exactly how he suddenly came into play. Odd that such a highly touted guy was still around after signing day and that no one was talking about him.

I guess that hard cap Alshermond was yapping about got a little softer. I'm guessing they're still looking for a couple of defensive players to round out the 2013 class.

I followed him on twitter and he said he talked to UM way back but it wasnt the right style but FSU was up high especially after Jalen Ramsey committed but with them missing on Gus i guess Corn was next so i guess Coley loved him and Gus but anyway you want to look at it we are 2-0 vs FSU for running backs always a good thing!!!
I don't see the hard cap as relevant, considering we lost a bunch of kids on NSD. The hard cap related to kids pre-NSD because we were holding spots for Thomas, Bostwick and Collins, apparently.

As for how we got on him, wouldn't be surprised if Al asked the staff who's out there, and Coley knew this was a kid they were looking at who hadn't signed.

Biggest positive for me is this is a kid who just wanted to be a Cane. Against the melodrama of some kids who don't care either way, it's nice to see kids for whom being a Cane has meaning.
If I said "Kevin Grooms" when talking about this kid...ya'll would say?

I'd say it's the exact name that came up when I explained what I thought about this kid to DMoney. The staff seems to like this "type" of athlete.

Can you expand on "type' of athlete?

Loose hips, speed, raw, wirey. Looks like a kid playing in the park. Could probably play DB.

They both reminded me of Dexter Mccluster. Same type of dude.
So Alfred James Golden is a recruiting machine, once again?

Again, lets just trust this guy and his process....
I don't see the hard cap as relevant, considering we lost a bunch of kids on NSD. The hard cap related to kids pre-NSD because we were holding spots for Thomas, Bostwick and Collins, apparently.

As for how we got on him, wouldn't be surprised if Al asked the staff who's out there, and Coley knew this was a kid they were looking at who hadn't signed.

Biggest positive for me is this is a kid who just wanted to be a Cane. Against the melodrama of some kids who don't care either way, it's nice to see kids for whom being a Cane has meaning.

real talk.

You know you are getting the right kind of kids when they choose a program still hindered by allegations over SEC powerhouses. Kids that believe in the vision Golden is giving them.
Where is Cash at?

I want to hear his opinion on Corn since he is from this area too.
man I love this years class and it continues to get better after NSD. All it needed was a Bostwick or a ***** B (Fcukhew Thomas be damned!)to be an A+ considering the circumstances Al was recruiting under. Bostwick hurt man....
Seriously, if we would have gotten Bostwick I would have zero complaints about this class. Only deficiency is the lack of a DT. Otherwise it filled a lot of needs.
Well… It looks like we’ve gained an explosive runner.

When I watched his film, I couldn’t help but think this guy looks like Desean Jackson (a WR) at running back. I also though, there goes Ray Lewis Jr’s chance on offense…

Elder has some decent height, if the reports of him being 5’11 are accurate, which means he can stand to fill in nicely over the years. He has better top end speed than Collins, and definitely has good vision with some the wiggle. The question is will he add enough bulk to be a significant contributor at RB this season?

But if we can spread the field on offense, to avoid 8 defenders in the box, size and durability is less of a concern.

At the end of the day, not bad Golden, not bad!!

Offense has talent lights out. We lack nothing except cohesion which time will provide.

This kid is yet another weapon added to our ****nal. Perfect addition too.
I don't see the hard cap as relevant, considering we lost a bunch of kids on NSD. The hard cap related to kids pre-NSD because we were holding spots for Thomas, Bostwick and Collins, apparently.

As for how we got on him, wouldn't be surprised if Al asked the staff who's out there, and Coley knew this was a kid they were looking at who hadn't signed.

Biggest positive for me is this is a kid who just wanted to be a Cane. Against the melodrama of some kids who don't care either way, it's nice to see kids for whom being a Cane has meaning.

I tend to think Al was trying to manage the situation publicly and make it appear like we didn't miss out on guys when he made his "cap" comments. But it doesn't matter. At the end of the day, I think we'll be looking for a couple more defensive players for 2013.

I agree 100% with your final paragraph.