Construction on New Football Facility

Then we are just REALLY bad at it… school history making lately


What you "want" and what you "get" are not always the same.

Did we not "play to win big" with the men's basketball team? And then we got **** effort from a couple of guys and went from Final Four to "missing the post-season entirely".

So we were just "REALLY bad at it". It happens sometimes. Don't be a fan later.

What you "want" and what you "get" are not always the same.

Did we not "play to win big" with the men's basketball team? And then we got **** effort from a couple of guys and went from Final Four to "missing the post-season entirely".

So we were just "REALLY bad at it". It happens sometimes. Don't be a fan later.
Fan all the time... Most of us want to win.... I think we would even settle for complete competence, and many have grown distrustful of that competence ... which is why most of the threads go the way they go as a core issue...
Fan all the time... Most of us want to win.... I think we would even settle for complete competence, and many have grown distrustful of that competence ... which is why most of the threads go the way they go as a core issue...

What a load of horse****.

Men's and women's basketball have been **** good teams recently. Yes, baseball had a late coaching change, and if we don't see significant improvement next year, then it's time for Dan to tell JD's supporters that we gave it a shot, but now it's time to turn outside the program.

You don't give a **** about "competence". You are going to vomit negativity no matter what. You act like your non-stop moping is some sort of bravery, but it's not. You want to see what it's like to take an accurate position, go back and look at all of my posts when 80% of the board was screaming for Larranaga to be fired a few years ago. I was right, and the mopers were wrong.

If you can't see that the mindset and work ethic of the football team have been transformed from 2 years ago, then that's on you. I'm the first to admit that they need to win the games as well, but the transformation is happening whether you want to admit it or not.

"Competence". Hilarious. You simply refuse to acknowledge any of the positive aspects in any of our sports teams.

Don't be a fan later, because you sure as **** are not a fan now. A real "fan all the time" sits through winless Big East basketball seasons and 5-6 probation football seasons.

Look around, this is a thread on new construction, and you're venting your feels.
Fan all the time... Most of us want to win.... I think we would even settle for complete competence, and many have grown distrustful of that competence ... which is why most of the threads go the way they go as a core issue...
I want to win too. But I'm also an alum who understands that the school should always cone first. Half of these "fans" would gladly have us sell the dorms off as condos to finance another ring.

NIL and facilities are two separate things and people fail to understand that the school doesn't pay NIL. Yet they'll sit here and ***** about new construction.
I want to win too. But I'm also an alum who understands that the school should always cone first. Half of these "fans" would gladly have us sell the dorms off as condos to finance another ring.

NIL and facilities are two separate things and people fail to understand that the school doesn't pay NIL. Yet they'll sit here and ***** about new construction.

I agree with all that too… the school should always come first… but things can go hand in hand… which there is some overlap to my comments here… when you repeatedly make bad or questionable decisions in one area, it leads to lack of confidence in others…

Even the staunchest supporters have questioned the cost vs the value, the school rankings etc as well as the athletic related head shaking decisions, etc…

We are approaching 100 years and as excited as I am about the new buildings across campus, there is still a lack of clear… oh yea, we got this…
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I agree with all that too… the school should always come first… but things can go hand in hand… which there is some overlap to my comments here… when you repeatedly make bad or questionable decisions in one area, it leads to lack of confidence in others…

Even the staunchest supporters have questioned the cost vs the value, the school rankings etc as well as the athletic related head shaking decisions, etc…

We are approaching 100 years and as excited as I am about the new buildings across campus, there is still a lack of clear… oh yea, we got this…

Then try not to behave like someone has to put a gun to your head for you to say something positive.

We all know that Frenk sucks. He would have been gone after 5 years if not for COVID.

Dan is known as a fund-raising/building AD, not a great hirer of coaches and/or public spokesman.

In the last few years, men's and women's hoops have had their best seasons ever. Football/baseball, not so much.

We are spending money for coaches. We have completed some major facilities improvements and have announced more to do. We have more people who work in the Hecht than at any time previously.

We've had a mix of positive and not-so-positive developments over the last few years. It's possible to express both positive and negative sentiments when applicable. No need for constant unrelenting negativity.
Would love to see UM make those renderings come to fruition but the truth of the matter generally don't give a **** about that stuff. (anymore)

We're in the NIL era. These kids are negotiating the bag and aren't worried about state of the art locker rooms. At least that's what I gather from my perspective. I never hear these kids talk about facilities.

It's cool to have but it won't take precedent over NIL money and winning.
We're already out-recruiting (out-bidding) schools with much nicer facilities than ours, and we're not even winning yet.
if we can just get a small proof of product (winning) the heavens may open
You are one of the biggest deflecting BS'ers around right now.

For the millionth's not the "target" of your's your unrelenting and monotonous negativity. That's what makes you a mope. Not because you are on some misguided mission to "keep it real".

You don't celebrate anything when it comes to UM, so stop inventing the non-existent scenario in which you will suddenly smile and choose not to mope.

"Win games" - except that it's never ENOUGH games...

"Do well in recruiting" - except that the focus immediately pivots to the guys who leave the program...

It's entirely possible to be happy when good things happen to the program and critical when mistakes are made. It's possible to single out the individuals responsible for mistakes. It's possible to be supportive of the UM student-athletes and their lives, even if they suffer injury or never develop into pro draft choices. It's very possible to have conversations about reasons and causality without "making excuses" or "white-knighting for particular coaches".

Nobody is asking you to say nice things about Radakovich. But the fact that you seized on Dan's comments to act as if he is begging for money, when nearly every AD in the country is living year-to-year and would struggle if his school had a couple of bad on-field years (let alone 20), is the evidence of your obsessive search for a negative comment on every UM sports topic imaginable.

Relax. Have some fun. Get a hobby. And when you can enjoy watching Miami beat Florida without IMMEDIATELY thinking about how we will lose another game later in the season, then come back to the boards.

Sadly, UM sports seem to make you miserable. Your screen-name adjective is "Angry". It's all very sad and pathetic.
On God! A trillion times over….
I want to win too. But I'm also an alum who understands that the school should always cone first. Half of these "fans" would gladly have us sell the dorms off as condos to finance another ring.

NIL and facilities are two separate things and people fail to understand that the school doesn't pay NIL. Yet they'll sit here and ***** about new construction.
That isn't a bad idea actually.

Question. My lazy behind doesn't want to rummage through 9 pages.

Maybe @TheOriginalCane knows.

Walked around campus for a few today. The Cobb Stadium grass is now gone. Some big trucks were there turning grass into dirt. Is that part of the football facility expansion or something entirely different? Maybe I knew the plans once but I forgot. Remind me.
Question. My lazy behind doesn't want to rummage through 9 pages.

Maybe @TheOriginalCane knows.

Walked around campus for a few today. The Cobb Stadium grass is now gone. Some big trucks were there turning grass into dirt. Is that part of the football facility expansion or something entirely different? Maybe I knew the plans once but I forgot. Remind me.

I don't know this for certain, but I will hazard a guess. They are either going to use the Cobb field for a construction staging area, or else re-sod it with the same sod from Greentree, in order to use the Cobb field for football practice. This will allow them to do the IPF expansion along the canal.

Now that I think about's they could conceivably stage the construction from the Wellness Center parking lot while re-sodding the Cobb field to be ready for August practice.

Take some pix next time and post on this thread!
Anyone read Miami bought an old Macy's for $40 million?
Yeah an expansion of UHealth I think.

For more context:
“The Pinecrest complex will likely be turned into a University of Miami medical center, given that Stephen Wooldridge is listed in the deed. Since December, Wooldridge has served as the chief facilities operations and planning officer for the University of Miami Health System.”
