Construction on New Football Facility

Then try not to behave like someone has to put a gun to your head for you to say something positive.

We all know that Frenk sucks. He would have been gone after 5 years if not for COVID.

Dan is known as a fund-raising/building AD, not a great hirer of coaches and/or public spokesman.

In the last few years, men's and women's hoops have had their best seasons ever. Football/baseball, not so much.

We are spending money for coaches. We have completed some major facilities improvements and have announced more to do. We have more people who work in the Hecht than at any time previously.

We've had a mix of positive and not-so-positive developments over the last few years. It's possible to express both positive and negative sentiments when applicable. No need for constant unrelenting negativity.
Why do you need every poster on some ‘corner of the internet’ message board to always sunshine pump this program? You think you can pump out enough propaganda to fool recruits into making uninformed decisions? I mean really, why do care?
Why do you need every poster on some ‘corner of the internet’ message board to always sunshine pump this program? You think you can pump out enough propaganda to fool recruits into making uninformed decisions? I mean really, why do care?

Shut the **** up, dip****. You are as clueless as ever.
Why do you need every poster on some ‘corner of the internet’ message board to always sunshine pump this program? You think you can pump out enough propaganda to fool recruits into making uninformed decisions? I mean really, why do care?
What school would you like to see recruits commit to?
What school would you like to see recruits commit to?

I guess he thinks we should host recruits and then say "Here is the model of the new football facility, but in a sense of full disclosure, the Mope Squad on CIS thinks that we are never going to build it, and that our entire building budget has been switched into NIL, which we can't even pay anyhow. We just wanted to let you know what the Boards were saying, because you know how they like to keep it real."
I guess he thinks we should host recruits and then say "Here is the model of the new football facility, but in a sense of full disclosure, the Mope Squad on CIS thinks that we are never going to build it, and that our entire building budget has been switched into NIL, which we can't even pay anyhow. We just wanted to let you know what the Boards were saying, because you know how they like to keep it real."
Lol at you thinking whatever Bs you spin on here has anything to do with swaying recruits. I think they can get in touch with people that actually know something vs. you all.

“Let’s all just pretend everything is awesome. We will totally fool these high school kids!”
Lol, you really think positive spinning conversations on this board is doing ‘your part’? You really think you are fooling them with positive spin?
You're the one implying recruits need propaganda to be convinced to come here.
Lol, you really think positive spinning conversations on this board is doing ‘your part’? You really think you are fooling them with positive spin?

This is the pathetic thing about toxic ******** like yourself. You think that having conversations about your alma mater is "spinning conversations".

Seriously, just **** off and be miserable elsewhere.

I have 3 degrees from UM, I'm active with the alumni association, and I've been donating money for decades. If you think I don't know what is happening with my own alma mater, that's on you. But I'm certainly allowed to share information with other posters who may not be able to visit the campus quite as frequently.
They are not going to be able to build that facility, fund NIL and finish the new dorms. NIL funding will remain robust, but they will not complete that facility. There are zero plans on file with CG. Funding NIL was the correct choice.

You are full of ****. Completely and totally full of ****. And wrong.

The plans have absolutely been filed with Coral Gables and approved.

Again, dorms first, parking garage second, football building third. It's not that complicated.

Also, UM doesn't "fund NIL". And we have not had any funding problems when it comes to buildings, just a "Coral Gables" problem.
You are full of ****. Completely and totally full of ****. And wrong.

The plans have absolutely been filed with Coral Gables and approved.

Again, dorms first, parking garage second, football building third. It's not that complicated.

Also, UM doesn't "fund NIL". And we have not had any funding problems when it comes to buildings, just a "Coral Gables" problem.

You stated that, "you are a personal friend of both Alberto and Carlos de La Cruz Jr. ............" (which I can personally attest is a bald-faced lie), and the other whopper was, "the Formula 1 race was a losing initiative for the city of Miami."

Both of the aforementioned are bald-faced lies.

They are not building the football facility, and we will see who is correct in a couple of years. The priority are the new dorms and NIL. With an endowment of $1.4B, the U cannot afford a $300M football facility (i.e. 21% of total endowed funds). The economy will experience sizable headwinds in coming years, and unless the U can obtain 100% funding for this behemoth, we will not see it built.
You stated that, "you are a personal friend of both Alberto and Carlos de La Cruz Jr. ............" (which I can personally attest is a bald-faced lie), and the other whopper was, "the Formula 1 race was a losing initiative for the city of Miami."

Both of the aforementioned are bald-faced lies.

They are not building the football facility, and we will see who is correct in a couple of years. The priority are the new dorms and NIL. With an endowment of $1.4B, the U cannot afford a $300M football facility (i.e. 21% of total endowed funds). The economy will experience sizable headwinds in coming years, and unless the U can obtain 100% funding for this behemoth, we will not see it built.

I never said that first statement. Never. You are delusional.

As for holding the F1 race IN MIAMI, it was not a good deal for the City of Miami.

Not sure if you know where Hard Rock Stadium is located. It's, uh, NOT in the City of Miami.

Keep making up bull****.

NIL is absolutely not a priority for UM, as it is not funded by UM. Speaking of bald-faced liars, we need to get you a mirror.

But, hey, thanks for missplaining how an endowment fund works. They have NEVER served as a funding source for buildings. That's what a capital campaign and naming rights are for. You gonna lie to us some more and tell us how plans have never been submitted to Coral Gables? I certainly trust Brian Campbell more than I trust you, as you are just a cheap liar.

You can **** off now with all of your lies. Good lord, you jacked the price of the football building from 100M to 300M. You are insane. You do realize that they need to build MULTIPLE buildings, one of which is a PARKING GARAGE for the new dorms, right? And you DO know how to make a parking garage pay for itself, right?

Let's try some alternative math. Let's say some of our boosters and fans are funding NIL to the tune of $10M per year. Your argument is that UM can't possibly raise OTHER funds for a capital campaign to pay for a $100M building? That they just said "**** it, we can't walk and chew gum at the same time"? That's hilarious.
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You stated that, "you are a personal friend of both Alberto and Carlos de La Cruz Jr. ............" (which I can personally attest is a bald-faced lie), and the other whopper was, "the Formula 1 race was a losing initiative for the city of Miami."

Both of the aforementioned are bald-faced lies.

They are not building the football facility, and we will see who is correct in a couple of years. The priority are the new dorms and NIL. With an endowment of $1.4B, the U cannot afford a $300M football facility (i.e. 21% of total endowed funds). The economy will experience sizable headwinds in coming years, and unless the U can obtain 100% funding for this behemoth, we will not see it built.
You may ultimately be right about the athletic facility but that has zero to do with the dorms under construction. Conflating the two exposes you as knowing nothing.
NIL is "forsaken" revenue (i.e. donations that UM could use elsewhere). The construction of the dorms and NIL are both examples of forsaken revenue.

UM cannot and will not invest $300M in a football facility, unless a donor that has not traditionally donated and has a marked interest in football, donates the vast majority of the funds.

They are not going to build it. Not in this economic climate. If you do have contacts on the BoT, then ask them.
They are not going to be able to build that facility, fund NIL and finish the new dorms. NIL funding will remain robust, but they will not complete that facility. There are zero plans on file with CG. Funding NIL was the correct choice.
Clearly, you’re very upset about finding out the Florida State has no home in the P2, but you have to do a better troll job

For everybody else what this guy just said is complete and utter bull**** not based in fact- other than the part that prioritizing NIL first was the right call
NIL is "forsaken" revenue (i.e. donations that UM could use elsewhere). The construction of the dorms and NIL are both examples of forsaken revenue.

UM cannot and will not invest $300M in a football facility, unless a donor that has not traditionally donated and has a marked interest in football, donates the vast majority of the funds.

They are not going to build it. Not in this economic climate. If you do have contacts on the BoT, then ask them.

Once again, you are full of ****.

First, you keep misstating the cost of the football facility. Second, you choose to ignore that dorms and the parking garages are supported by their own future revenue. Finally, NIL is not "forsaken" revenue, as the types of donors and the motivations for those donations are completely different. Buying the naming rights for a building over 40 years and kicking in some money for NIL each year are two completely different things. You also keep flip-flopping between "the economy being terrible right now" and "the economy will be bad for years into the future". One thing that I do know is that the economy has been great, for decades, for people with the money to fund the football building.

You can try to backpedal all you'd like and change the discussion. You keep mixing and matching your BULL**** as you try to fool people into believing things that are not true:


Please explain to us how UM goes out and raises money to build new dorms? How they get donors to put their names on the dorms? Oh, that's right, THEY DON'T. Because the building of a new dorm does not have to be funded in the same way that the construction of an athletic facility is. Because "the new dorms" will be self-financing from the money charged to students to live there. Same with a parking garage.

So while you continue to tell us that a $100M building is actually a $300M building (it's not) and how every other expenditure on the campus has leapfrogged the football building, the reality is something different.

I have no idea whether you were hiding in the bathroom when a Trustee made some pessimistic comment about the football building, but for you to say "There are zero plans on file with Coral Gables" is just a lie. So you want to double down on some sort of assertion that all the prior submissions to Coral Gables, the meetings, and the approvals were just illusory?

This is a weird hill for you to die on.
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NIL is "forsaken" revenue (i.e. donations that UM could use elsewhere). The construction of the dorms and NIL are both examples of forsaken revenue.

UM cannot and will not invest $300M in a football facility, unless a donor that has not traditionally donated and has a marked interest in football, donates the vast majority of the funds.

They are not going to build it. Not in this economic climate. If you do have contacts on the BoT, then ask them.
This is where a smart person would look back at their previous record of predictions and realize they might just be full of ****.