Construction on New Football Facility

Really hope they reconsider spending money on this. The landscape has changed so drastically in the last 6-12 months. Upgrading facilities has really gone down in ROI when it comes to recruiting.
But the NIL thing seems somewhat fragile. We know politicians and the NCAA don't like it and they likely have more power than the athletes in terms of creating legislation to curb or stop it. It feels tenuous to me. I think you have to keep investing in the event NIL somehow becomes a thing of the past due to legislation or a judge making a decision.
Really hope they reconsider spending money on this. The landscape has changed so drastically in the last 6-12 months. Upgrading facilities has really gone down in ROI when it comes to recruiting.

Honestly it's like CANE fans hate their own team and literally make **** up to be negative about.

We CONSTANTLY have confirmation and reconfirmation our NIL is strong.

Miami HAS MONEY. They always did and now they're spending it in a meaningful manner ACROSS THE BOARD.

We can recruit and build simultaneously.

As he sounds like he’s looking in the cushions of his couch for any cent he can find to pay the bills…

As we flip to June…

Maybe in July we’ll pay the light bill…
I mean, sometimes your back-and-forth thing is pretty entertaining, but sometimes you just read the weirdest **** into things. Not sure that I’ve ever heard any athletic directors say that they have all the money they need for the next project at any point cause they’re always fundraising. Only Miami fans will on one hand talk about having a top 10 NIL program (spoiler it is and probably top 5), and then act like we don’t have a dollar for M&Ms in the vending machine.
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But the NIL thing seems somewhat fragile. We know politicians and the NCAA don't like it and they likely have more power than the athletes in terms of creating legislation to curb or stop it. It feels tenuous to me. I think you have to keep investing in the event NIL somehow becomes a thing of the past due to legislation or a judge making a decision.
They cannot cap N I L even if collective-bargaining were in place. That’s not happening. They can’t tell you what you can do to monetize your own person unless perhaps another brand has contractually obligated that way or somebody buys those rights from you.
They cannot cap N I L even if collective-bargaining were in place. That’s not happening. They can’t tell you what you can do to monetize your own person unless perhaps another brand has contractually obligated that way or somebody buys those rights from you.
I really don't know what can or can't be done in regards to NIL. That's way beyond my expertise. I just know that old people don't like it and expect that there will be challenges to it in some form or another in the coming years.

To me, it's just like a portfolio. You don't want 100% of your eggs in a single basket. I think we have to continue to invest all across the board in every aspect of a football program.
I mean, sometimes your back-and-forth thing is pretty entertaining, but sometimes you just read the weirdest **** into things. Not sure that I’ve ever heard any athletic directors say that they have all the money they need for the next project at any point cause they’re always fundraising. Only Miami fans will on one hand talk about having the top 10 NIL program, and then act like we don’t have a dollar for M&Ms in the vending machine

He is trying to build a brand out of being a cranky mope who likes to "keep it real" by making non-stop negative jokes.
I mean, sometimes your back-and-forth thing is pretty entertaining, but sometimes you just read the weirdest **** into things. Not sure that I’ve ever heard any athletic directors say that they have all the money they need for the next project at any point cause they’re always fundraising. Only Miami fans will on one hand talk about having the top 10 NIL program, and then act like we don’t have a dollar for M&Ms in the vending machine
One of the AD's jobs is to continue to generate fundraising dollars and they need to keep stacking on top of stacking. I get that. That said, and maybe it is an unfair focus on "Rad Speak", but it seems like every time he opens his mouth - at least in print - it is odd or slightly off -- see also: every single comment he makes about the ACC...

In fairness to Rad, when I heard him a little over a month ago, he came across really well and in touch...
He is trying to build a brand out of being a cranky mope who likes to "keep it real" by making non-stop negative jokes.
The board tends to not like jokes (or data for that matter) when they hit on people they defend... it happens... it is a message board...

You all are funny with your building a brand...

Win games -- get celebrated, don't kneel - get criticized, do well in recruiting - get celebrated, make poor hires - get criticized, create absurd double standards or lower expectations -- get mocked...

Pretty standard stuff from the TOC Terms and Conditions...

Honestly it's like CANE fans hate their own team and literally make **** up to be negative about.

We CONSTANTLY have confirmation and reconfirmation our NIL is strong.

Miami HAS MONEY. They always did and now they're spending it in a meaningful manner ACROSS THE BOARD.

We can recruit and build simultaneously.


It’s about capital allocation. I want us to have the best facilities, but in the current environment is that the best use of $200m? If we could take that and use it toward NIL/Salaries I think that would have a much better return toward the goal of acquiring the best players. Remember, when this revenue sharing kicks in we’ll be 20-30M in annual revenue lower than most of our competition.
The board tends to not like jokes (or data for that matter) when they hit on people they defend... it happens... it is a message board...

You all are funny with your building a brand...

Win games -- get celebrated, don't kneel - get criticized, do well in recruiting - get celebrated, make poor hires - get criticized, create absurd double standards or lower expectations -- get mocked...

Pretty standard stuff from the TOC Terms and Conditions...

You are one of the biggest deflecting BS'ers around right now.

For the millionth's not the "target" of your's your unrelenting and monotonous negativity. That's what makes you a mope. Not because you are on some misguided mission to "keep it real".

You don't celebrate anything when it comes to UM, so stop inventing the non-existent scenario in which you will suddenly smile and choose not to mope.

"Win games" - except that it's never ENOUGH games...

"Do well in recruiting" - except that the focus immediately pivots to the guys who leave the program...

It's entirely possible to be happy when good things happen to the program and critical when mistakes are made. It's possible to single out the individuals responsible for mistakes. It's possible to be supportive of the UM student-athletes and their lives, even if they suffer injury or never develop into pro draft choices. It's very possible to have conversations about reasons and causality without "making excuses" or "white-knighting for particular coaches".

Nobody is asking you to say nice things about Radakovich. But the fact that you seized on Dan's comments to act as if he is begging for money, when nearly every AD in the country is living year-to-year and would struggle if his school had a couple of bad on-field years (let alone 20), is the evidence of your obsessive search for a negative comment on every UM sports topic imaginable.

Relax. Have some fun. Get a hobby. And when you can enjoy watching Miami beat Florida without IMMEDIATELY thinking about how we will lose another game later in the season, then come back to the boards.

Sadly, UM sports seem to make you miserable. Your screen-name adjective is "Angry". It's all very sad and pathetic.
It’s about capital allocation. I want us to have the best facilities, but in the current environment is that the best use of $200m? If we could take that and use it toward NIL/Salaries I think that would have a much better return toward the goal of acquiring the best players. Remember, when this revenue sharing kicks in we’ll be 20-30M in annual revenue lower than most of our competition.

It's also about timing.

It isn't necessary to put a couple-hundred million in the bank if it is currently impossible to build MULTIPLE 7-story buildings within a few hundred yards of each other.

People try to turn this "NIL vs. Buildings" thing into some sort of "guns vs. butter" academic *********ory exercise. The reality is that the motivation for making those donations is completely different. People who want their names on things...will put their names on things. They want permanence and recognition and a sense of ownership. The motivations for NIL contributions are completely different.

Might there be donor fatigue? Sure. And that's why it makes sense to spread things out. Not because the wealthy are "too broke" to fund both, but when you ALSO factor in the whole "UM Centennial" thing (and Frenk's desparate push for fund-raising to cement his "legacy"), then you realize that an awful lot of e-mails are being sent out right now, particularly to alums, particularly to (historically) big donors. For the non-alum-football-fans on the board, I realize that they don't see all of the OTHER fund-raisers that UM is pushing right now, they just think "there are only two" (football building and NIL). That just isn't true.

And, sure, it might also be nice to show some "return on investment" with the smaller expenditures before we go deeper with the big donors.

Finally, without giving too much away, we might also be identifying some new sources of funding, some new venture partners, some new folks who might like to put a particular name or two on the building. Let's just say, no need to do a whole 3-stripes motif in the new building if you just have to paint over it a year later...

Everyone relax. It took us a while to build the basketball arena too. I don't expect any delays like THAT, but there are some good NON "we need to fund NIL instead of build buildings" reasons out there.
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It’s about capital allocation. I want us to have the best facilities, but in the current environment is that the best use of $200m? If we could take that and use it toward NIL/Salaries I think that would have a much better return toward the goal of acquiring the best players. Remember, when this revenue sharing kicks in we’ll be 20-30M in annual revenue lower than most of our competition.
Do you work within the school and/or have any objective knowledge regarding our finances?

My spider sense tells me you have no clue what so ever and are throwing negative crap against the wall just "because".
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm failing to understand how the school spending money on facilities would in any way impact NIL when the school doesn't pay NIL.
Probably a matter of behind the scenes directing boosters/donors to put the money into NIL instead of pledging it for capital improvement projects. But I think both are needed.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm failing to understand how the school spending money on facilities would in any way impact NIL when the school doesn't pay NIL.

You know we have some real simple-minded fans who can't process more than one thought at a time and/or believe everything that they read on social media.

But you are correct, those funding NIL are not really the same people who will be funding the on-campus buildings. A bit of overlap, but not as much as the mopers think.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm failing to understand how the school spending money on facilities would in any way impact NIL when the school doesn't pay NIL.
Brain dead fans that can’t comprehend the NIL entity is completely separate from the university and it’s AD. There may be some overlap but I would imagine donors for each project/entity earmark their $$$ to a specific cause.
Brain dead fans that can’t comprehend the NIL entity is completely separate from the university and it’s AD. There may be some overlap but I would imagine donors for each project/entity earmark their $$$ to a specific cause.
Well, I was going to make a huge tax deductible donation and be a Golden Cane where I can hang out at games with all my rich buddies, but instead I'll just give to the collective and watch from The Titanic.
Do you work within the school and/or have any objective knowledge regarding our finances?

My spider sense tells me you have no clue what so ever and are throwing negative crap against the wall just "because".
Well D$ has reliable information and just this week he said that facilities have gone way down the priority list and that NIL is a lot more important.
Brain dead fans that can’t comprehend the NIL entity is completely separate from the university and it’s AD. There may be some overlap but I would imagine donors for each project/entity earmark their $$$ to a specific cause.
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