MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

6 years of being dramatically out-recruited by the P2 ... which will control broadcast venues / air time ... and the B12 / ACC leftovers will be on limited regional streaming apps. Not a good situation.

This isn’t 2004. Recruits care almost exclusively about NIL. Doesn’t matter the conference. When UM is winning the Big 12, making playoff runs, and getting tons of national buzz, it isn’t going to significantly affect UMs recruiting. Welcome to the free agency era.
I think Flo explained it a few weeks ago and he was on point. UM will go to whoever is offering the most money. If that’s the Big12, then it’s where we end up. Taking a discount just to say we are in the P2 is not going to happen because UM expects the P2 to become a P1 in 6 years . Will be one giant mega conference. My personal guess is it will be like the NFL, Fox gets some teams (former B1G), espn gets former SEC, they horse trade the rest and split the profits 50/50.
I just can't see that decision being made. It's such a short sighted view to take a bit more money in the short term to cripple your program in the long term. Especially considering we don't know what the P2's plan is moving forward. 6 years of being negative recruited against and being at disadvantage in terms of playoff spots is an unneeded handicap. Take the lesser shares, have U Health help for a couple years until we get back up to full shares and by then, if the plan works out we should be regularly competing and generating plenty of revenue.
This isn’t 2004. Recruits care almost exclusively about NIL. Doesn’t matter the conference. When UM is winning the Big 12, making playoff runs, and getting tons of national buzz, it isn’t going to significantly affect UMs recruiting. Welcome to the free agency era.
Disagree ... kids want to be on TV ... and starting in 2026 the B12 / ACC "whatever" won't be getting any viewership compared to the P2 programs, maybe 20%, and it will be a rare 4-5 star player that will go to a non P2 program in that era that is on the horizon.
No he hasn’t. He has said he could be cool with it if the money is right for a short time before the inevitable P2/superleague

Full details are needed not short versions. I don’t agree with him on this though mad respect for him otherwise.
He also said that Miami, Va Tech, Louisville, and two other ACC schools have been talking to the Big 12.
This isn’t 2004. Recruits care almost exclusively about NIL. Doesn’t matter the conference. When UM is winning the Big 12, making playoff runs, and getting tons of national buzz, it isn’t going to significantly affect UMs recruiting. Welcome to the free agency era.
and where do you think the biggest sponsors and NIL deals will be heading? Especially with most of the guard rails being removed. Why would Microsoft sponsor Utah vs BYU when they can have OSU vs Michigan?
6 years of being dramatically out-recruited by the P2 ... which will control broadcast venues / air time ... and the B12 / ACC leftovers will be on limited regional streaming apps. Not a good situation.
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I love Flo but on conference realignment his takes are really bad unless he is trying to make it seem like we are choosing the Big 12 and not forced into it as some sort of "win". A full share in the Big 12 is still less than a half share in the Big 10. Also all numbers on this chart would go down as the money would also need to be shared with the added teams.

Flo's whole thing is that the Big 12 can renegotiate the deal if they add teams which is a huge risk to agree to if you dont have a number from the network what if the negotiated number is less than thought? You are now stuck in a **** conference until 2031.

I just can't see that decision being made. It's such a short sighted view to take a bit more money in the short term to cripple your program in the long term. Especially considering we don't know what the P2's plan is moving forward. 6 years of being negative recruited against and being at disadvantage in terms of playoff spots is an unneeded handicap. Take the lesser shares, have U Health help for a couple years until we get back up to full shares and by then, if the plan works out we should be regularly competing and generating plenty of revenue.
I think we are taking a risk that one big superleague will DEFINITELY happen in 6 years. What happens if we sign up with Big12 and the P2 become content with the new status quo and don’t force the creation of a superleague?
I think we are taking a risk that one big superleague will DEFINITELY happen in 6 years. What happens if we sign up with Big12 and the P2 become content with the new status quo and don’t force the creation of a superleague?
What’s the other option? Big 10 and SEC don’t seem like they have any interest
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I love Flo but on conference realignment his takes are really bad unless he is trying to make it seem like we are choosing the Big 12 and not forced into it as some sort of "win". A full share in the Big 12 is still less than a half share in the Big 10. Also all numbers on this chart would go down as the money would also need to be shared with the added teams.

Flo's whole thing is that the Big 12 can renegotiate the deal if they add teams which is a huge risk to agree to if you dont have a number from the network what if the negotiated number is less than thought? You are now stuck in a **** conference until 2031.

Entschuldigen bitte, correct me here if I'm wrong por favor gatos.

IF (big IF) that Euro trash PE deal (drop the mad EDM beats while you read this) comes to pass for Yormark the Destroyer*, doesn't that put the Big12 payout on par with B1G and SEC**?

*trademark, all rights reserved
**until they get their own PE deals of course and CFB goes total Euro Premier/Bundes/LaLiga insane
He also said that Miami, Va Tech, Louisville, and two other ACC schools have been talking to the Big 12.
All schools know their options. Smart people know all things. FSU knows big 12 option too even if a 1%.

No one no one no one is having direct talks with anyone. No one. It’s not how it works. Third party. Estimates on valuations. Etc.
All schools know their options. Smart people know all things. FSU knows big 12 option too even if a 1%.

No one no one no one is having direct talks with anyone. No one. It’s not how it works. Third party. Estimates on valuations. Etc.
And by their logic flo ALSO said that we have a B1G offer and a SEC offer.... and he has said he has no idea what the admin will do.
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I love Flo but on conference realignment his takes are really bad unless he is trying to make it seem like we are choosing the Big 12 and not forced into it as some sort of "win". A full share in the Big 12 is still less than a half share in the Big 10. Also all numbers on this chart would go down as the money would also need to be shared with the added teams.

Flo's whole thing is that the Big 12 can renegotiate the deal if they add teams which is a huge risk to agree to if you dont have a number from the network what if the negotiated number is less than thought? You are now stuck in a **** conference until 2031.

he has been consistent in saying that his understanding is that Miami is looking at this as a business move - the most money possible. Not concerned with fan base approval.

He has also talked about the belief that by the time the BIG and SEC negotiate the next contracts, it will likely be one giant super league.

All these things have been said repeatedly in this thread. Where does this info come from? Who knows. But he has also hinted that something is going down sooner rather than later...
All schools know their options. Smart people know all things. FSU knows big 12 option too even if a 1%.

No one no one no one is having direct talks with anyone. No one. It’s not how it works. Third party. Estimates on valuations. Etc.

CIS porsters know.

Several, point in fact.

he has been consistent in saying that his understanding is that Miami is looking at this as a business move - the most money possible. Not concerned with fan base approval.

He has also talked about the belief that by the time the BIG and SEC negotiate the next contracts, it will likely be one giant super league.

All these things have been said repeatedly in this thread. Where does this info come from? Who knows. But he has also hinted that something is going down sooner rather than later...
If they did that, it would be one of the most monumentally stupid decisions in CFB history. Make slightly more than a partial share in the Big 10 with the *hope* that a super league forms and you can jump later. And if the P2 decides to stay as a P2 you’re mega ****ed. Beyond stupid.

There is a small part of UM admin that I could see saying, “Hey, we can be the flagship school of a conference.” A smart person would immediately reply that we’d be the flagship of the kiddy table, perpetually behind our two biggest in state rivals in recruiting, and would crater fan support.

And I know a very vocal minority on this board would love to “dominate” a conference, even one with no national relevance in CFB. And somehow this minority thinks that even being in the tier 2 conference won’t somehow affect recruiting or the caliber of athlete we can attract. Reality check: we would struggle to maintain Top 15 classes outside of the P2. You’re not beating a P2 team for a recruit when they match your NIL and play in a miles better conference. Also, even if Miami did do well in the Big 12 and made playoff appearances what would follow is a national prime time *** kicking in the CFP. Best case you get an invite in the early 2030s to the P2, after 6-7 wasted years in the B12, and your back to square one. And 6-7 years of a national narrative that Miami couldn’t cut it in the P2 so they had to go to the kiddy table.

Any way you cut it, any move to the Big 12 would be program suicide. There’s no good outcome there, only slightly less bad ones. It’s P2 or bust, that’s it. I personally believe we will go to the Big 10, and that the smarter people in admin will prevail.