MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

why would we take on all the exit fees to just go to the big12?????? would of only considered B12 if Texas and OU were still there and not leaving...
Florida AG blasts the ACC & ESPN in today's court filing "Reply to the Order to Show Cause". Several out-takes from the 35 page filing:

"The ACC concedes that it has continually misrepresented the terms of the media agreement and the grant of rights.
Intervenor ESPN does not disagree".

"Put simply the Grant of Rights is not, as the ACC has claimed, a blanket grant of rights, it is explicitly limited by the ESPN agreement."

"These recitals are not fundamental misunderstandings of the relationship between the grant of rights and the media rights contract; they are the very language of the contracts and the characterizations by those entities that have accessed them".

"The strategy of the ACC and ESPN is to jointly misstate the plain allegations".

The AG has requested an immediate, un-redacted copy of the ESPN media agreement, as well as compensation for the attorneys expenses and other costs that she has had to incur in getting the ACC to respond to a lawful request.

Now is the time for Miami's legal team to review every word of the AG's filings and prepare Miami's "request to leave" the ACC. Big 10 anyone?
An unmitigated failure and disaster for this program if we somehow only end up in the B12. IDC if you need to take lesser shares for a few years to do it. You get in the P2 NOW by any means necessary.

Problem is, the P2 have to want UM. If they don’t, no amount of groveling will get us in.

Some of you make it sound like we just need to announce ourselves and show up on somebody’s doorstep.
Problem is, the P2 have to want UM. If they don’t, no amount of groveling will get us in.

Some of you make it sound like we just need to announce ourselves and show up on somebody’s doorstep.

Then we NEED to stop saying “we will have a P2 invite”. Fanbase sqwuak is NOT jiving with our actions
Problem is, the P2 have to want UM. If they don’t, no amount of groveling will get us in.

Some of you make it sound like we just need to announce ourselves and show up on somebody’s doorstep.
There is no shot that we wouldn't have a spot in the B1G at a discounted rate. Regardless of the mediocrity we've endured over the last 20 years, the U is a very recognizable and marketable brand. As a said before, do whatever it takes to get in the P2 now even if it means you have to take lesser shares to start. It's that or you are basically committing to tieing one arm behind your back in recruiting for the rest of your time.
The only way I would be ok with a Big 12 move right now is the following:
  • B1G told us we have to wait a few years, even if we are willing to go at a reduced fee now (I would take the reduced fee and just get in the P2 door if its at all an option)
  • Big 12 is paying all of our exit fee and GOR buy-out
  • There are no roadblocks for us to exit the Big 12 when the P2 invite becomes available
If this isnt the scenario then I see no point in making the move. Its not like the Big 12 is any better than the ACC even without FSU and why would we pay any money for a lateral move. I honestly would try and somehow piggyback with ND and go independent for a few years while we build our brand back up rather than be looked at as a minor league team in the Big 12.
The only way I would be ok with a Big 12 move right now is the following:
  • B1G told us we have to wait a few years, even if we are willing to go at a reduced fee now (I would take the reduced fee and just get in the P2 door if its at all an option)
  • Big 12 is paying all of our exit fee and GOR buy-out
  • There are no roadblocks for us to exit the Big 12 when the P2 invite becomes available
If this isnt the scenario then I see no point in making the move. Its not like the Big 12 is any better than the ACC even without FSU and why would we pay any money for a lateral move. I honestly would try and somehow piggyback with ND and go independent for a few years while we build our brand back up rather than be looked at as a minor league team in the Big 12.
FACT is that once FSU / Clemson leave and ND bails on their ACC football games, then the ESPN media agreement will be significantly less than now ... and the B12 will be a higher payout. We have to see what happens WITH the ACC first. Hopefully Miami can get into the B10 at a partial share ... now.
FACT is that once FSU / Clemson leave and ND bails on their ACC football games, then the ESPN media agreement will be significantly less than now ... and the B12 will be a higher payout. We have to see what happens WITH the ACC first. Hopefully Miami can get into the B10 at a partial share ... now.
I do not know that as a fact lol.
Big 12 time baby!!

When it happens, all these posters who called me a troll and viciously insulted me for predicting this (pretty obvious actually if you aren’t acting like an idiot and refusing to see the evidence) should prepare themselves to receive the most epic teabagging of all time.
Miami Flo has been hinting about that for a few weeks now.
No he hasn’t. He has said he could be cool with it if the money is right for a short time before the inevitable P2/superleague

Full details are needed not short versions. I don’t agree with him on this though mad respect for him otherwise.
There is no shot that we wouldn't have a spot in the B1G at a discounted rate. Regardless of the mediocrity we've endured over the last 20 years, the U is a very recognizable and marketable brand. As a said before, do whatever it takes to get in the P2 now even if it means you have to take lesser shares to start. It's that or you are basically committing to tieing one arm behind your back in recruiting for the rest of your time.

I think Flo explained it a few weeks ago and he was on point. UM will go to whoever is offering the most money. If that’s the Big12, then it’s where we end up. Taking a discount just to say we are in the P2 is not going to happen because UM expects the P2 to become a P1 in 6 years . Will be one giant mega conference. My personal guess is it will be like the NFL, Fox gets some teams (former B1G), espn gets former SEC, they horse trade the rest and split the profits 50/50.
When it happens, all these posters who called me a troll and viciously insulted me for predicting this (pretty obvious actually if you aren’t acting like an idiot and refusing to see the evidence) should prepare themselves to receive the most epic teabagging of all time.
You will be living under a bridge with the rest of the trolls after Miami is proudly wearing the Big 10 decals on jerseys for the 2026 season.
I think Flo explained it a few weeks ago and he was on point. UM will go to whoever is offering the most money. If that’s the Big12, then it’s where we end up. Taking a discount just to say we are in the P2 is not going to happen because UM expects the P2 to become a P1 in 6 years . Will be one giant mega conference. My personal guess is it will be like the NFL, Fox gets some teams (former B1G), espn gets former SEC, they horse trade the rest and split the profits 50/50.
6 years of being dramatically out-recruited by the P2 ... which will control broadcast venues / air time ... and the B12 / ACC leftovers will be on limited regional streaming apps. Not a good situation.