MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Funny thing to say since you were just a complete douche towards me for saying Silver was chair of the BOT, something that literally only changed less than three weeks ago.

Stop lying. You said she was the NEW top dog, which is off by FOUR YEARS.

You are a serial bull****ter who belatedly tries to fix his incorrect posts with a little "harmless error" nonsense.

You were off by FOUR YEARS, not "less than three weeks".

And it's not "complete douche" to rebut your grossly inaccurate statements, particularly after you feign some level of familiarity with her because you heard her speak one time.

Not only did you falsely claim she was the NEW Chair of the BOT, you doubled down on it the first time someone told you that you were wrong. Then acted as if you made a tiny error. After NUMEROUS posters (including ones you don't fake-claim to ignore) have spoken about Manny Kadre taking over and pushing Frenk out the door.

Just stop lying and then people don't have to rebut your false claims.
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Funny thing to say since you were just a complete douche towards me for saying Silver was chair of the BOT, something that literally only changed less than three weeks ago.

I’ve missed most of your responses to my comments- I have had you on ignore for 3 years now ever since it became obvious you very clearly have a mental illness -you cannot have a civil conversation with someone who disagrees with you without resorting to insults.

You are, and I mean this in all sincerity, the single worst poster on this site. You are constantly wrong but people just throw in the towel trying to reason with you because no one wants to deal with your porsting diarrhea.

I get it- you have no friends in real life since you are an insufferable prick, and people have the luxury of walking away when you start being you. Unfortunately for me , this the only good forum to discuss football and it has people like you here so my only option is the ignore button.

I had to respond to this post a second time, as it is full of some hilarious and typical @Handsome Squidbum lies.

First, this is you:


You doubled-down on being wrong when someone tried to tell you of your error.

As for your nonsense on "missing my responses" because you "had me on ignore", please just stop lying. You responded to a post I made to someone else. You see everything, because you have nobody on ignore.

Then you tried to tell me I'm wrong about everything. Really? How would you know, you've "had me on ignore for 3 years". You have no basis for making this kind of statement. Either you don't read my posts, or you read every one. Can't have it both ways.

Finally, your "only option" is NOT the ignore button. You could try making accurate posts, and then people wouldn't have to correct you in public. If you can't handle that, you're not built for this board. I don't care, ignore everyone who corrects you. It will be pretty funny to read your "Hey, guys, where did everyone go" thread when you no longer see any posts.
You know what, **** the miami herald, and **** you too barry jackson and your lurking ***.

The last time the media clowned UM's committment to sports, we went out and fired Manny Diaz, fired Blake James, and spent a ****load of money hiring Mario and Rad.

I guarantee people in leadership in Miami read the Herald and I don't think this article is going to have the effect the writer is hoping it will have. If anything, the opposite.
The last time the media clowned UM's committment to sports, we went out and fired Manny Diaz, fired Blake James, and spent a ****load of money hiring Mario and Rad.

I guarantee people in leadership in Miami read the Herald and I don't think this article is going to have the effect the writer is hoping it will have. If anything, the opposite.


I heard a rumor that Miami did not drop football back in 1995 when Sports illustrated politely and subtly urged us to do so...

Not sure if that is true...
FSU does NOT have 12+ years left. The CURRENT ESPN media agreement expires on June 30, 2027, that is 3 more football seasons (24. 25. 26).
ESPN declined to exercise the option they had to EXTEND to 2036 in January 2021. The GOR states that it exists TO SUPPORT THE ESPN MEDIA AGREEMENT, only. You are the one who is delusional and very uninformed.

Get a dictionary and look up the word “Could” .

But they won’t you know why? Because Swofford gave them a sweetheart deal. As long as ACC still exists they will not decline it. Even without Clemson or FSU.

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Get a dictionary and look up the word “Could” .

But they won’t you know why? Because Swofford gave them a sweetheart deal. As long as ACC still exists they will not decline it. Even without Clemson or FSU.

But please Rickd, please explain to me how I am delusional and very uninformed? Otherwise watch you ******* tone tough guy..

With all due respect, you are missing an important distinction.

The original date to exercise the option, per the contract, HAS ALREADY PASSED.

The ACC Commissioner gave ESPN a uniltateral and unauthorized EXTENSION to the contractual deadline. An extension that CLEARLY should have been subject to a vote of all the member institutions (per the terms of the ACC Constitution). But was not.

So, yeah, I still maintain that the contract is over in 2027, because without the illicit and unilateral extension, ESPN blew the original deadline to opt-in.
The Miami Herald doesn't even qualify as fish wrap. What a freaking clown article.
One underrated thing that hurts us, compared to other big CFB schools, is that our local media does absolutely nothing to help us. Many times they actively hurt us. There’s no loyalty, only mercenaries.

If this was written by a reporter in an Alabama or Georgia newspaper, they’d be unemployable in the state forever. Meanwhile, our local “reporters” would sell out this program in a second. And the fact that the herald would publish this garbage even shows that it goes beyond reporters.
One underrated thing that hurts us, compared to other big CFB schools, is that our local media does absolutely nothing to help us. Many times they actively hurt us. There’s no loyalty, only mercenaries.

If this was written by a reporter in an Alabama or Georgia newspaper, they’d be unemployable in the state forever. Meanwhile, our local “reporters” would sell out this program in a second. And the fact that the herald would publish this garbage even shows that it goes beyond reporters.
Unconscionable .... it is just so over the top that any Miami fan that continues to support that "publication" is crazy.
With all due respect, you are missing an important distinction.

The original date to exercise the option, per the contract, HAS ALREADY PASSED.

The ACC Commissioner gave ESPN a uniltateral and unauthorized EXTENSION to the contractual deadline. An extension that CLEARLY should have been subject to a vote of all the member institutions (per the terms of the ACC Constitution). But was not.

So, yeah, I still maintain that the contract is over in 2027, because without the illicit and unilateral extension, ESPN blew the original deadline to opt-in.

Andy Staple for On3 says the option date is Feb 2025 (11 months from this quote)

Andy Staples of On3 spoke on his show on Thursday about whether or not ESPN will pick up the option.

“We’ll find out in 11 months, but the existing contract is still cheaper, probably, for ESPN,” Staples said. “It still provides all of this inventory for what they consider a reasonable amount of money. So I would lean towards yea, they would probably try to pick it up.”

Maybe it was an early option date or something. All I know is when one side of the bargaining table you have Disney exes and the other side you have John Swofford. One side is going to raped on the terms.

Even without Miami, Clemson, UNC. FSU the ACC contract is and will be even greater sweetheart deal for them.

ESPN needs to fill a lot airtime and will need even more content for ESPN+ once they break away from cable and satellite and become a stand alone entity. Having a set contract for the next 12 years while every other league will renew at least twice is a great ace in the hole because ESPN isn’t going to lower their sub or ad prices.
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Andy Staple for On3 says the option date is Feb 2025 (11 months from this quote)

Andy Staples of On3 spoke on his show on Thursday about whether or not ESPN will pick up the option.

“We’ll find out in 11 months, but the existing contract is still cheaper, probably, for ESPN,” Staples said. “It still provides all of this inventory for what they consider a reasonable amount of money. So I would lean towards yea, they would probably try to pick it up.”

Maybe it was an early option date or something. All I know is when one side of the bargaining table you have Disney exes and the other side you have John Swofford. One side is going to raped on the terms.

Even without Miami, Clemson, UNC. FSU the ACC contract is and will be even greater sweetheart deal for them.

ESPN needs to fill a lot airtime and will need even more content for ESPN+ once they break away from cable and satellite and become a stand alone entity. Having a set contract for the next 12 years while every other league will renew at least twice is a great ace in the hole because ESPN isn’t going to lower their sub or ad prices.

Andy Staples is full of ****. He is reporting what the ACC tells him.

There have been other reports that have specified that the ORIGINAL renewal date was NOT 2025, and that the Commissioner unilaterally and illicitly extended it WITHOUT A VOTE OF THE ACC MEMBERSHIP.

****, the reports are ON THIS THREAD.

I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at a news reporting system that takes **** at face value and turns it into "fact". And I'm mad as **** that we can't publish the original ESPN MSA right now.


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I had to respond to this post a second time, as it is full of some hilarious and typical @Handsome Squidbum lies.

First, this is you:
View attachment 291796
View attachment 291797

You doubled-down on being wrong when someone tried to tell you of your error.

As for your nonsense on "missing my responses" because you "had me on ignore", please just stop lying. You responded to a post I made to someone else. You see everything, because you have nobody on ignore.

Then you tried to tell me I'm wrong about everything. Really? How would you know, you've "had me on ignore for 3 years". You have no basis for making this kind of statement. Either you don't read my posts, or you read every one. Can't have it both ways.

Finally, your "only option" is NOT the ignore button. You could try making accurate posts, and then people wouldn't have to correct you in public. If you can't handle that, you're not built for this board. I don't care, ignore everyone who corrects you. It will be pretty funny to read your "Hey, guys, where did everyone go" thread when you no longer see any posts.

Well you just showed your colors and lied right off the bat to try and win an argument, which is pretty much what you always do. Look at the rest of the second post where you claim I doubled down.


I was going from memory so I said she was the new Chair (as in the most recent ) "unless that had changed in the last 3 weeks." Towards the end of May was the last time I had read an article about Silver. She stepped down on 31 May. Today is 14 June. You do the math. But nah, just screen shot and crop the part that makes it look like you won.

And as soon as the poster showed the screenshot of the current BOT, I admitted my information was out of date. I have no problem with being given new facts, especially when people are civil about it,

So congrats on proving my point. I couldn’t have scripted it any better . I said you were an insufferable douche and then you immediately showed I was 100% correct by immediately being an insufferable douche who lied and omitted very relevant information to try and win an argument.

Rhyming Leonardo Dicaprio GIF
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Well you just showed your colors and lied right off the bat to try and win an argument, which is pretty much what you always do. Look at the rest of the second post where you claim I doubled down.

I was going from memory so I said she was the new Chair (as in the most recent ) "unless that had changed in the last 3 weeks." Towards the end of May was the last time I had read an article about Silver. She stepped down on 31 May. Today is 14 June. You do the math. But nah, just screen shot and crop the part that makes it look like you won.

And as soon as the poster showed the screenshot of the current BOT, I admitted my information was out of date. I have no problem with being given new facts, especially when people are civil about it,

So congrats on proving my point. I couldn’t have scripted it any better . I said you were an insufferable douche and then you immediately showed I was 100% correct by immediately being an insufferable douche who lied and omitted very relevant information to try and win an argument.

Thank you for proving you are a liar.

You can't redefine words. You can't say "new" means "most recent". "New" means "new". "New" does not mean "most recent". She was the BOT Chair FOR FOUR YEARS.

And we all know your "unless something changed in the last three weeks" bull**** was you attempting to set yourself up to "still be correct". How did you know to use "the last three weeks" as your qualifier? Because by that point, you already realized your mistake, but didn't want to admit you were wrong, and you wanted to continue to maintain the illusion that you were correct all along.


You didn't claim "most recent" when you were first corrected. The second time you were corrected, you admitted your mistake. Now you are back to claiming that you made no mistake.

You're just a liar, and everyone knows it. Just like you lied about having me on "ignore". You're a liar, and nothing is going to change you, not even the truth.

You could easily start to fix your terrible reputation for lying by simply admitting you were wrong. You can't. You won't.

You're just going to sink deeper into the lies because you didn't like me calling you out for your lies.

Your choice.

Just change your name to Handsome Tommy Flanagan. It's more fitting for a pathological liar such as yourself.
Andy Staple for On3 says the option date is Feb 2025 (11 months from this quote)

Andy Staples of On3 spoke on his show on Thursday about whether or not ESPN will pick up the option.

“We’ll find out in 11 months, but the existing contract is still cheaper, probably, for ESPN,” Staples said. “It still provides all of this inventory for what they consider a reasonable amount of money. So I would lean towards yea, they would probably try to pick it up.”

Maybe it was an early option date or something. All I know is when one side of the bargaining table you have Disney exes and the other side you have John Swofford. One side is going to raped on the terms.

Even without Miami, Clemson, UNC. FSU the ACC contract is and will be even greater sweetheart deal for them.

ESPN needs to fill a lot airtime and will need even more content for ESPN+ once they break away from cable and satellite and become a stand alone entity. Having a set contract for the next 12 years while every other league will renew at least twice is a great ace in the hole because ESPN isn’t going to lower their sub or ad prices.
ORIGINAL OPTION EXPIRED January 2021. Period. THEN, without member approval, Phillips unilaterally gave ESPN a new option to extend, and that ILLEGAL option has an exercise date of 02/25. THAT is one of the foundation arguments of BOTH the FSU and Clemson law suits:

-The ACC confirmed in court that the CURRENT ESPN media agreement expires on June 30, 2027 ... 3 more football seasons (24, 25, 26).
-The ILLEGAL option should be found null and void by the court.

Both Clemson and FSU have taken the approach in court that:

-the media agreement ends in 2027.
-the GOR as defined IN THE ESPN MEDIA AGREEMENT states "this agreement shall remain in force as long as an institution remains
a member of the conference". MEANING ... once a school leaves the ACC they leave with ALL FUTURE MEDIA RIGHTS IN TACT.

The GOR is a mirage perpetuated by the ACC president to mislead the members ... nothing more.
Doesn’t matter for FSU. FSU put in their LAWSUIT- retroactive to August 14.2023.

Now us- we are within 60 days to ANNOUNCE INTENTIONS. need admin to announce ASAP
Not quite. They did not say it that way, they said IF the JUDGE/ment ruled in their favor, to THEN make it retro. WHICH means it can’t happen until a judge rules and there is no current path where a judge rules for them on that issue by 8/15 as he has them trying to sort through mediation

They have not officially notified ACC. IF they want to LEAVE for 2025 without waiting for court to move through they have to ANNOUNCE anyway by 8/15. If they DONT, then they need a judge to after that rule for them, AND have the Acc not appeal that ruling IN TIME for 2025
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