MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

given it would absolutely cost >$100M to leave the ACC

There isn't a fixed number, it's 3x operating costs of the conference.

It would be interesting to know how they determine operating costs- do they average the cost across all schools? If it's just the cost of running the conference, so basically administrative/overhead for traveling back and forth to Charlotte and the cost of copy paper?
There isn't a fixed number, it's 3x operating costs of the conference.

It would be interesting to know how they determine operating costs- do they average the cost across all schools? If it's just the cost of running the conference, so basically administrative/overhead for traveling back and forth to Charlotte and the cost of copy paper?
That has generally meant 3x the yearly payout from the conference deal. So that's like $135M right now, depending if that CFP number is included which it might be (so more expensive). But generally it's only been like 2/3rds in settlements. so maybe around $90...

But thats the easy number. The hard one is the GOR and what that would cost. If we didn't have to pay anything except the conference exit fee, it would be idiotic not to join the B10 even on half share.
Silvers is the new chair of the BOT, unless that changed in the last 3 weeks. And if you mean Kadre is the most powerful member of the BOT that maybe the case, but there are like 80+ trustees so I'm guessing they all have their little cliques. I don't know anything about the interpersonal dynamics of the BOT but I would guess that the Chair of the BOT wields considerable influence overall. And Silver does not seem like a person that would take that particular job and get pushed into the background.
Laurie silvers is the former Chairwoman of the BOT. Manny Kadre is the current Chairman of the BOT. Manny took over less than two weeks ago. Laurie remains a member of the BOT.

Also, prior to becoming chair, Kadre was not the most powerful member of the BOT. Many good arguments now that he is.
But then you have to counter that with the ACC has also implemented a more result-based payout arrangement. If FSU/Clemson left we'd likely receive a larger percentage of a smaller payout. Which when the payout is already larger than the B12, could still net more at the end of the day. And again, given it would absolutely cost >$100M to leave the ACC, over the next 5 years that'd be a value of $20M/yr. There is just no ******* way it would be worth it, even if ESPN lowered their payout to $25M. The B12 idea just is 100% dumb as **** imo. If we are paying to leave the ACC, the B12 is not an option. You take less money to go to the B10 or SEC which at least have other incentives.
There has been a comment that the B12 is seeking a couple of key ACC teams ... implying that the B12 is considering PAYING the exit fee. Regardless, I believe it is a huge error to go anywhere besides the B10 as that is where Miami belongs long term and the recruiting impact of NOT being in the P2 in the next 2-3 years will be devastating. Then there will the "the P2" and the kiddy table.
That has generally meant 3x the yearly payout from the conference deal. So that's like $135M right now, depending if that CFP number is included which it might be (so more expensive). But generally it's only been like 2/3rds in settlements. so maybe around $90...

But thats the easy number. The hard one is the GOR and what that would cost. If we didn't have to pay anything except the conference exit fee, it would be idiotic not to join the B10 even on half share.
The way it is looking the GOR is nothing more than a mirage fostered BY the ACC administration ... and that is the reason they want to keep the ESPN media agreement basically hidden.

-The current media agreement ends on June 30, 2027. Three more football seasons.
-The ESPN media agreement "apparently" defines the limits of the GOR "this agreement remains in force while a member institution
remains a member OF the conference" .... meaning ... a school that leaves leaves WITH future media rights in tact.

Those are the two fundamental core focal points of the two law suits (Clemson and FSU). The option granted to ESPN to extend the media agreement, 6 months AFTER their option had expired, was done unilaterally by Phillips without the required 2/3 member approval and therefore that option is the 3rd focal point of the two suits ... stating it is void ... illegal. As for the EXIT FEE ... Maryland sued and got theirs reduced. The ACC exit fee is several times larger than any other conference exit fee ... therefore IT should be viewed as "negotiable" as well.
One thing people should also pay attention to regarding that Big12 PE deal. The deal would require all those schools to sign an extension to the existing GOR which will take them well beyond the current media deal which i think is 2031 or so. Kinda sinks the whole "Miami to the B12 for a few years and then jump to the P2" argument many have been peddling lately. Its P2 or bust if miami is serious about competing at the top level. Also food for thought: If the B12 could get that to bridge the gap, what do you think the P2 could get if that was truly a smart move? Theres no "bridging" any gap without drastic changes in the media landscape. Its an institutional inequity at this point.
"There has been a comment that the B12 is seeking a couple of key ACC teams ... implying that the B12 is considering PAYING the exit fee..."
You seriously need to put the hukkah pipe down.

We love you dearly and we hate to see you like this.

This is tearing our family apart.

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The way it is looking the GOR is nothing more than a mirage fostered BY the ACC administration ... and that is the reason they want to keep the ESPN media agreement basically hidden.

-The current media agreement ends on June 30, 2027. Three more football seasons.
-The ESPN media agreement "apparently" defines the limits of the GOR "this agreement remains in force while a member institution
remains a member OF the conference" .... meaning ... a school that leaves leaves WITH future media rights in tact.

Those are the two fundamental core focal points of the two law suits (Clemson and FSU). The option granted to ESPN to extend the media agreement, 6 months AFTER their option had expired, was done unilaterally by Phillips without the required 2/3 member approval and therefore that option is the 3rd focal point of the two suits ... stating it is void ... illegal. As for the EXIT FEE ... Maryland sued and got theirs reduced. The ACC exit fee is several times larger than any other conference exit fee ... therefore IT should be viewed as "negotiable" as well.
I agree with most of that. But it's also a very real possibility there is a settlement, and some fee will be paid to "break" the GOR, so that FSU/Clemson can leave earlier.
Who tf is on this narrative that nobody wants Miami?
That’s total BS.
Miami Wisconsin in 2017 drew 2 million more viewers than OSU vs USC in the cotton bowl.
Miami as a ten win team will have just as much viewership than most teams even some of the frontrunners.
We didn’t even have that explosive of a team and we did very well in 2017.
Anyone that still talks about carriage fees, or getting in more homes for cable boxes is using very old thinking and doesn't understand the reality of what these conferences are trying to build. The smart move is not about getting more territory on the board like it's a game of Risk, the smart move is getting National brands that move the needle in prime time. The only thing people watch live on broadcast are tentpole name brand sporting events. If you decide to add Virginia, just because it's in a new state your conference doesn't have that is going to be a losing proposition for your future TV deals. If you add tent pole, national name recognition programs, FSU, Notre Dame, Miami, Clemson, North Carolina just for the basketball team, then you get to put big promotable tent pole Prime Time games together. Only hardcore college football fans and degenerate gamblers are going to watch Georgia tech at USC kicking off at 10:00 p.m. Eastern. But if you have Michigan against FSU in the early primetime window, and Miami or Clemson at Oregon in the late Prime Time window that's going to get eyeballs. That you can sell to advertisers.