MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Thamel says it will remove the word "Big" from the conference and replace it with the Sponsors Name.

Dont think the big 10 would care about changing their name. I feel like "SEC" Is so iconic would be interesting to see if they would go for a sponsor name change or lose out on big money.
I am thinking the Securities and Exchange Commission and Bob's Big Boy Ten
SEC: Our teams love us so much they brag about being with us.
B1G: Only the best and brightest here and we make bank.
BIG 12: We will sell our very identity to put more money in your pockets..
ACC: Not so fast. Where the **** do you think you're going? You have to stay, we're married.
ACC should sell to Saudi PIF and become the LIV Football Conference.

They poured $2B into golf. I'd imagine a couple hundred million into buying a conference naming rights wouldn't be too bad to go on top of the media rights deal.
this. i think its a brilliant move by Yaromark(however you spell his last name but i remember him from his panthers days). hes been a good commissioner for the b12 since he took over.

this. i think its a brilliant move by Yaromark(however you spell his last name but i remember him from his panthers days). hes been a good commissioner for the b12 since he took over.
Yep. Made the comment back then that the Big 12 was genius for hiring him. He's visionary and in tune with this marketing and media stuff.

Meanwhile the ACC hires a career administrator to run the conference again. ACC has dug its own grave while other conferences, including G5s apparently, are trying to dig out.

All the more reason why UM needs to hire a business minded President and/or a very innovative and business model driven AD - or athletics at UM is as good as over if anything we're seeing is remotely true. Which I've also been saying... a large football media personality has told me for well over a year now that UM is going to get left out of all of this. Many deny it as possible but my head is on a swivel and I can see it happening.
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Just looking at this chart. Those 3 M per school still leaves them as the worst conference in the P4 and barely makes a dent. Also 1/2 shares for either the B1G and SEC would be about the same as a full share of Big 12.

Its also no wonder why ND doesnt mind being independent. They can pick and choose their schedule and are about the same $$ as the "power 2". ND only getting 13 million for the CFP media is basically the difference between them and the power 2 numbers.

Power 2 or riot
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