MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Yes, sleeping giants. Still sleeping though.

As for now, UF and FSU still carry the biggest weight with the people who matter the most in all of this - the networks.
Believe your initial comment should have been "two of the three largest programs in current football viewership" or something to that effect.
If I had 20 hours to kill, I would find and quote each of the 100x you said in these 1,000 pages that Miami was leaving by X date and/or FSU was leaving by Y date. Clown Show.


You continue to ignore all the bull**** quotes we pull that YOU made over the course of this thread.

You calling other people "clown show" is delusional and devoid of self-awareness.

Look, you have a multi-year history of incessant whining about what you were TOLD on a message board. WAAAAH WAAAAH.

If you don't like it, make a few friends and develop some information sources of your own.

Stop being a ***** who goes to a free board, only to complain about all the free stuff you enjoy.

You get what you pay for. And you pay for nothing.

Sometimes, the original circumstances and intel change. Washington-Oregon threw a major and underacknowledged/underappreciated wrench in the works. Speaking solely for myself, I have been far less optimistic about Miami's chances to get a full-share bid since that day.

But you're still whining about things people said 2 years ago, as if everyone should be crucified for the initial information shared, regardless of how things change over time.

WAAAAAH WAAAAAH, "you were told".

Do your own work then.
You get so upset when people don't take your word as gospel.
Alex Jones literally predicted 9/11 a couple months in advance (and not some vague Nostradamus type stuff- pretty much on the nose), so perhaps not everything is complete nonsense.

Alex Jones predicted a false-flag operation (it was not). Also, it's not such a huge leap of logic when the World Trade Center had been bombed EIGHT YEARS EARLIER and there had been multiple other suicide missions (such as the USS Cole which happened ONE YEAR EARLIER).
You get so upset when people don't take your word as gospel.

I don't give a **** about that. At all. Believe what you choose to believe as to the information shared on this board.

But you are constantly complaining about "insiders". And occasionally I observe that and comment on it.

Don't play the "stop hitting yourself" game with me. You can't complain and instigate your bull**** "waaaah waaah, the insiders suck" nonsense, and then double-blame me for responding that your whining is never-ending.

Yay, you made your point, the "insiders" know nothing and "told you" some stuff that never came to pass. Move along, freeloader.
Educate us. Exactly what is Miami doing? When will be in a P2? Which one will it be?

I've been educating you for 971 pages, and now you want me to repeat myself so that you can try to score a cheap argumentative point?

Sorry, I'm not going to do after-school tutoring for a guy who skipped all the classes and didn't do his homework.
I don't give a **** about that. At all. Believe what you choose to believe as to the information shared on this board.

But you are constantly complaining about "insiders". And occasionally I observe that and comment on it.

Don't play the "stop hitting yourself" game with me. You can't complain and instigate your bull**** "waaaah waaah, the insiders suck" nonsense, and then double-blame me for responding that your whining is never-ending.

Yay, you made your point, the "insiders" know nothing and "told you" some stuff that never came to pass. Move along, freeloader.
I am sorry you are upset about people not taking your word. People blindly believing is foolish, but to each their own. Keep up the good fight. There are some very good insiders here. I give credit where credit is due. Which I have given you credit - when due. Plus I enjoy your rants and mental gymnastics. Distinguishing word for word. It is fantastic. Tip of the cap.
I've been educating you for 971 pages, and now you want me to repeat myself so that you can try to score a cheap argumentative point?

Sorry, I'm not going to do after-school tutoring for a guy who skipped all the classes and didn't do his homework.
So no real time update, just TOC Talk. Got it. I will stay tuned to your next episode.
Miami really needs to pound FSU at the Rock this season. That "lightening in a bottle" 2023 season has them feeling "dominance" and that they will dominate whichever conference they join. My hope is they lose the opener to Ga Tech in Ireland, then lose to Clemson so they are 5-2 when they come to Hard Rock, we blow them out, and then they lose to ND so they are 8-4 at best. Miami goes on a run and wins the ACC C game, and makes the CFP. That group of inbreds is celebrating their "pending announcement" and projecting that by 2030 that Miami, not being in the P2, won't be able to recruit and will be a G5 program. Would also be spectacular if whatever conference change they have pending, it doesn't happen until 2026, so they remain playing an ACC schedule for the next two seasons, and we beat them both seasons.
I wonder if this move by the B12 negates any of their universities trying to get involved with private capital.

Also I wonder if this pushes back the P2 theory/plan.

I don't necessarily think this is a bad move.
I wonder if this move by the B12 negates any of their universities trying to get involved with private capital.

Also I wonder if this pushes back the P2 theory/plan.

I don't necessarily think this is a bad move.
Thamel says it will remove the word "Big" from the conference and replace it with the Sponsors Name.

Dont think the big 10 would care about changing their name. I feel like "SEC" Is so iconic would be interesting to see if they would go for a sponsor name change or lose out on big money.
I am sorry you are upset about people not taking your word. People blindly believing is foolish, but to each their own. Keep up the good fight. There are some very good insiders here. I give credit where credit is due. Which I have given you credit - when due. Plus I enjoy your rants and mental gymnastics. Distinguishing word for word. It is fantastic. Tip of the cap.

Keep repeating the same false statements. Doesn't bother me.

Take your nonstop negativity and complaining to 247.