MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Most likely outcome is we are going to need to prove this on the field. If we don’t, we are stuck. I don’t believe Genetics, but I see no signs we have any plans to move or anywhere to go. It’s in our best interest to get this bogged down in the courts and I am certain UM understands that.
Most likely outcome is we are going to need to prove this on the field. If we don’t, we are stuck. I don’t believe Genetics, but I see no signs we have any plans to move or anywhere to go. It’s in our best interest to get this bogged down in the courts and I am certain UM understands that.
A lot of us could benefit from watching all the data and slides here about Miami (relative to fsu Clemson unc but also blue bloods in general) and learn about the school that you don’t seem to have the information on

Pretty interesting presentation. Showed the "Miami doesn't fill the seats" charts compared to the rest ... but then showed how dominant Miami has been in wins / #1 rankings / draws when good etc., which kind of neutralized the "attendance" issue. BUT the biggest take away from his presentation was the COMPARATIVE ECONOMIC strength of the programs and their ABILITY TO FUND ATHLETICS without resorting to debt.

UM's total university budget of $4.5 billion dollars is almost 3 times FSU's total budget and almost 4 times Clemson's total budget. Altimore stated " you can see why FSU and Clemson are aggressively going after a conference change to get an extra $30-40 million .... they drastically need it as their university system does not produce revenues / profits that might be used to support athletics, and they are going to have to rely on debt to fund any budgetary shortfalls. That total budget number is very important and Miami is very strong in that area, largely due to their health care activities."
Pretty interesting presentation. Showed the "Miami doesn't fill the seats" charts compared to the rest ... but then showed how dominant Miami has been in wins / #1 rankings / draws when good etc., which kind of neutralized the "attendance" issue. BUT the biggest take away from his presentation was the COMPARATIVE ECONOMIC strength of the programs and their ABILITY TO FUND ATHLETICS without resorting to debt.

UM's total university budget of $4.5 billion dollars is almost 3 times FSU's total budget and almost 4 times Clemson's total budget. Altimore stated " you can see why FSU and Clemson are aggressively going after a conference change to get an extra $30-40 million .... they drastically need it as their university system does not produce revenues / profits that might be used to support athletics, and they are going to have to rely on debt to fund any budgetary shortfalls. That total budget number is very important and Miami is very strong in that area, largely due to their health care activities."
The Miami budget overall (compared to everyone nationally both at overall school and football levels) ability to raise so much $$$-as much as I wish we were publicly going after the acc, also shows why fsu and Clemson have to take more dramatic measures - way less money and fire finances
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Yeah or you could just be contrarian without facts free country and all
This is a thread made up of opinions and positioning without anyone knowing what is actually happening vs. facts. Some are using "facts" like provided in the video to support their HOPE that Miami will be making wise strategic decisions. Others are saying, great "facts", but I have less hope due to their list of facts of Miami making bad strategic decisions.

Some just get more upset about it than others... yet still keep coming back to the thread to rage every few pages, admit they have concerns every time FSU gets further ahead, then come back to rage again later...
Thank YOU for the massive contributions You’ve made to the capitalization of THIS board in your epic 160 posts in the last 11 YEARS.

This is the type of Content I come here for especially the ones that talk about how 7-6 is a losing record when factually it’s not as MATH is a thing, even if it is a ****** record

Yeah, and he misses the most obvious point of all.

The claim of "not having back-to-back losing seasons" is NOT a boast about how good you are, but is, instead, about how you are not hitting the lowest of the lows.
There are PLENTY of FSU alumni who live down here. My aunt and all my cousins on their side went to FSU. Plenty of Florida fans down here as well. They are the 2 biggest schools in the state. The idea that the "South Florida" market can only be had is if the U is added is misguided IMO.

UF and F$U are not the "2 biggest schools in the state", UCF and FIU are. USF is 4h largest.

Sleeping giants...
It’s not that deep. Good things happen, fans cheer. Bad things happen, fans boo…

Many posters agree that no one knows anything… except a few who keep acting like they do…

"Many posters agree". Yeah, the ones who know nothing. Good for you, continue to idealize ignorance.
One obvious (to me) power move that I haven't seen discussed is for the SEC to backdoor 9 or 10 ACC schools, which is enough to abolish the ACC without any monetary damages. Take everybody from the Virginias and Louisville south, and the SEC becomes THE conference with complete control of its' territory. Somewhere around 26-28 members with lots of synergies, powerful programs in men's and women's basketball, softball, baseball ( this year's 8-team CWS has 4 each from the ACC and SEC...nobody else ). This is where all of those ACC teams belong, including us. Not the BIG.

The BIG would be caught having to play catch-up with more former PAC 12 teams and the northern ACC castaways.
That would severely dilute the payouts to the existing schools.
The 3 wise men and their Miami cult will navigate us through the biggest time with Mario, Zo and Rad.... we were told, when we were also told Miami now really cares about sports...

Disaster so far.

Look, you have a multi-year history of incessant whining about what you were TOLD on a message board. WAAAAH WAAAAH.

If you don't like it, make a few friends and develop some information sources of your own.

Stop being a ***** who goes to a free board, only to complain about all the free stuff you enjoy.

You get what you pay for. And you pay for nothing.

Sometimes, the original circumstances and intel change. Washington-Oregon threw a major and underacknowledged/underappreciated wrench in the works. Speaking solely for myself, I have been far less optimistic about Miami's chances to get a full-share bid since that day.

But you're still whining about things people said 2 years ago, as if everyone should be crucified for the initial information shared, regardless of how things change over time.

WAAAAAH WAAAAAH, "you were told".

Do your own work then.
That would severely dilute the payouts to the existing schools.
The ONLY way a move like that could even be remotely considered would be in a joint effort with ESPN totally re-doing the SEC media budget that was just completed so there would be incremental money for new schools added. Pretty much fantasy at this point.
I would be willing to make a large wager that Flo is better dialed in than most on this board and he already said his belief is the decision is "purely about money, not making the fans happy or perception." Read between the lines. I think it’s highly improbable that UM will take partial shares to join the P2, and if the Big 12 puts the most money on the table, we are going to the Big 12. He also said that the UM brass is expecting CFB to merge into a mega conference by 2030 so views whatever move it makes as short term. Is it dumb? Probably. Does it square with what we have seen of the UM administration? 100%.

I would take that large wager.

Flo is the master of practice reports and recruiting.

Flo doesn't know very much about UM's BOT and politics.
Yes, sleeping giants. Still sleeping though.

As for now, UF and FSU still carry the biggest weight with the people who matter the most in all of this - the networks.

And? UF and F$U are still not the two largest universities in Florida. ****, now that community colleges are 4-year institutions, Miami-Dade is bigger than F$U.