MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Has anyone considered the creation of a new power conference for the next 6 years? ND, UNC, Miami, Utah, BYU, and the like, sign a new deal with NBC so it stays relevant in the college football game? They would schedule the P2 as out of group games. Almost a play in tournament. I don’t like it but our options may be limited. I prefer to take less with a power 2 and use Mario’ recruiting skill and boosters nil to bridge the gap.
Not a power confernce
Not a power confernce
I agree but ND would turn some heads and a conference with a UM ND champions would cause buzz, especially knowing that for the next few years they would make the playoffs…..still give me the B1G at a reduced rate……
Also the people claiming boards don't have people with knowledge while on a board themselves that has people with knowledge is an interesting case study in mental gymnastics. *End rant*
My last time posting in this thread.

Most people aren’t denying that other boards have posters with great sources. Fox and ESPN are masters of public relations as they control some of the media. They are masters at manipulating people’s opinions through their actions. It would be in their best interest to put out false information through trusted sources. The information on Warchant may or may not be factual, but it certainly has a level of speculation. Also, it is not likely something would be spilled unless it’s in the best interest of those companies. This particular topic, conference realignment, is susceptible to having false information put out through legitimate sources. So, whether the information is correct or not, it should not be considered 100% factual. That’s the biggest and main issue I have with some of the takes in this thread.
I just don't understand what Indiana, Rutgers, Illinois, Purdue, Northwestern and Maryland football (and arguably Minnesota, which has two 10 win seasons in 100 years) bring to the B1G, that Miami wouldn't.

****, Nebraska is coming off its 7th straight LOSING season. Rhule is has signed Raola and seven 4* in 3 classes. Two 4* have already transferred (one was Ajay).

Those teams have seats at the P2 table. But Miami? Meh..

Doesn't make sense.
NOTHING more than the U. We are more VALUABLE.

But You also are ASSUMING schools get booted from conferences. When was the last time that HAPPENED?

Also… again… no one wants to SEE a 8-4 champion because they went through the gauntlet. College football is BUILT on half season cupcake schedules.
The reality is, if you go the Big 12 route the cake is baked. We could mitigate some of the negative consequences, but the big ones would still be present regardless.

We wouldn’t be able to mitigate the recruiting fallout. It’s be the biggest cudgel anyone can use against us, and it’d work. Doesn’t matter if we up the NIL budget even more. There will be clear separation between The P2 and the Big 12. No top talent is going to want to play in CFB’s G League. Our top talent would bolt for the portal almost immediately. And portal recruiting for our benefit? Forget about it.

There’s no way to make the Big 12 work for us, only ways to make it slightly less painful. Any move to the Big 12 would be catastrophic for the program. It does not matter if we become the “highest paid” or “flagship” program in the Big 12. Being king of the kiddy tables doesn’t matter. We’d still have a massive revenue gap with the P2, and we’d be the flagship of the G League. Perception matters, and the perception would be that we’re a has been that’s not good enough for the P2.

The best case scenario for us in such a bad situation would be (1) highest paid team in that conference by a big margin; (2) no exit fee; and (3) early termination right. Even then, we’d still be in a terrible situation, since we’d never catch up with the P2 in recruiting. We’d be lucky to maintain Top 20 classes with a big NIL budget. Sure, maybe in that scenario we’d ball out and impress the P2 for full membership in 2030. By that point though, we’d be years behind in recruiting and would’ve lost more than half a decade.

Point is, the Big 12 can’t be an option unless the BIG or SEC refuses to take us even for a partial share that is for pennies on the dollar. Any scenario where we end up in the Big 12 is catastrophic. There would be varying degrees to how catastrophic it would be, but it’d still be catastrophic.

If UM admin makes the short term decision to go the second tier conference for slightly more money than the first tier conference at a partial share, it’d be borderline criminal. Getting into the P2 is the #1 priority for this program’s survival and success. It’s so important that BOTs, donors, etc. should threaten severe consequences towards admin if they spurn even a low partial share offer to the P2 in exchange for the Big 12. ****, Mario himself should threaten to resign if that occurred. That’s how important and high stakes this decision is.

Luckily, I will say that I believe there are far more people in UM admin who’d recognize the need to get to the P2 than those who want to play the long game and get more money now in the Big 12. Either way, whatever happens will determine whether this program is relevant in ten years or not.

Yormark the Destroyer is trying to make the P2 into the P3. I agree the Big12 as it stands is not on the same level as the P2. Yormark said he was angry about not get as much as the P2 in playoff money, but said he pushed for the "look in" at the revenue splits in 2026, so maybe that gets addressed.

Let’s pretend that in 2028 the Big12 is considered on par with the P2. What teams would it need to have added by then? Hypothetically… if the Big12 added Clemson, Miami, NC St, Stanford, Cal, SMU, GT, and Louisville and had revenue splits within 10% of the P2, would that put us at the Grown Ups table?

Never underestimate visionary leadership. 5 years ago if you were investing in the tech sector, analysts were saying Nvidia was a company that just made graphics cards for gaming rigs and bitcoin mining, and the company was always going to be struggling to keep its edge. Huang saw where the market was going and had his designers focus on parallel processing for machine learning well before the current explosion in AI. When the market shifted, NVDA was far ahead of everyone else. If investors had understood what Huang was doing, they would be very rich today. Yormark seems to understand what he needs to do to get the Big12 to be part of the P3. I don’t think it’s automatically the death of the program like everyone says because I expect he’s going to surprise everyone with what he’s got up his sleeve.
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My last time posting in this thread.

Most people aren’t denying that other boards have posters with great sources. Fox and ESPN are masters of public relations as they control some of the media. They are masters at manipulating people’s opinions through their actions. It would be in their best interest to put out false information through trusted sources. The information on Warchant may or may not be factual, but it certainly has a level of speculation. Also, it is not likely something would be spilled unless it’s in the best interest of those companies. This particular topic, conference realignment, is susceptible to having false information put out through legitimate sources. So, whether the information is correct or not, it should not be considered 100% factual. That’s the biggest and main issue I have with some of the takes in this thread.
This. It's all spin.

The pleadings filed by FSU on the ESPN contract are also just an argument. Doesn't mean its 100% true. The court cases will eventually get to the bottom of all of this, unless ESPN pushes a settlement in the interim. And that seems unlikely. And it's not going to get resolved on the time-line set forth here or on Warchant. It will be years.

But the arguments are entertaining.
So without reading 1000 pages, how we lookin?
dead the addams family GIF
Yormark the Destroyer is trying to make the P2 into the P3. I agree the Big12 as it stands is not on the same level as the P2. Yormark said he was angry about not get as much as the P2 in playoff money, but said he pushed for the "look in" at the revenue splits in 2026, so maybe that gets addressed.

Let’s pretend that in 2028 the Big12 is considered on par with the P2. What teams would it need to have added by then? Hypothetically… if the Big12 added Clemson, Miami, NC St, Stanford, Cal, SMU, GT, and Louisville and had revenue splits within 10% of the P2, would that put us at the Grown Ups table?

Never underestimate visionary leadership. 5 years ago if you were investing in the tech sector, analysts were saying Nvidia was a company that just made graphics cards for gaming rigs and bitcoin mining, and the company was always going to be struggling to keep its edge. Huang saw where the market was going and had his designers focus on parallel processing for machine learning well before the current explosion in AI. When the market shifted, NVDA was far ahead of everyone else. If investors had understood what Huang was doing, they would be very rich today. Yormark seems to understand what he needs to do to get the Big12 to be part of the P3. I don’t think it’s automatically the death of the program like everyone says because I expect he’s going to surprise everyone with what he’s got up his sleeve.
I’ll take tried and true with the Big 10 and SEC over the small chance that Yormark is a visionary, every day of the week. Also, the analogy doesn’t work, since there’s no universe where the Big 12 laps the SEC or Big 10. There are very few where they reach parity. Miami and Clemson in the Big 12 also would not be enough to put us at the grown up table. You’d need two more schools at the same tier at a minimum, not tier 2nd like NCST and GT.

Also, even in the best scenario you listed, where Yormark is a savant and everything goes the way he wants, it wouldn’t be for years. That’s years of lost recruiting battles, secondary status, and getting lapped by P2 rivals.

The only universe the Big 12 would ever make sense is the ACC imploding like the PAC 12, and the P2 not give Miami an offer even at an initially partial share. At that point they’d be the only option, the last life boat. And once you’re there, you’d have to do everything in your power to get out to the P2 as quickly as possible.

Imho there won’t be a P3. There’ll be three tiers of CFB. P2 at the top, Big 12 in the middle, and G5 at the bottom. Any scenario where we’re not in the P2 is catastrophic.
I’ll take tried and true with the Big 10 and SEC over the small chance that Yormark is a visionary, every day of the week. Also, the analogy doesn’t work, since there’s no universe where the Big 12 laps the SEC or Big 10. There are very few where they reach parity. Miami and Clemson in the Big 12 also would not be enough to put us at the grown up table. You’d need two more schools at the same tier at a minimum, not tier 2nd like NCST and GT.

Also, even in the best scenario you listed, where Yormark is a savant and everything goes the way he wants, it wouldn’t be for years. That’s years of lost recruiting battles, secondary status, and getting lapped by P2 rivals.

The only universe the Big 12 would ever make sense is the ACC imploding like the PAC 12, and the P2 not give Miami an offer even at an initially partial share. At that point they’d be the only option, the last life boat. And once you’re there, you’d have to do everything in your power to get out to the P2 as quickly as possible.

Imho there won’t be a P3. There’ll be three tiers of CFB. P2 at the top, Big 12 in the middle, and G5 at the bottom. Any scenario where we’re not in the P2 is catastrophic.
Anybody arguing any differently is only accomplishing adding more pages to this thread ... and we're way behind as FSU's Realignment thread is already at 2300 pages and counting!!
Pretty sure we do have a couple that would step up.
With what strings attached?

I’ll take tried and true with the Big 10 and SEC over the small chance that Yormark is a visionary, every day of the week. Also, the analogy doesn’t work, since there’s no universe where the Big 12 laps the SEC or Big 10. There are very few where they reach parity. Miami and Clemson in the Big 12 also would not be enough to put us at the grown up table. You’d need two more schools at the same tier at a minimum, not tier 2nd like NCST and GT.

Also, even in the best scenario you listed, where Yormark is a savant and everything goes the way he wants, it wouldn’t be for years. That’s years of lost recruiting battles, secondary status, and getting lapped by P2 rivals.

The only universe the Big 12 would ever make sense is the ACC imploding like the PAC 12, and the P2 not give Miami an offer even at an initially partial share. At that point they’d be the only option, the last life boat. And once you’re there, you’d have to do everything in your power to get out to the P2 as quickly as possible.

Imho there won’t be a P3. There’ll be three tiers of CFB. P2 at the top, Big 12 in the middle, and G5 at the bottom. Any scenario where we’re not in the P2 is catastrophic.

And thus the concern... and right now, we appear on the outside looking in...
Has anyone considered the creation of a new power conference for the next 6 years? ND, UNC, Miami, Utah, BYU, and the like, sign a new deal with NBC so it stays relevant in the college football game? They would schedule the P2 as out of group games. Almost a play in tournament. I don’t like it but our options may be limited. I prefer to take less with a power 2 and use Mario’ recruiting skill and boosters nil to bridge the gap.
They are giving you the good meds I see.


Get well soon friend.
Has anyone considered the creation of a new power conference for the next 6 years? ND, UNC, Miami, Utah, BYU, and the like, sign a new deal with NBC so it stays relevant in the college football game? They would schedule the P2 as out of group games. Almost a play in tournament. I don’t like it but our options may be limited. I prefer to take less with a power 2 and use Mario’ recruiting skill and boosters nil to bridge the gap.

Eventually people will see the wisdom in my proposal to go independent and sign a deal for US broadcast rights with Amazon or Netflix (featured as the marquee team) while Telemundo gets the Spanish telecast in Latin America.

Bezos lives in Miami now. Get him on the horn. Maybe his old HS, Miami Palmetto has its equivalent of the Columbus Crew for making shady insider deals.

Or maybe we do what ND does and affiliate with a P2 conference, but get some of that sweet sweet NBC money.

F#ck the P2, we’re carving our own path. No one can say we got left out of the P2 if we are flying solo.
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They are giving you the good meds I see.


Get well soon friend.
Right ... ND is just standing around waiting to help the leftover ACC teams join up with a bunch of other B12 leftovers to form a "new power conference"!! Believe we should have a RULE to continue this thread ... anybody that brings up adding ND to anything for any reason is banned.
Eventually people will see the wisdom in my proposal to go independent and sign a deal for US broadcast rights with Amazon or Netflix (featured as the marquee team) while Telemundo gets the Spanish telecast in Latin America.

Bezos lives in Miami now. Get him on the horn. Maybe Miami Palmetto High School has its equivalent of the Columbus Crew for making shady insider deals.

Or maybe we do what ND does and affiliate with a P2 conference, but get some of that sweet sweet NBC money.

F#ck the P2, we’re carving our own path. No one can say we got left out of the P2 if we are flying solo.
Right ... ND is just standing around waiting to help the leftover ACC teams join up with a bunch of other B12 leftovers to form a "new power conference"!! Believe we should have a RULE to continue this thread ... anybody that brings up adding ND to anything for any reason is banned.

Maybe we can also ban people who call other people “trolls" for making a well reasoned comment that goes against the pollyannish narrative (and then the “troll" turns out to be correct).

Or maybe you should just focus on your reign as the King of Bullsh!t Mountain and don’t take on the additional role of Thread Police.
I honestly don't know how the B1G got so big. For the most part they've sucked outside of UM, OSU, and occasionally MSU. Even then they'd get exposed in bowl games. They really snuck up on me. The ACC really turned itself into a piece of **** for no reason.
They've been the college sports cash cow for at least the past decade as they got the headstart on every other conference with the Big 10 Network. Agreed they've been overblown on the field (for the most part), but mostly large student bodies across the board with alumni throughout the US.