MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

No. Who are you? Should we? I'll play along.

brother anyone GIF
One new "FSU Settlement Proposal" that is "supposedly being discussed" was floated on Warchant:

-FSU to the B10 and ESPN will keep the media rights through 2030.
-ESPN will extend the ACC media contract through 2036 at the current rate.
-FSU will be permitted to leave the ACC and join the B10 for the 2025 season.
-FSU will receive Big 10 pro rata payout at ACC value through 2030, in exchange for no exit fees.

Plus other comments from "SEC connected" people stating that the SEC might be looking to add some BB schools and not add many more football programs as they "have major football covered". Looking forward to the end of this month to see what, if anything, actually transpires.
One new "FSU Settlement Proposal" that is "supposedly being discussed" was floated on Warchant:

-FSU to the B10 and ESPN will keep the media rights through 2030.
-ESPN will extend the ACC media contract through 2036 at the current rate.
-FSU will be permitted to leave the ACC and join the B10 for the 2025 season.
-FSU will receive Big 10 pro rata payout at ACC value through 2030, in exchange for no exit fees.

Plus other comments from "SEC connected" people stating that the SEC might be looking to add some BB schools and not add many more football programs as they "have major football covered". Looking forward to the end of this month to see what, if anything, actually transpires.
Highly skeptical, as that “proposal” sounds more like an FSU wet dream than anything else.

No ACC school is going to let itself be locked into a more than decade long contract for the benefit of FSU.
Highly skeptical, as that “proposal” sounds more like an FSU wet dream than anything else.

No ACC school is going to let itself be locked into a more than decade long contract for the benefit of FSU.
Definitely sounds like a very low percentage probability for sure. Only schools that would definitely support it would be BC, Wake Forest and Syracuse as the "proposal" is to maintain the current contract rate even without FSU (and assume Clemson as well). What happens if the ACC doesn't accept a proposal, FSU & Clemson announce in 3 weeks they are out of the ACC, and ESPN enacts the composition clause? And ... Miami doesn't have a spot ... for now ... in the P2?
Definitely sounds like a very low percentage probability for sure. Only schools that would definitely support it would be BC, Wake Forest and Syracuse as the "proposal" is to maintain the current contract rate even without FSU (and assume Clemson as well). What happens if the ACC doesn't accept a proposal, FSU & Clemson announce in 3 weeks they are out of the ACC, and ESPN enacts the composition clause? And ... Miami doesn't have a spot ... for now ... in the P2?
This scenario, and others like it, has been workshopped by Admin. The minute FSU and Clemson formally leave, the floodgates open. Personally, I think we’d end up in the B1G 10 at a discounted share for the remainder of their media contract (with higher payouts/schedule based on performance).
One new "FSU Settlement Proposal" that is "supposedly being discussed" was floated on Warchant:

-FSU to the B10 and ESPN will keep the media rights through 2030.
-ESPN will extend the ACC media contract through 2036 at the current rate.
-FSU will be permitted to leave the ACC and join the B10 for the 2025 season.
-FSU will receive Big 10 pro rata payout at ACC value through 2030, in exchange for no exit fees.

Plus other comments from "SEC connected" people stating that the SEC might be looking to add some BB schools and not add many more football programs as they "have major football covered". Looking forward to the end of this month to see what, if anything, actually transpires.
Hard landing awaits from that drug trip they are taking.

Very hard landing.

@Wake_Cane @TheOriginalCane @Brains @LuCane @rsa coral gables @FL Cane and any other legal gatos...

Is this a sound legal strategy? Meh? Could this bear fruit for them? For FSU?

Generally, one of the best ways to speed-up complex litigation is to reach a conclusion on the "easy" issues that do not require extensive debate.

As I've said for a while...if the Media Rights Agreement says "ESPN only broadcasts games of member schools", then that is the touchstone. The GOR was only executed...TO SERVE THE MRA. You can't take someone's media rights for 100 years if you only have a deal to broadcast those games for 10 years (or while the school is a member of the conference, no matter what that dopey @NorthernVirginiaCane tries to tell you).

So while there are a lot of other issues...if you can get the court to say "yeah, on the interpretation of the MRA, it only applies to member institutions, I understand THAT part", then you can get to a partial summary judgment.

From the beginning, I have pointed out that the secretive ESPN MRA was the ballgame. And I don't give a **** about all the "trade secret" mumbo jumbo about where ESPN is allowed to park their trucks and set up their cameras. The ONLY thing I care about in the MRA is whether it applies to, and defers to, the definition of a member institution IN THE ACC CONSTITUTION. Because, if so, then a school is legally allowed to leave the conference, and the GOR only applies up to the edge of the MRA. The GOR cannot EXCEED the MRA and the ACC Constitution. To argue that the GOR imposes a financial penalty above and beyond the MRA and the ACC Constitution means that an impermissible DUPLICATIVE penalty has been established, and the Court can rule accordingly.

Smart legal strategy. The ACC Constitution provides for exit fees. The MRA has lots of language for adjusting the payouts up or down depending on conference membership changes. There is ZERO need (or justification) for the GOR to impose duplicative penalties that are already provided for in the MRA and ACC Constitution.
I want to know why we are listening to the trash being spewed for months from Warchant or Genetics. Or even the College Football Addiction guy. All only report hopes and wishes that would be good for FSU and nobody else. ***** Warchant, ***** Genetics, ***** the CFA guy. Not a single one of them deserve a single click from a Canes fan cause they HATE us. They want to see us left behind because they know that when we rise back up, FSU falls back down and they can't handle that.
One new "FSU Settlement Proposal" that is "supposedly being discussed" was floated on Warchant:

-FSU to the B10 and ESPN will keep the media rights through 2030.
-ESPN will extend the ACC media contract through 2036 at the current rate.
-FSU will be permitted to leave the ACC and join the B10 for the 2025 season.
-FSU will receive Big 10 pro rata payout at ACC value through 2030, in exchange for no exit fees.

Plus other comments from "SEC connected" people stating that the SEC might be looking to add some BB schools and not add many more football programs as they "have major football covered". Looking forward to the end of this month to see what, if anything, actually transpires.

Where do you even begin with how wildly absurd this is? It's like really, really bad FSU fan fiction.
Where do you even begin with how wildly absurd this is? It's like really, really bad FSU fan fiction.
Lot of crazy "potential" scenarios being put out there by people "with connections". One thing seems pretty clear however ... that there are talks going on between ESPN and the ACC trying to reach some sort of settlement. ESPN does NOT want their media agreement to be public record and available for review by the masses. The ACC doesn't want this law suit to go to discovery ... where the Swofford's would be deposed and a ton of dirty laundry ( and collusion / misuse of funds?) might be aired. If the ACC doesn't agree to some settlement soon it does seem like FSU / Clemson are pretty much decided to announce their departure ... and voila ... the composition clause is enacted. Popcorn time.
@Wake_Cane @TheOriginalCane @Brains @LuCane @rsa coral gables @FL Cane and any other legal gatos...

Is this a sound legal strategy? Meh? Could this bear fruit for them? For FSU?
Best case scenario in Federal Court,.you could have this heard in 60 days.

I doubt that's what will happen, unless there are some issues that are truly nonsensical and can be disposed.

I suspect that there will be tons of affidavits and requested depositions and additional paper discovery.

So, it's unlikely to be heard quickly. One of the parties could drop frivolous counts, and the court has the right to rule on the papers. Neither is likely to happen, as this is such a complicated and contentious matter. I've got to believe the court will want oral argument.
Best case scenario in Federal Court,.you could have this heard in 60 days.

I doubt that's what will happen, unless there are some issues that are truly nonsensical and can be disposed.

I suspect that there will be tons of affidavits and requested depositions and additional paper discovery.

So, it's unlikely to be heard quickly. One of the parties could drop frivolous counts, and the court has the right to rule on the papers. Neither is likely to happen, as this is such a complicated and contentious matter. I've got to believe the court will want oral argument.

It's a motion for partial summary judgment, so I'd like to know about the "partial" portion...