MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Not disagreeing with you. I'm just saying FSU is no closer to getting out than anyone else, despite the saber rattling.

There's also a narrative out there claiming FSU has a standing invite to the B1G. I doubt that seriously.
The guy who has been putting that narrative out there (@Genetics56) is pretty wired into the B10 administrators. He has a lot of very solid information on this entire P2 realignment ... especially as to B10 interests / desires. Things do change ... and ESPN / SEC might get their act together and grab FSU / Clemson ... but when @Genetics56 states

a). The B10 goal is a national conference
b). The next "tier" to their conference is the "Southern Tier" with potentially as many as 4 ACC programs
c). First two priorities based on viewership (games with 4 million viewers and over since 2012) are FSU / Clemson
then Miami (and ND is included as a scheduling agreement).

I believe he has solid information. The B10 wants those schools, if they could grab 4 today it would most likely be FSU / Clemson / Miami / UNC. BUT the GOR has to be addressed and according to his comments there is a lot of horse trading going on behind the scenes with different media partners. From a tactics standpoint, it probably makes the MOST SENSE to delay, let all 8-9 programs that are seriously interested in getting out get soft commitments on landing spots (B10 / SEC / B12) then with a coordinated effort vote to dissolve the conference a year from now and commence play in 25 or 26 in whatever that landing spot is for the teams involved.
Not disagreeing with you. I'm just saying FSU is no closer to getting out than anyone else, despite the saber rattling.

There's also a narrative out there claiming FSU has a standing invite to the B1G. I doubt that seriously.
That “standing invite” is about as legitimate as the “benefactor” that they supposedly have that’s willing to cover “most” of the $120,000,000 exit fee. They don’t have any leverage and are trying to give the impression that they do.
Everyone remember when B1G allegedly vetted about 10 schools?

FSU & Clemson were not on the list if it was accurate.

All a smoke screen for them to SEC and others to B1G??

At the time, I believe that the vetting of schools was more in harmony with "AAU schools", which Clemson and F$U are not.

Fox/CBS/NBC have forced the inclusion of Clemson-F$U on viewership grounds, and have really seized the upper ground away from the Big 10 Presidents/ADs when it comes to decision-making.
At the time, I believe that the vetting of schools was more in harmony with "AAU schools", which Clemson and F$U are not.

Fox/CBS/NBC have forced the inclusion of Clemson-F$U on viewership grounds, and have really seized the upper ground away from the Big 10 Presidents/ADs when it comes to decision-making.
The media partners also have the ability to negotiate with ESPN and horse trade in the event the ACC isn't dissolved and they want to get 2-4 teams OUT of the ACC. FOX can do that while the B10 presidents cannot. Would be fascinating to know what is really taking place behind closed doors.

Its Happening GIF by MOODMAN
I just can't imagine the SEC giving up Clemson and FSU. There's nothing left for them, expansion wise, if those programs are gone. They no longer have a regionally dominated conference and the BIG10 becomes truly national. The BIG10 could even go into Texas and grab a a few to diminish that share. If they take FSU, Clemson, and say UNC then they do have a lock on the Southeast market.

I think the BIG10 stuff with FSU/Clemson was leverage to get the SEC to give them whatever it is that they want.
I'm a ******* idiot? Your post has the grammar and spelling of an 8 year old (and that is an 8 year old with a learning disability). I hope to God you are not an alum as the value of my diploma would go out the window.

The fact that you would quit watching Hurricane football because they didn't get into one of the big 2 conferences just shows you truly aren't a fan of the program. IF that were to happen, you can be disappointed they didn't get in, be ****ed off at the mismanagement of the program, refuse to buy tickets or donate to the program until management changes, but to quit on the program itself? Bush league and an example of the "fan"base that gets maligned by other programs.
Hate to break it to you. I am an alum.
Before you go and throw out your diploma, I’ll provide you with a little consolation, since you seem to find your self worth in others education. I was wasted last night when I posted, after returning from partying with some fellow UM buddies I hadn’t seen in years.

I then came across your idiotic post and felt compelled to respond. In hindsight, I should have left it alone and ignored it, as I normally would if I was in my right mind.

However, my point still stands.
If Miami doesn’t get into one of the two conferences, it will be the death of the program as we know it.

After what this fanbase has been through in the last 20 years, there is nothing but die hard fans left. Fans like myself, that still cling to the hope this program can become competitive again.

If we get stuck in the ACC, that hope is gone.

We are not talking about losing a game here and feeling “disappointed”. The program will have nothing but history at that point, They will no longer even have hope of being relevant.

Perhaps, for you that is acceptable.
However, for me it is not.

If it comes to it, I’m sure UM football will still go on without my support and likely couldn’t care less if continue to watch.
So, why should you care what I do with my Saturday’s?
This Genetics guy is letting his balls hang. Lets see if he is onto something! Yeeeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaah
HE personally wants FSU / Clemson / Miami / UNC in the B10 as soon as possible. He is a B10 guy through and through and he doesn't want to see the SEC step up and grab Clemson / FSU. The 8/14 update on Warchant by Dot stated that if the B10 "signal" comes through by 8/15 then FSU would most likely grab it and be able to play in the B10 in 2024 UNLESS the SEC steps up to the plate and makes "a comparable offer" (what that is ... pure speculation by Genetics is that the media partner would be covering rights buyback) then FSU would be playing in the SEC in 2025 due to scheduling issues. Will something happen now? Who knows. Entertaining at the least. (Comment was that the SEC is 'evaluating' FSU / Clemson / UNC / NcSt).