MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

In time, you’ll know for sure if we our NIL game is strong or not.

True. People have referenced at least two different facets of it - one being the concept of overpaying, another piece using Ruiz business concerns against us re: NIL.

This is where I think its discussion and not some massive argument:
1. NIL budget is a relatively new concept and requires adapting to it
2. Ruiz to the Collective seems like a set of talking points we all could have been spreading for 8 months vs the potential to impact recruiting

IMO the Collective should be posted about more and pinned here. And not in the way of X posters times Y dollars = our very own player like it’s build a bear workshop or something…
This is zero percent FSU is leaving the ACC in the next two days, before the August 15th deadline.

They and Clemson are stuck with us, for better or worse.
Nobody ever said they were leaving the ACC "in the next two days". An early announcement by Aug 15 would mean they were leaving in 2024, while an announcement any time during the next year means leaving in 2025 (or 2026 depending on the new conference preference.) FSU won't be playing in the ACC in 2026 and 99% probability that Miami won't be either.
Nobody ever said they were leaving the ACC "in the next two days". An early announcement by Aug 15 would mean they were leaving in 2024, while an announcement any time during the next year means leaving in 2025 (or 2026 depending on the new conference preference.) FSU won't be playing in the ACC in 2026 and 99% probability that Miami won't be either.

Whenever I DM'd people, I said that I felt we were likely to do something after football season, and that I felt like giving notice by 8/15/2023 was something that would give us max leverage, but not because we would be playing in the Big 10 by 2024.

After Washington/Oregon, I felt like the timetable might be as early as 2024.

I think we have to be aware, as soon as we give notice, we lose our voting rights. So, having seen the expansion efforts, I think that we are going to wait for eight.
Nobody ever said they were leaving the ACC "in the next two days". An early announcement by Aug 15 would mean they were leaving in 2024, while an announcement any time during the next year means leaving in 2025 (or 2026 depending on the new conference preference.) FSU won't be playing in the ACC in 2026 and 99% probability that Miami won't be either.
FSU isn't going anywhere. If they had a clear path/plan to exit the ACC, they wouldn't be running their mouths so much. I wouldn't be surprised if they put out a statement like "we are actively exploring options to leave the ACC", which of course isn't saying anything.
Whenever I DM'd people, I said that I felt we were likely to do something after football season, and that I felt like giving notice by 8/15/2023 was something that would give us max leverage, but not because we would be playing in the Big 10 by 2024.

After Washington/Oregon, I felt like the timetable might be as early as 2024.

I think we have to be aware, as soon as we give notice, we lose our voting rights. So, having seen the expansion efforts, I think that we are going to wait for eight.
In unity there is power! Sometime in the next6-12 months 8-9 ACC programs vote to blow this sucker up.
FSU isn't going anywhere. If they had a clear path/plan to exit the ACC, they wouldn't be running their mouths so much. I wouldn't be surprised if they put out a statement like "we are actively exploring options to leave the ACC", which of course isn't saying anything.
You think getting out of this mess ie easy? If it was WE would be out. They aren't just "running their mouths". They are united from the office of the President, head of the BOT, and AD department. The whole world knows they want out and any conference that ends up taking them will not be in any threat whatsoever of being charged with tampering. There is a lot of horse trading going on behind the scenes as well. I hope that Radakovich and Frenk are as aligned in their opinion of wanting out, at least FSU fans know where their university stands. We are just hoping.
You think getting out of this mess ie easy? If it was WE would be out. They aren't just "running their mouths". They are united from the office of the President, head of the BOT, and AD department. The whole world knows they want out and any conference that ends up taking them will not be in any threat whatsoever of being charged with tampering. There is a lot of horse trading going on behind the scenes as well. I hope that Radakovich and Frenk are as aligned in their opinion of wanting out, at least FSU fans know where their university stands. We are just hoping.
100% agree.
There is .01 percent chance FSU or Clemson is going to be in the ACC at the start of the 2026 season, and would bet any amount of money on it.
Those programs know the ACC is a sinking ship, as does everyone.
However, I seriously doubt their administration is debating if they want to be relevant in football going forward or considering if they should remain in the ACC or consider moving to the big12. If comes down to it, they will pay the penalty just to get out.
I don’t have the same faith in our administration.
I’m sure Radikovich understands what needs to be done, I just hope he has enough pull and support to make it happen.
You’re a ******* idiot. (And I mean that in the most respectful way possible.)

Yes. If don’t get out of the ACC, Miami as football program is DONE, done, dead, dead on arrival, do not rusticate, dead and gone.

I assume your just snot noes kid who knows now difference, and doesn’t understand the world revolves around money.

This is not some great revolution or prophesy. It’s a financial fact.
If we don’t get to the.BIG10 or SEC, the good old days of getting embarrassed and blown out by Bama, LSU, Clemson, Ohio St, FSU. and UF will not only now be probable
(Which it already is) it will be a given.

Those are facts.
If you thought losing to FUI, Louisiana Texh and Middle Tennessee was your worst nightmare, that will be your everyday reality

If you want to keep watching that, that’s your business. But as an an alum and some one who has followythis program for 25 years. It will be too much to bear.

I'm a ******* idiot? Your post has the grammar and spelling of an 8 year old (and that is an 8 year old with a learning disability). I hope to God you are not an alum as the value of my diploma would go out the window.

The fact that you would quit watching Hurricane football because they didn't get into one of the big 2 conferences just shows you truly aren't a fan of the program. IF that were to happen, you can be disappointed they didn't get in, be ****ed off at the mismanagement of the program, refuse to buy tickets or donate to the program until management changes, but to quit on the program itself? Bush league and an example of the "fan"base that gets maligned by other programs.
You think getting out of this mess ie easy? If it was WE would be out. They aren't just "running their mouths". They are united from the office of the President, head of the BOT, and AD department. The whole world knows they want out and any conference that ends up taking them will not be in any threat whatsoever of being charged with tampering. There is a lot of horse trading going on behind the scenes as well. I hope that Radakovich and Frenk are as aligned in their opinion of wanting out, at least FSU fans know where their university stands. We are just hoping.

Wellll....F$U actually IS running their mouths...the President is a lame former politician. The AD has a booster club background at prior stops, including running the F$U booster club immediately before taking the job. Oh, and he was an AD at Central Michigan.

It's amateur hour over there at F$U. They are leaking like a sieve and yapping like a chihuahua.
11k posts, that's crazy.
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You think getting out of this mess ie easy? If it was WE would be out. They aren't just "running their mouths". They are united from the office of the President, head of the BOT, and AD department. The whole world knows they want out and any conference that ends up taking them will not be in any threat whatsoever of being charged with tampering. There is a lot of horse trading going on behind the scenes as well. I hope that Radakovich and Frenk are as aligned in their opinion of wanting out, at least FSU fans know where their university stands. We are just hoping.
Not disagreeing with you. I'm just saying FSU is no closer to getting out than anyone else, despite the saber rattling.

There's also a narrative out there claiming FSU has a standing invite to the B1G. I doubt that seriously.
Wellll....F$U actually IS running their mouths...the President is a lame former politician. The AD has a booster club background at prior stops, including running the F$U booster club immediately before taking the job. Oh, and he was an AD at Central Michigan.

It's amateur hour over there at F$U. They are leaking like a sieve and yapping like a chihuahua.
Fire up Chips!