MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

So you believe that Mario suddenly forgot how to recruit two months ago? Or do you think we have no NIL money?

Because neither are true.

I’m not doubting it’s had an impact, because I would use the strategy if I were them, but I don’t have a read on what level of impact it’s having vs rumors of NIL, 5-7 and any other negative opportunity we’ve been dealt or dealt ourselves…

In terms of Mario “forgetting”, no. Adapting? he should always be adapting… today is not yesterday in college football recruiting.
It’s been said to have been used against us in recruiting, so it was beneficial…

Also, no one is arguing with you… you’re yelling at clouds

You need more zen
Ah you got your prescription?

Today perhaps… I don’t have selective memory. I’m not referring to you.
I’m not doubting it’s had an impact, because I would use the strategy if I were them, but I don’t have a read on what level of impact it’s having vs rumors of NIL, 5-7 and any other negative opportunity we’ve been dealt or dealt ourselves…

In terms of Mario “forgetting”, no. Adapting? he should always be adapting… today is not yesterday in college football recruiting.

Come on, you're capable of better, you don't need to spew "adapting" pablum.

"5-7"? Really? That's been a known known since November 2022. That is NOT what contributed to massive momentum followed by a sudden drought.

"Rumors of NIL"? We are offering money. We always have. Other schools that were not so hot on the NIL trail in the past have gotten back into the game. But "rumors of NIL" is just another generality that people like to cite whenever they oversimplify and look for one-dimensional answers to a complex issue.

Believe what you want t believe, but "5-7" is not some new issue. Will it be helpful to win more games? Of course. But stop acting like 5-stars were interested in our turnaround and suddenly picked another 5-7 team (aTm) because because because "rumors of NIL".

We are being dirty recruited. If you can't get a read on what level of impact it's having, that's your choice.
Come on, you're capable of better, you don't need to spew "adapting" pablum.

"5-7"? Really? That's been a known known since November 2022. That is NOT what contributed to massive momentum followed by a sudden drought.

"Rumors of NIL"? We are offering money. We always have. Other schools that were not so hot on the NIL trail in the past have gotten back into the game. But "rumors of NIL" is just another generality that people like to cite whenever they oversimplify and look for one-dimensional answers to a complex issue.

Believe what you want t believe, but "5-7" is not some new issue. Will it be helpful to win more games? Of course. But stop acting like 5-stars were interested in our turnaround and suddenly picked another 5-7 team (aTm) because because because "rumors of NIL".

We are being dirty recruited. If you can't get a read on what level of impact it's having, that's your choice.

It’s almost all been reported by the experts here, and I also feel that talent acquisition is different today than it was a few years ago pre-portal/NIL craze and it takes a different approach.

- Conference affiliation and Miami being left out or in the ACC
- Ruiz news
- other Miami is poor rhetoric
- 5-7 (winning helps)
- Stigma around the offense

Everyone dirty recruits Miami. Also have. I find it hard to believe Mario can’t overcome some of these predictable conversations - like Miami playing in a power conference in the future.
It's all good, I was giving you a hard time for thinking we will all wait a full year.

Some schools are ****ed. It ain't gonna go that long...
lol I am so ignorant about all of this, I didn't even realize you were giving me a hard time. I really thought we would just have to wait until this time again next year. lol Don't mind me none.
This is zero percent FSU is leaving the ACC in the next two days, before the August 15th deadline.

They and Clemson are stuck with us, for better or worse.
Y’all realize you can in theory do the following:
- file to challenge GOR in court without officially giving notice to leave conference
- concurrently work on getting 8 votes (if that is the #)to dissolve the conference and potentially render the previous point moot before going to trial or settling
We could challenge the GOR and place a future vote in favor of dissolution conditional on receiving majority vote at the same time - without exiting and losing other voting rights.
I’m not doubting it’s had an impact, because I would use the strategy if I were them, but I don’t have a read on what level of impact it’s having vs rumors of NIL, 5-7 and any other negative opportunity we’ve been dealt or dealt ourselves…

In terms of Mario “forgetting”, no. Adapting? he should always be adapting… today is not yesterday in college football recruiting.
In time, you’ll know for sure if we our NIL game is strong or not.
IF that's the game being played in recruiting (I'm personally not really buying the weight it has with high school kids right this moment) then is it not OUR turn?

Can it not be painted when FSU doesn't actually do anything in the immediate future that they're too poor? That they don't have a "committable offer" from the B1G or SEC? That we're working in silence and they were just acting out because they're nervous frauds that couldn't couldn't secure a credit line to leave even to the Big 12?

I mean if made-up narratives and lies were being used against us then FSU doesn't exactly look too alpha here when they essentially crawl back to our dumpster fire conference with their d!ck in their hand.
Smart play to counteract their negative recruiting
SeriouslyYes, I’m serious.
You’re a ******* idiot. (And I mean that in the most respectful way possible.)

Yes. If don’t get out of the ACC, Miami as football program is DONE, done, dead, dead on arrival, do not rusticate, dead and gone.

I assume your just snot noes kid who knows now difference, and doesn’t understand the world revolves around money.

This is not some great revolution or prophesy. It’s a financial fact.
If we don’t get to the.BIG10 or SEC, the good old days of getting embarrassed and blown out by Bama, LSU, Clemson, Ohio St, FSU. and UF will not only now be probable
(Which it already is) it will be a given.

Those are facts.
If you thought losing to FUI, Louisiana Texh and Middle Tennessee was your worst nightmare, that will be your everyday reality

If you want to keep watching that, that’s your business. But as an an alum and some one who has followythis program for 25 years. It will be too much to bear.

You’re a ******* idiot. (And I mean that in the most respectful way possible.)

Yes. If don’t get out of the ACC, Miami as football program is DONE, done, dead, dead on arrival, do not rusticate, dead and gone.

I assume your just snot noes kid who knows now difference, and doesn’t understand the world revolves around money.

This is not some great revolution or prophesy. It’s a financial fact.
If we don’t get to the.BIG10 or SEC, the good old days of getting embarrassed and blown out by Bama, LSU, Clemson, Ohio St, FSU. and UF will not only now be probable
(Which it already is) it will be a given.

Those are facts.
If you thought losing to FUI, Louisiana Texh and Middle Tennessee was your worst nightmare, that will be your everyday reality

If you want to keep watching that, that’s your business. But as an an alum and some one who has followythis program for 25 years. It will be too much to bear.

This looks like it was written by that Ohio State “hey guysm” poster. Except his was a well done act.