MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Hahahaha Gene just can’t bring himself to say M I A M I - used to watcg his clips with Ferman back in the day the week of FSU. Such a smug condescending dude. Even when fsu was putrid - he still acted like they were better than us

"Smug" and "condescending" are two of the first words that come to mind when I think of Gene "Dot ***" Williams. He is a terrible human being who has entire hard drives filled with nearly-naked pictures of F$U athletes.
His very last comment is at odds with something you said early. Didnt you mention theyd lose voting righta after giving notice? Giving notice only works if youve fully abandoned a conference dissolution plan, so there ia a significant downside to just throwing notice around
Hate to break it to you. I am an alum.
Before you go and throw out your diploma, I’ll provide you with a little consolation, since you seem to find your self worth in others education. I was wasted last night when I posted, after returning from partying with some fellow UM buddies I hadn’t seen in years.

I then came across your idiotic post and felt compelled to respond. In hindsight, I should have left it alone and ignored it, as I normally would if I was in my right mind.

However, my point still stands.
If Miami doesn’t get into one of the two conferences, it will be the death of the program as we know it.

After what this fanbase has been through in the last 20 years, there is nothing but die hard fans left. Fans like myself, that still cling to the hope this program can become competitive again.

If we get stuck in the ACC, that hope is gone.

We are not talking about losing a game here and feeling “disappointed”. The program will have nothing but history at that point, They will no longer even have hope of being relevant.

Perhaps, for you that is acceptable.
However, for me it is not.

If it comes to it, I’m sure UM football will still go on without my support and likely couldn’t care less if continue to watch.
So, why should you care what I do with my Saturday’s?

Basketball still bounces my friend!
His very last comment is at odds with something you said early. Didnt you mention theyd lose voting righta after giving notice? Giving notice only works if youve fully abandoned a conference dissolution plan, so there ia a significant downside to just throwing notice around
The full series of comments by @Genetics includes the position that FOX (media partners) are acquiring the media rights .. so the GOR issue goes away ... and that might include some financed handling of the exit fee as well. He had stated earlier on that FOX wanted to get those 4 programs, and a couple at least might have to put up with a partial share for a few years (but that isn't an issue if THEY are buying back the GOR and paying the exit fee). SPECULATION at it's finest at this point. Kind of like ... instead of a date with Penelope Cruz, it becomes a threesome with her and Salma Hayek.
The full series of comments by @Genetics includes the position that FOX (media partners) are acquiring the media rights .. so the GOR issue goes away ... and that might include some financed handling of the exit fee as well. He had stated earlier on that FOX wanted to get those 4 programs, and a couple at least might have to put up with a partial share for a few years (but that isn't an issue if THEY are buying back the GOR and paying the exit fee). SPECULATION at it's finest at this point. Kind of like ... instead of a date with Penelope Cruz, it becomes a threesome with her and Salma Hayek.

His very last comment is at odds with something you said early. Didnt you mention theyd lose voting righta after giving notice? Giving notice only works if youve fully abandoned a conference dissolution plan, so there ia a significant downside to just throwing notice around

It's also at odds with this...

I can fully and freely acknowledge that F$U is the "most impatient" of the ACC teams. And, sure maybe they have a payday loan from JP Morgan to help fund things.

BUT...if you line up 7 other teams to join with you...THEN YOU GET OUT FOR FREE...

The fact remains...once you serve aren't going to vote on anything substantial any longer. Maybe you can participate on "where will we hold the Christmas party this year?". But you can no longer vote to block Stanford-Cal. And you definitely can't vote on whether to dissolve the ACC.

If you vote to kill the don't have to give notice. You don't have to pay. You can probably ignore the GOR, though there may be some litigation.

But as I've said before, F$U is run by impatient amateurs. Like an internet dork who wants to be "FIRST" to respond to any thread, the dopes at F$U may be so eager to leave that they damage themselves. Which would be funny, if it didn't impact us too.

If Clemson and F$U give notice tomorrow and nobody else does, you can play out the numbers. You'd have 13 voting members.

---For expansion, you'd need 10 votes (3 no-votes). 4 "no" votes would block it. Remember what I told you about there being MORE than 4 no-votes already IF IF IF an actual vote would have been taken.

---For dissolution, you'd need 7 votes to dissolve the ACC. Let's say there are 4 Big 10 teams, plus ND. You'd need 2 more to be confident that going to the Big 12 would be equivalent, if not actually better over the long-haul. Seems very do-able.

---The exit fee would become due based upon a stated intent to leave. I'm fairly certain that USC and UCLA still owe money to the Pac 12 regardless of subsequent events and regardless of whether their actions were the first domino. Would be funny to take about $10M off of F$U. GOR probably dissipates even under a multi-step ACC collapse/dissolution, so F$U could get lucky there.
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It's also at odds with this...

I can fully and freely acknowledge that F$U is the "most impatient" of the ACC teams. And, sure maybe they have a payday loan from JP Morgan to help fund things.

BUT...if you line up 7 other teams to join with you...THEN YOU GET OUT FOR FREE...

The fact remains...once you serve aren't going to vote on anything substantial any longer. Maybe you can participate on "where will we hold the Christmas party this year?". But you can no longer vote to block Stanford-Cal. And you definitely can't vote on whether to dissolve the ACC.

If you vote to kill the don't have to give notice. You don't have to pay. You can probably ignore the GOR, though there may be some litigation.

But as I've said before, F$U is run by impatient amateurs. Like an internet dork who wants to be "FIRST" to respond to any thread, the dopes at F$U may be so eager to leave that they damage themselves. Which would be funny, if it didn't impact us too.

If Clemson and F$U give notice tomorrow and nobody else does, you can play out the numbers. You'd have 13 voting members.

---For expansion, you'd need 10 votes (3 no-votes). 4 votes would block it. Remember what I told you about there being MORE than 4 no-votes already IF IF IF an actual vote would have been taken.

---For dissolution, you'd need 7 votes to dissolve the ACC. Let's say there are 4 Big 10 teams, plus ND. You'd need 2 more to be confident that going to the Big 12 would be equivalent, if not actually better over the long-haul. Seems very do-able.

---The exit fee would become due based upon a stated intent to leave. I'm fairly certain that USC and UCLA still owe money to the Pac 12 regardless of subsequent events and regardless of whether their actions were the first domino. Would be funny to take about $10M off of F$U. GOR probably dissipates even under a multi-step ACC collapse/dissolution, so F$U could get lucky there.
I've got a couple of questions.

1. How does a vote for dissolution take place?
2. Are there repercussions for taking such a vote and voting to dissolve if it doesn't pass?

I ask this because if it's just that the conference will be upset with you, I'm pretty sure FSU has already stepped on every available toe.