MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I didn’t read much of the dialogue. I just don’t think people need to insult people for differences of opinion if that’s what’s going on.

I agree. He wasn't insulted for differences of opinion, that's just the lie he is spinning. He was being rude and dismissive to multiple posters who simply rebutted his "Miami is a dying brand" nonsense with facts and figures.

But he's blaming me for being the sixth wrassler to come over the ropes...
Please stop gaslighting us with your passive-aggressive falsehoods.

You never "expected respectful dialogue". You told us that we were not "tough or intimidating" after nobody had said anything harsh towards you, and before I ever commented.

If you want respectful dialogue, you can earn it by starting off respectfully. Not by calling our alma mater "a dying brand" or challenging the toughness of posters who simply disagreed with you and tried to respond to your posts very gently.

But, yes, I'm less patient and more direct after you've been abusive to three different posters with much sweeter dispositions than myself.
I’m still trying to figure out what insult “Gizzy” is. Do you mean “Glizzy”? Like what your wife is giving out for EBT credits? I know you’re old and that’s fine, I’m just trying to understand here. Especially since you put me in my place ya know
I agree. He wasn't insulted for differences of opinion, that's just the lie he is spinning. He was being rude and dismissive to multiple posters who simply rebutted his "Miami is a dying brand" nonsense with facts and figures.

But he's blaming me for being the sixth wrassler to come over the ropes...
Ok. I haven’t read the dialogue and I would prefer not to.
I don’t think this is a long term solution.


1. ND brass r using the B1G payout as their guideline.

2. ND hired NBC’s former Exec as their AD to negotiate their TV deal. ND is ideally looking for a $75m/yr contract, but will settle for no less than $60m b/c

3. ND’s current AD Jack Swarbrick leveraged his relationship w/ UA via his son, Cal, who’s an exec there to get them to pay up. He used “a bidding war” as a means to force UA’s hand (although the conditions of the contract have not been released nor officially confirmed, as the tweet that went out was premature about ND having the richest apparel contract)

So let’s just say for instance ND gets the NBC contract at $60m + ≈$10m+ from UA, that’ll put them on par w/ the SEC & B1G payouts.

Domino 1 appears to have fallen w/ the nepotism between ND & UA, now the question is will Domino 2 fall w/ the cronyism between ND & NBC?
Would winning big games consistently up Miami's viewer number?

Yes. The "magic number" that Genetics cited last night is 4.0 million viewers. We are at 3.9.

At some point can't the rest of the P5 teams just say yeah we're not scheduling you unless you join a conference? Have fun playing FCS and G5 teams until then.

I’m not familiar w/ ND’s scheduling & I’d assume most of their schedule have been put in place between 3-5 yrs in advance. So I’m just not certain how that works or would work.
But this is an eternal issue.

If you want to follow a complex issue, you can't just demand for people to explain it to you like you're five. I realize that some people may not be built for the last 100 pages, and if so, just wait for the inevitable Barry Jacks-off news article once everything is official.

It doesn't matter if something "sounds like a bunch of bull****". It often is, especially with all the misinformation being pumped out of various schools and then "legitimized" via re-Twats and loosely-sourced "articles" from internet fan sites.

So for the posters who want to sit at the adults' table, man up and stop acting like someone can sum this **** up in one sentence.

That’s fair. I selfishly want my good thread back. And don’t want the solid information you and others have been providing to get displaced or overrun with bull****
Actually, the full-vest date of 2021 got pushed back to 2026.

Maryland/Rutgers was based on a now-outdated vision of "but but but, TV market size" that did not sufficiently take into account how passionate those markets were for those particular teams.

The various TV markets in Florida may be a bit smaller than NY/NJ and DMV, but we are football crazy in Florida and would watch the Big 3 on a Sony Watchman if necessary.

I don’t think this is a long term solution.

It's weird.

I don't see the "necessity" for ND to remain independent in football.

The Big 10 money for "all sports" is comparable to Independent Football + Conference Other Sports.

An expanded playoff will not require you to "win the conference".

Most of the "most frequent opponents" for Notre Dame over the last 100 years are, or will be soon, in the Big 10.

Nobody is gonna stop them from playing Navy.

Nobody will prevent them from wearing that Under Armour crap.

What would be sooooooo bad about Notre Dame joining a 20-24 team Big 10?
maybe Canes football should go indy, then we can play the badazz schedules we used to.
Except making those schedules will be much harder when the conferences with the schools we want to play are going to 1) already be playing very difficult schedules with plenty of viewership and likely want to schedule easier out of conference games and 2) will likely expand to 9 (or more) conference game schedules meaning one less out of conference game and #1 becomes even more important to them.
Here it is....I have no sauces except my own common business sense...think about it and see if it makes sense....

ESPN/Disney would be very happy to see the ACC go away and not have to deal with the GOR or the by school payouts. They hope that it does not get challenged in courts because the risk is they lose every penny. They would b every happy to see of they can get each school that wants out to negotiate a buyout of the GOR. That way they get some money.

For instance: FSU pays 120mill exit fee and negotiates a 30 million a year buyout of the GOR. After they leave and the 1st installment is paid, teh ACC falls apart and they at least keep the 30 million (knowing they aren't getting the rest, they are still happy with getting the 30 million.)


Disney has to be nervous with all this movement
The Big 10 is trying to become a national conference visible in as most large markets. Rutgers gave them access to the largest metro area in NYC. Maryland gives them access to the 6th largest metro area in DC. With the addition of USC an UCLA they are now visible in 4 of the 6 largest metro areas in the country. NYC, Chicago, LA and DC. The 5th and 6th largest are in Texas. Guess which city is no. 7? Miami. The flirting makes sense.

Miami also makes sense for purposes of recruiting. tOSU is the only team that recruits like an SEC team and has dominated the conference. The rest of the conference gets access to this market and can catch up
Miami 7? Don't think so. I've seen them ranked anywhere between 8 and 11 depending on which counties in addition to Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach are added.
Arguing that your **** is great because it's a half inch longer than the guy with a three inch **** isn't the best argument.

gizzy never passes up a chance to make a negative Miami comment or comparison. He already has an engraved invitation from The Mope Squad.
I think the GOR is gone regardless in that scenario.
My question on the GOR is how was this $300 million number arrived at? Contracts can have a liquidated damage provision, but you have to have a basis for it. If you pull it out of thin air or it appears too high it can be deemed a penalty and void. Is this number based on what the conference/ESPN would lose if a team left? It's hard to believe that Miami, FSU and Clemson don't bring in more revenue that Duke or Wake Forest. In that case it makes more sense for a Duke to be the one that test the GOR because they may win. However, I can see Duke being left out in the cold if it is successful, and willing to leave things as they are.
gizzy never passes up a chance to make a negative Miami comment or comparison. He already has an engraved invitation from The Mope Squad.
The term for what your wife is providing is “Glizzy”. Gizzy isn’t even an insult. I’d respect you a lot more if your insults were on point. It’s embarrassing man, honestly. Just stick to your made up insider knowledge.
While I tend to agree with you, it's tougher to do than say.

And UGa being so strong lately...makes it quite challenging for GT to just win local fans back to them.
I hear ya. They would have to be creative with scheduling. Atlanta/GA is the center of the universe of college football. People watch it all day long.