MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

It's weird.

I don't see the "necessity" for ND to remain independent in football.

The Big 10 money for "all sports" is comparable to Independent Football + Conference Other Sports.

An expanded playoff will not require you to "win the conference".

Most of the "most frequent opponents" for Notre Dame over the last 100 years are, or will be soon, in the Big 10.

Nobody is gonna stop them from playing Navy.

Nobody will prevent them from wearing that Under Armour crap.

What would be sooooooo bad about Notre Dame joining a 20-24 team Big 10?
I think it's a pride thing for them.
I agree but TOC has said there is some question to it. Hale explains it well and in an obvious way -- if there is a way out, it would have been known by now. either way, once that dust settles, I'll put a number on it if it even requires one. either way, its 120 mil ish exit fee.

Yes, and the "question to it" is not just my own thought process, though I express my opinions strongly and passionately.

But there is also legal scholarship out there that says the true "power" of the GOR-type agreements is not that they are "ironclad", but because everyone is scared to actually challenge the GORs in court.

Also...what could happen? Nobody really knows PROCEDURALLY.

Let's say UM and F$U put in notice, and are accepted by the Big 10 for 2024. WHAT IS ESPN GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? Show up to our first Big 10 home game with a camera crew and announcers and insist that they have the right to broadcast the game? Are they going to try to get an injunction? Demand specific performance?

I'm really not sure that anyone has actually THOUGHT ABOUT what ESPN would do to establish these "rights" that everyone seems to think are so ironclad...
It's weird.

I don't see the "necessity" for ND to remain independent in football.

The Big 10 money for "all sports" is comparable to Independent Football + Conference Other Sports.

An expanded playoff will not require you to "win the conference".

Most of the "most frequent opponents" for Notre Dame over the last 100 years are, or will be soon, in the Big 10.

Nobody is gonna stop them from playing Navy.

Nobody will prevent them from wearing that Under Armour crap.

What would be sooooooo bad about Notre Dame joining a 20-24 team Big 10?
My sentiments exactly.

@Rellyrell Even if they get $60 mill deal, they are still losing money or making less than all the Big 10 programs, if I am not mistaken. Such a bizarre strategy.
You were definitely pushing those PAC teams. What I recall, but I could be wrong, is that you were pushing them in a 16 or 20 team conference ahead of some ACC schools, particularly UNC.

While UNC may end up in the SEC, there’s no way that the Big would take Oregon or Washington over UNC.
Nah not over UNC. Over UVA/GTech, at least for Oregon, Washington, and Stanford.
Yes, and the "question to it" is not just my own thought process, though I express my opinions strongly and passionately.

But there is also legal scholarship out there that says the true "power" of the GOR-type agreements is not that they are "ironclad", but because everyone is scared to actually challenge the GORs in court.

Also...what could happen? Nobody really knows PROCEDURALLY.

Let's say UM and F$U put in notice, and are accepted by the Big 10 for 2024. WHAT IS ESPN GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? Show up to our first Big 10 home game with a camera crew and announcers and insist that they have the right to broadcast the game? Are they going to try to get an injunction? Demand specific performance?

I'm really not sure that anyone has actually THOUGHT ABOUT what ESPN would do to establish these "rights" that everyone seems to think are so ironclad...
"Rights" only exist through somw sort of compelling actual force.

Law of Universe.
My sentiments exactly.

@Rellyrell Even if they get $60 mill deal, they are still losing money or making less than all the Big 10 programs, if I am not mistaken. Such a bizarre strategy.

I’ve said many times, ND has a very pious & pompous view of themselves. They love being the big fish in a small pond, regardless if it hurts them in various ways.

When most athletics were w/ Russell, ND chose Champion. When most athletics went Nike or Reebok, ND chose Adidas.
When most athletics went Nike or Adidas, ND chose UA
When most athletics went from Ind to a conference, ND chose to stay Ind.

This is their mantra; they need to feel this self importance which is y despite what happened w/ O$U, ND will always be my most hated, tied w/ UF. It boggles my mind they have an opportunity to step into the 21st century, & they r being dogmatic in trying to say Independent, EVEN if they lose an extra $75m-$100m over a 10 yr period in the process. That’s asinine to me, but that’s what ND does.

I hope it all backfires in their face & they r forced to come off that high horse.
Finebaum thinks the SEC will take FSU if they notify the ACC that they are leaving. He said you can’t really pay attention to what Sankey has said publicly.
My sentiments exactly.

@Rellyrell Even if they get $60 mill deal, they are still losing money or making less than all the Big 10 programs, if I am not mistaken. Such a bizarre strategy.
They might be making less, but if they are still able to be part of the playoff and they have total autonomy it's probably worth it to them.

Or put another way, if you could take a slight pay cut, still be comfortable (or more than comfortable) and be your own boss, would you?

Now the way the conferences could eventually force this is to just stop scheduling ND as out of conference games. If ND does not have any marquee games to play then their value will drop and they will have to join a conference.

This is the other contention, the B1G wanted and needed the LA market because Fox told them that's how to get more from their next media rights deal. When teams get outwardly thirsty then the league knows they can do a cut-rate deal because those schools need the conference more than the conference needs the school. FSU is gonna end up making nil after buying out the GOR then taking a cut-rate deal from the B10. Sit back, let them blow up the ACC, then let the leagues come to Miami on MIAMI'S terms. Otherwise we might as well stay in the ACC.
Maybe Rad was trying to

This feeds into what my theory was on what the teams that want to leave the ACC should do. They should approach the ACC and let them know they want to leave and if the ACC wants to continue existing they need to add new teams and renegotiate the gor to allow teams to leave. If the ACC were to add pac 10 teams then it could continue to exist even if Florida State Clemson and Miami as well as others left, and takes away the possibility of the ACC dissolving