MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I didn’t have anything to say to the “elderly” until he suggested that I should’ve died in a hurricane that destroyed my home when I was a kid. But I’m the one out of line?

All I’m saying is the people here with tens of thousands of posts think because they were bullied when they were kids and their lives are **** because this board is the only thing they got, that they are better than other people. You aren’t. People should be able to say what they think without being cussed at or told they should’ve died. All I’m saying, and if gapespy and the “elders” want to talk **** back and forth, let’s do it.

Nobody suggested that you should've died. Grow up.

I just wish you would have been forced to relocate out of state, as many people in New Orleans did post-Katrina.
BUT if you DO have 7 plus ND then you're covered for dissolution. Then it is on to the GOR which would be more difficult for ESPN to "manage" without an ACC conference and the possibility of teams in 4 different conferences.
I think the GOR is gone regardless in that scenario.
Now you're crying about your feels?

Look, gizzy, you want to jump into the opinion arena, you need to be prepared for disagreement and counterarguments.

Stop whining because your "opinions" are uninformed, and people told you as much.
Not in my feels at all, simply stating facts. I don’t know what it’s like to be an elderly cuck in a basement like you do pretending that I know people. But hey, if that makes you feel better cause you can’t get your **** up anymore, knock yourself out.
I'd say their are 5 solid landing spots, and more if the SEC gets in the game. Problem is, the SEC might not have enough flagships to chase.

The key to getting 8 or more votes would be if some schools want to join the Big 12 for equivalent money. Cause the "more money" crowd is unlikely to be bigger than 7 at this time.
I’d say you don’t know what the **** you’re talking about
I don't get the Maryland/Rutgers route over someone like VaTech or Virginia or GT
The Big 10 is trying to become a national conference visible in as most large markets. Rutgers gave them access to the largest metro area in NYC. Maryland gives them access to the 6th largest metro area in DC. With the addition of USC an UCLA they are now visible in 4 of the 6 largest metro areas in the country. NYC, Chicago, LA and DC. The 5th and 6th largest are in Texas. Guess which city is no. 7? Miami. The flirting makes sense.

Miami also makes sense for purposes of recruiting. tOSU is the only team that recruits like an SEC team and has dominated the conference. The rest of the conference gets access to this market and can catch up
I think the GOR is gone regardless in that scenario.
That obviously is the hope. Getting 7 + ND does seem doable. Maybe the FSU public "cry for help" yesterday will goad a couple of programs into being more proactive when looking at the future.
That obviously is the hope. Getting 7 + ND does seem doable. Maybe the FSU public "cry for help" yesterday will goad a couple of programs into being more proactive when looking at the future.
Maybe, I was hoping that that would have already happened behind the scenes (maybe it has)
The Big 10 is trying to become a national conference visible in as most large markets. Rutgers gave them access to the largest metro area in NYC. Maryland gives them access to the 6th largest metro area in DC. With the addition of USC an UCLA they are now visible in 4 of the 6 largest metro areas in the country. NYC, Chicago, LA and DC. The 5th and 6th largest are in Texas. Guess which city is no. 7? Miami. The flirting makes sense.

Miami also makes sense for purposes of recruiting. tOSU is the only team that recruits like an SEC team and has dominated the conference. The rest of the conference gets access to this market and can catch up
They did however make mistakes with the Rutgers and Maryland evaluations. Large markets that don't follow college football don't convert into viewers and commercial revenue. That is why the evaluation model has now changed and PROGRAM VIEWERS is now the key metric.
I don't get the Maryland/Rutgers route over someone like VaTech or Virginia or GT
B/c he is talking about what the BIG10 would look like and we haven't yet reached the point where conferences are kicking out schools
season 8 episode 6 GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
Yes. People insulting others who aren’t trolls simply because they don’t like their opinions - and can’t restrain themselves from lashing out like mongoloids - are creating conflicts and discouraging participation
Fox and ESPN or both owned by Disney which is a sinking ship
Fox sports isn't owned by Disney, although FOX has its own different money issue it is facing. Either way, personally, I don't think money is really an issue. Football tv makes money in the US. Espn/disney have made poor decisions but they still have money. Something that isn't really mentioned is that Disney is always willing to cut something out they invested in if it is not making expected returns. Even if they lose money in the short term. ACCN to me might become an example of this. I can't imagine espn makes much off it when you take into account its costs. So, yes, although they have cheap value, would espn be better off cutting those costs and flipping some if that to more sec games, even if sec games cost more? I'm sure they're crunching those figures.

B1G/SEC are playing the long game. We heard hiw B1G was not interested I Oregon and Washington. Now that pac12 is falling apart those programs are getting more desperate and, if rumors are true, willing to take lesser shares. This could be good value for B1G. It makes sense why they wouldnt consider these schools until pac12 deal was revealed. B1G has even more leverage. If Arizona schools, Utah leave, Oregon and Washington's only real choice is full Big 12 deal or less than full B1G deal. This would also vause acc teams to make decisions more quickly, giving B1G, SEC more leverage.
Racism / Bigotry
Arguing that your **** is great because it's a half inch longer than the guy with a three inch **** isn't the best argument.
Ok let me answer on a mongoloid level because a lot of you people in here have to be slightly retarded or at least autistic right? It’s the only thing that makes sense. And I apologize because I donate a lot of time and money for special needs people and it makes me feel guilty going back and forth with some of you, who frankly should’ve just been backshots but here we are.

Some of you mongoloids don’t understand what the term relevancy means. FSU is more relevant RIGHT now. Will they be in the future? Hopefully not. But if you think that Miami means more nationally than FSU just because you’re a fan and hate FSU, you’re delusional.

Just because gayspyin and limpycane have circle jerks in their basement and make **** up to you, doesn’t make it true.
I'd say their are 5 solid landing spots, and more if the SEC gets in the game. Problem is, the SEC might not have enough flagships to chase.

The key to getting 8 or more votes would be if some schools want to join the Big 12 for equivalent money. Cause the "more money" crowd is unlikely to be bigger than 7 at this time.

Even if the money is even between ACC vs Big12, the big12 tv deal matures 7 years earlier than acc. So they’ll get a bump then
I didn’t have anything to say to the “elderly” until he suggested that I should’ve died in a hurricane that destroyed my home when I was a kid. But I’m the one out of line?

All I’m saying is the people here with tens of thousands of posts think because they were bullied when they were kids and their lives are **** because this board is the only thing they got, that they are better than other people. You aren’t. People should be able to say what they think without being cussed at or told they should’ve died. All I’m saying, and if gapespy and the “elders” want to talk **** back and forth, let’s do it.
Im still.lost as to who?
Which is what my response was about. I was asking how marketable is this university the last couple decades? When we have a good season, sure. How many games last year were left off of national tv? Seemed like quite a bit to me.

If what I was saying doesn’t come across then there is nothing I can do for you either. Winning and marketability goes hand in hand with all that. I don’t recall many games lately setting viewing records.

I'm going to be nice, since you can't handle criticism.

Please, sir, stop lying.

You were NOT "asking how marketable is this university the last couple decades". I'm about to post what you said, and this is not going to go well for you.

You called Miami "a dying brand for years". That's not a question. That's a noxious and false statement from you, not an honest inquiry as to "how marketable" Miami is.

I was not even the first person to respond to you. First was @Alex Del Piero . Then @Midlo Cane Fan . Then you trotted out the word "delusional". After that, @Rickd responded. And then @Midlo Cane Fan again.

So my response was the FIFTH one to address your garbage. It was no longer about answering "good faith questions" from you. It was a response to your negative comments and aggressive challenges to better posters than yourself.

YOU STARTED all of the escalation. You told us how "none of us are tough or intimidating" and that we are being delusional.

And all of this poison came before I said even one word to you.

So, please, do everyone a favor, sir, and just stop lying about what you said and what you did and how you picked fights with three other posters before I ever responded to you directly. Because the internet is forever. And I have receipts.

And if the only people who upvote you are mopes like skyman and oso4lyf, maybe you should look in the mirror and make a change in your sad life.


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