MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations


So what if ACC capitulates (didnt work for Big 12 and UT) and gives FSU, Clemson, and Miami payouts that equal SEC/Big10 levels?

ACC still breaks up, that is an untenable situation.

In college, I told my fraternity brothers that I was going to break up with my girlfriend if she couldn't figure out a way to narrow the "hotness gap" between herself and Elle MacPherson.

This approach also did not bring about the desired results...
so miami doesnt help at all with the numbers? **** this putz.

Yes, we are "the others". Just like in every comment made by every F$U administrator, employee, and interwebz writer.

When 100 different people all do the same exact thing to you in seemingly "independent" fashion, you have to realize that it's intentional. It's not your paranoia.
In college, I told my fraternity brothers that I was going to break up with my girlfriend if she couldn't figure out a way to narrow the "hotness gap" between herself and Elle MacPherson.

This approach also did not bring about the desired results...

What were Elle MacPherson’s ***** like when you were dating her?
In college, I told my fraternity brothers that I was going to break up with my girlfriend if she couldn't figure out a way to narrow the "hotness gap" between herself and Elle MacPherson.

This approach also did not bring about the desired results...
You dated Elle as well?

Between myself, you, and Mike Soffer, she made the rounds.
Was this a Roth vs Sasser comment or was Sasser's implying "we dont fill stadium with ACC teams, but we would with SEC/Big10 teams..."?

We need a translator.

Does anyone here speak in FSU-esque monosylabic grunting and gesticulating?

FSU just proved that we’re all stuck in this **** conference. Turn off the lights. By 2026 there’s gonna be 40 programs playing in the big leagues while FSU, Clemson and Miami play in the minor leagues.
nope, we are all leaving, they have found a way out of the GOR
The funniest thing that could happen at this point is an “out of nowhere” announcement from Rad and Frenk that we are leaving and FSU’s PR word vomit and nonsense leaves them nothing
Alright, if anyone wants an educated guess as to what is really happening here...

Clearly, the ACC has some "undertainty" about the timing, cost, and/or likelihood of escaping the GOR.

I believe that EARLIER, one or more potential defectees were hopeful that someone would pay (or subsidize) their bar tab, and that they wouldn't have to pay the bill in full.

But when a couple of drunk butterfaces showed up at last call and offered half-price BJs (Washington/Oregon), I think the money available for GOR buyouts disappeared as if Thanos snapped his fingers.

And now a couple of ACC schools are hesitant to put their money where their mouths were, though F$U is a particularly beliigerent *****.

UM is keeping its powder dry. I'm not saying we WANT to pay a lot of money to get out of the GOR, but we don't have to answer to any state politicians either.

I've said it before, and I while I WOULD LIKE TO NEGOTIATE A SETTLEMENT, we need to challenge the original GOR and/or the extension as unenforceable.
