MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

It had been discussed on a couple of the twitter threads that OR / WA were potentially being offered a reduced share to join the B10 (just like Maryland and Rutgers when they joined) since they were not targets for this period. Miami / FSY according to all comments from the B10 guru (@genetics 56) are THE prime conference addition targets for this cycle and would be full share members from the outset.
Ok thanks I appreciate it

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FSU and Clemson are really tag teaming this for them to mention them as the revenue leaders.

Is Miami just getting squeezed out here? It’s odd how quiet it is for UM considering Rado’s Clemson ties and alignment to FSU.
FSU prez literally saying nothing.
hes just saying were going to leave but not right now. the biggest question is which schools file their intent to leave by the 15th with FSU. id venture to guess for sure clemson since he specifically mentioned them by name. Id assume us as well and likely UNC.